Start with an Archangel

Chapter 812 Rescue Mission

Oops... I've been talking nonsense for a long time!

However, after thinking deeply, Daliang felt that Metatron might have another purpose. Otherwise, since he firmly believed that his mistake was unforgivable, why didn't he just leave instead of spending a long time here having fun with himself.

He also used Julian's potential and future achievements to seduce him, almost saying: Come to my bowl.

Da Liang, who couldn't figure out Metatron's true thoughts, decided not to guess charades with Metatron. Anyway, his main body is in the Black Fire Territory. The Judgment Territory can develop better. If it cannot develop, he himself will save some financial and resources.

So Da Liang said directly to Metatron: "The whole incident has happened and it is irreversible. Since I have made a mistake, I am willing to accept your punishment..."

Daliang's attitude of acknowledging his mistakes and admitting his punishment caused Metatron to nod his head in approval, and he said: "Yes, you will be punished if you make a mistake. You finally have some moral character that I recognize.

I have a task for you,

If you can complete it, I can not only restore Yunzhong City's attitude toward you to normal, but I can even provide you with some conveniences. "

Sure enough, you are waiting for me here.

Daliang asked: "What is the mission?"

Metatron said: "You know that all the archangels who are guarding the Lord of Hell are affected to varying degrees, and evil is changing them. This is not a fall. Fallen angels may also transform back into angels. Hell Angels are truly turning to chaos. evil.

Except for Julian, the other four affected archangels are all under our control. Originally they were supposed to undergo purification and transform into light elements to wait for new births. But some supreme angels want to see what the complete Hell Angels look like and whether their strength can make Hell a little more chaotic.

Now these four archangels are imprisoned in the prison where the Hell Lord King was originally detained, and the evil energy inside is used to accelerate their transformation.

I think this is wrong, we have failed these children and we cannot continue to make this wrong.

Will you rescue them? "

Not to mention the difficulty of this task, Daliang felt that Yunzhong City would do anything to win the plane war.

Release the hell lord king and mess up the kingdom of death...

Now he is accelerating his transformation into the complete body of Hell's Angel, and even his own people are being framed and plotted against him.

It's not fair and aboveboard, I guess only demons can do these things.

Daliang didn't want to get involved with Yunzhong City for no reason. According to Yunzhong City's current style, he might be sold out at some point.

After listening to the mission given by Metatron, Daliang not only complained: "Lord Metatron, why do I feel that what Yunzhong City is doing now is completely contrary to kindness and justice.

It's like hell, chaotic and evil. "

Metatron was not angry because of Daliang's inappropriate words. He said calmly: "No angel will like this war, but we are all doing what we think is right. For the survival of the race, even if we all know that the angels It’s not in our nature to do things, but we have to do them.”

It seems that there is a major secret behind this plane war.

Daliang asked: "What happened? Yunzhong City had to launch this war."

Metatron remained silent.

Daliang said unwillingly: "Sir, if you don't make it clear, I can't take on this task."

Who would have thought that Metatron said: "I don't force you to rescue them, it's just that talking about Julian made me suddenly think of them. Since you have no intention of completing my mission, then I will go back."

Seeing that Metatron was really about to leave, Daliang hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I'll save him, can't I save him?"

So Da Liang received the task of rescuing the four archangels from Metatron.

The detention locations of the four archangels are shown on Daliang's map, all in the ocean of the main world.

One in the Pacific Ocean, one in the Indian Ocean, one in the Atlantic Ocean, and one in the Arctic Ocean.

After Metatron's introduction.

Daliang knew that the cemetery territory originally used as a disguise had been demolished, leaving only the prison buried under the sea. The prison was guarded by the Deep Sea Janna tribe employed by Yunzhong City.

The Deep Sea Janna tribe does not have a complete social system and is a half-monster, half-intelligent species. You cannot be recruited, but you can barter with them, provided that your strength prevents them from directly robbing you. These primitive tribes in the ocean have very strong underwater fighting capabilities and can drive large and ferocious marine creatures. They are one of the formidable enemies of ocean navigation.

In the player's sea chart, all sea areas where the Janna tribe appears are marked as extremely dangerous areas. According to the current maritime strength that players have, there is almost no good way to face the Janna tribe attacking from underwater.

Yunzhong City's employment of the Deep Sea Janna Tribe can effectively protect the prison underwater. At the same time, the strength of Yunzhong City also allows the Deep Sea Janna Tribe to abide by this employment deal honestly.

"Earl Daliang, your growth surprises me. I also know that Shangjiang City where you are located has very strong maritime strength and is capable of rescuing the imprisoned Archangel.

However, I remind you that it is best to rescue the angels imprisoned everywhere in the shortest possible time. I can buy you a day in Cloud City, and one day later the angel will reach the prison through the portal. When the time comes, I won’t be able to save you. "

Da Liang carefully recorded all the mission prompts given by Metatron. When he heard that the four prisons must be rescued at the same time, why: "The four prisons are so far apart, and the fleet encountered unexpected emergencies while sailing for a long time at sea." There are too many incidents, and the prison is guarded by the Deep Sea Janna clan. I want to rescue all the sea areas at the same time...

too difficult. "

Metatron said: "I don't ask you to rescue them all. If you can rescue one, it is considered as my best effort. If you really have the ability to get them out of the evil trouble, I can make them all your subordinates." "

This kind of real reward immediately aroused Daliang's interest.

These are four archangels...

The archangel who can be entrusted with the important task of guarding the Lord King of Hell is definitely not an ordinary mortal. According to Julian's analysis, most of the four archangels are double A-level, and the lowest is A-level.

To be able to recruit so many high-potential angels, this task must be done well and completed with quality and quantity.

"Lord Metatron, leave this task to me. I promise to rescue all four imprisoned archangels."

[Ding, Metatron's favorability towards you has increased, and Cloud City's attitude towards you has changed to: normal]

The attitude of Yunzhong City was finally resolved, and the development of the Judgment Territory was back on track.

Now go back and think about how to launch an attack on four prisons at the same time and complete the rescue within one day. The difficulty is not ordinary.

Fortunately, Metatron does not impose a time limit, so you can think of ways slowly.

Sogou input method caused computer lag, so I changed to a new input method. I was not used to it, which caused too many typos, and it took a long time to change it.

Just two updates today.

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