Start with an Archangel

Chapter 816 Early Investigation

Don't tell gossip reporters the correct answer. Let them guess. That's the best answer.

Ban Yue Mao kept praising Daliang, as if Daliang was the best boyfriend. But she refused to talk about her relationship with Daliang, but her words, eyes and actions could not help but make reporters think wildly and make bold guesses.

Not getting a definite answer, the reporters were still unwilling to give in. They all turned their microphones to Da Liang.

"Mr. Daliang, you and Ms. Half-Moon Cat staged an earth-shattering love affair for everyone in the film. Did you create sparks during the filming? Is Ms. Half-Moon Cat your ideal partner?"

Da Liang glanced at the Half Moon Cat, which was getting closer and closer...

During the filming of the movie, did you take good care of you? Why don't you remember me at all? It seems that you, like me, use a body double for most of the scenes. What dangers can you encounter?

Facing reporters' questions, Daliang replied: "Don't talk nonsense, Sister Mao and Fei Sha Zuoshi are in love. Fei Sha and Zuoshi and I have never known each other before, and we cherish each other. My care for Sister Mao is completely for Fei The boss takes care of his girlfriend.”

When the reporters recalled the manner and answers of the half-moon cat just now, they felt that this care was not literal care.

oops! This answer is very profound!

Boss Fei's head seems a little green.

Big news.

When the excited reporters were preparing to hype up this big news, Da Liang felt a heartbreaking pain in his waist.

The half-moon cat's whisper reached his ears: "Mr. Liang, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense."

Daliang endured the pain and replied: "I'm a famous beauty who has a master. If you are having an affair with me, don't you want me to go home and take care of the family? I think you and Feishanzushi are a good match. You are the master of the outside and he is the master of the house. They have complementary advantages." .

When you have a wedding banquet that day, don’t forget to send me an invitation. "

With the attitude that I can't find my future wife and I won't let you succeed, Daliang started to match up Shi Fei and Ban Yue Mao.

Half-Moon Cat smiled and said, "I can't see through you two anymore."

Daliang asked alertly: "What's going on?"


Ban Yue Mao released his hold on Daliang's arm and answered the reporters' questions with a smile on his face. The witty remarks and decent answers made all the reporters feel that they had gained a great harvest, and then they left with satisfaction.

Then Ban Yue Mao did not bother Da Liang, and left the theater from the backstage after saying goodbye politely.

Da Liang felt relieved and walked to the chair next to Shu Xiao and sat down.

Then he greeted Gu Tao on the other side of Shu Xiao: "Hello, Junior Sister Taozi, Senior Brother, are my acting skills very good? I think it should be okay to get a few Best Actors and win a few awards."

Gu Tao smiled and said, "Senior brother, I think it's totally fine for you to win a few big prizes because of your bragging skills."

The three of them laughed, dispersing the slightly awkward atmosphere just now.

At this time, Shu Xiao asked Daliang: "Having been here for so long, has anything happened?"

Daliang said: "The American Game Zone is causing trouble for us at sea, and the Northern and Southern Lords Alliance wants to take advantage of the popularity of "The Return of the Wrathful Sea" to strengthen our maritime strength.

In terms of the overall strategy, we just need to follow orders.

By the way, I've already taken care of Metatron's side. The Judgment Territory can now carry out normal territory tasks. You two are still in charge of matters in the Heroic Spirit World. The goal is to fully upgrade the territory level and catch up with the first echelon of territory development as soon as possible. .

I just received a mission from Metatron. As long as we can complete it, we can be considered on the Metatron line. Metatron has a high prestige in Cloud City and is the number two figure in the angel clan. He may be able to bring us some benefits in the future. "

Shu Xiao asked: "What mission did you receive from Metatron? Do you need our help?"

Daliang thought for a moment and said: "I definitely need your help. When we get back, we will go online and meet up at the adjudication center. Let's go to the reconnaissance mission location first.

The second episode of "The Return of the Furious Sea" is about to begin. Would you like to watch it again with me, or go back first? "

"Watch it again with you."

The lights in the cinema went out and the second show of "The Return of the Furious Sea" began to play.

After watching the movie, Daliang and Shu Xiao sent Gu Tao back to school and then returned home.


Daliang appeared in the birth pool of Yunzhong City. After seeing that the unborn angels had been picked up by him, Daliang used Return to the City to return to Shangjiang, and then teleported to the Judgment Territory.

Shu Xiao and Gu Tao were already waiting there, with Archangel Walsh and Azure Crystal Dragon Emily in their hero orders respectively.

Asking Shu Xiao and Gu Tao to find the diving beads, Daliang returned to the Kingdom of Death and brought Julian here with the Hero Order.

Diving beads can give non-aquatic creatures the ability to move and survive underwater, and they have a chance to be obtained by killing aquatic monsters. Affected by the explosion rate, the value of diving beads is relatively high and is not a regular consumable item. However, this is an essential prop for navigation, and the Judgment Legion has a lot of reserves in its warehouse.

After bringing the required supplies, the super strike team completed its assembly and entered the long-distance fixed-point portal under the leadership of Da Liang.

Then the team appeared above a sea.

Daliang and Shu Xiao spread their wings, Gu Tao rode the green crystal dragon, and the three of them hovered above the sea.

Looking at the boundless sea surface and then looking at his map, Shu Xiao asked: "Why did this mission go so far? It's almost to Antarctica."

"The coordinates Metatron gave me are here." Daliang also looked at his map. They are now in the sea between Australia and Antarctica. According to the tips given by Metatron, the person who originally imprisoned Angela The prison was directly beneath them in the ocean floor.

After confirming that there were no transmission errors, Daliang took Shu Xiao and Gu Tao to a location about one kilometer away from the coordinates.

After using a diving bead, Daliang said to Shu Xiao and Gu Tao: "The mission prompt said that there is a deep-sea Janna tribe in the water below. This should be regarded as the outer edge of the Janna tribe. You guys wait here, I will first Go down and check it out. I will create an exclusive channel on the legion channel and tell you anything in it."

Daliang established a communication room in the legion channel, pulled Shu Xiao and Gu Tao in, and then dived into the water.

The cemetery that was originally here has been demolished by Yunzhong City, and the breath of death has dissipated, making the sea water here much clearer than that of the Black Fire Territory. The sunlight refracts with the water flow underwater to form swaying light curtains, allowing good visibility underwater.

Da Liang activated his stealth, slowly dived, and landed on the bottom of the sea after landing about 50 meters.

First hiding behind a coral reef, Da Liang carefully observed the surrounding environment. Except for the leisurely feeding fish, no trace of Deep Sea Janna was found around.

"It's safe for now, you can come down." Daliang sent a message to Shu Xiao and Gu Tao, then identified the direction and slowly erased it forward: "I will continue to walk forward, you will follow behind, keep your distance...' Ni But the jump seems to be restricted underwater. If I am surrounded, you have to pull me back."

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