Start with an Archangel

Chapter 817 Meeting Janna for the first time

Under water, both fire magic and air magic are affected to a certain extent, and water magic can be strengthened. What Daliang happens to not be good at is water magic, so reaching advanced earth magic has become Daliang's focus skill underwater.

iron stone armor

stone skin body care

Protective Aegis

Daliang applied an earth-based buffing magic to himself. After seeing that Shu Xiao and Gu Tao had dived down from above, Daliang slowly groped forward against the bottom of the sea.

There are all kinds of rocks and corals everywhere on the seabed, and the dense aquatic plants make the environment of this seabed extremely complex.

Not far away, Da Liang saw a deep sea Janna patrol team swimming over.

Abyssal Janna looks like a human body with a fish tail. Adult Abyssal Janna is very strong. The length of head and tail is generally more than 2 meters, and the boss level can reach three meters. Deep Sea Janna's attacks are mainly physical attacks. They use the bone spurs of large fish to make spears, and their powerful tail slaps are also high-damage attack skills.

In addition, there is a kind of coral polyp that lives in symbiosis with Deep Sea Cana. This kind of polyp will produce coral outside Cana's skin. Over time, it turns into a special armor, which also makes Deep Sea Cana's appearance appear to be bumpy everywhere. , extremely weird.

This deep sea Janna team swam over consisted of ten Janna. The leader Janna was much larger than the others and should be an elite monster.

They were cleaning up the undead underwater along the patrol route.

These undead souls all come from the cemetery territory that was previously established here. Tens of millions of skeleton soldiers were produced over ten thousand years. Although the archangel guarding here will clean up the excess skeleton soldiers every once in a while, some always slip through the net. The skeleton soldiers are hiding somewhere under the sea.

Now that a Deep Sea Janna tribe has migrated here, these undead souls that disgust them have become the first targets to be eliminated.

After several large-scale clearings, there were very few undead in this ocean. This Janna team searched so carefully that they kept staring at the crevices in the reefs on the seabed, and for a while they did not notice Shu diving from the sea. Xiao and Gu Tao.

In the complex background of the seabed, Shu Xiao and Gu Tao did not recognize Deep Sea Janna for a while. When Janna was stationary or swimming slowly, they looked too much like a coral stone.

Daliang immediately warned Shu Xiao and Gu Tao, but the distance between the two sides was too close, and Janna could see the two of them as long as they raised their heads.

It seems the only option is to fight.

"Get ready to attack. This place already belongs to the territory of the Deep Sea Janna Tribe. Once a battle breaks out, Janna's reinforcements will definitely come over quickly. Let's fight quickly and kill this Janna team and then move and hide immediately."

After Shu Xiao and Gu Tao replied that they were ready.

Daliang said: "The battle started. Taozi mixed up the water here with water magic to disperse Janna, and then teleported Shu Xiao to the elite Janna. Shu Xiao, I will leave that big thing to you; Taozi and I are responsible for the rest. Monster.

End the battle within four minutes, then retreat to the water grass to the south.

Follow my orders and prepare to attack.

3, 2, 1, let’s go! "

Gu Tao has mastered advanced water magic. After hearing Daliang's attack order, she threw the prepared magic towards Janna's team.

At this moment, Team Janna seemed to notice something. When they looked up, a magic exploded right in front of their eyes.

The surrounding seawater began to rotate, and the impact of different currents turned the sea area upside down. Janna's team scattered and lost their formation under the impact of the current. They rolled over with the sea water and were out of control.

When the rotating water leveled off, Gu Tao used teleportation to send Shu Xiao to the elite Janna. Shu Xiao, who appeared next to the elite Janna, was very comfortable and chopped the skills that had been charged on Janna. On the head of Na.

Archangel Wall appears and follows with another blow

The two angel swords cut down, and the leader of Janna couldn't help but let out a cry.

The whole coordination and timing were perfect and smooth. One attack caused heavy damage to the most dangerous monster, and even caused the leader Janna to faint briefly.

At this time, all Janna's attention was directed upwards, and Da Liang took the opportunity to rush over.

Slowdown reduces the speed of all Janna.

Then he threw a Heartbroken and a Grief-stricken at the leader of Janna who woke up.

Then the meteorite technique

Summon Iron Fist

convex stone thorn

A series of spells were released from Da Liang's hands, catching Janna by surprise. After Daliang entered the battlefield, facing a Janna rushing towards him, he directly "expelled" Janna and threw her to an unknown plane.

The skill began to cool down, and other Janna came to attack, and Daliang waved to release Julian.

Julian slashed the rough-skinned, thick-blooded Janna into two ends with one slash, killing her instantly.

Gu Tao used the Mirror Image Technique on Julian, and a mirror image with the same attack power as Julian appeared. Another slash in the air, and Janna was instantly killed.

The Green Crystal Dragon was summoned by Gu Tao, and with its prismatic breath, it struck first with an all-out attack...

The super strike team attacked them from above and below Janna, first causing chaos and then adding status, and their magic skills worked in perfect harmony. From the beginning of the battle, Daliang and the other three controlled the rhythm of the battle. Before a strong Janna team could fully demonstrate its capabilities, they were attacked from everywhere, disintegrated and eliminated.

The battle in this sea area alerted the Janna tribe, and groups of Janna swam out from the settlement. They moved very fast underwater, and formed a bowl-shaped three-dimensional formation as they advanced, covering the sea area where the battle took place.

When Janna from the brigade arrived, they found no trace of the enemy except for the bodies of their companions.

The death of their companions aroused the anger of the Janna. They let out a piercing roar, and then spread out to look for the hidden enemy. Any fish they found in their path were slaughtered by them.

The evil will be revealed.

Daliang, Shu Xiao, and Gu Tao lurked in the water plant area. This investigation was more difficult than Daliang imagined. Janna's fighting power is very strong, and they swarm whenever there is any movement. They move quickly and quickly underwater. If you want to fight them in the sea, you must be mentally prepared to pay a heavy price but fail to achieve your goal.

Seeing the searching Janna getting closer and closer, Shu Xiao asked, "What should we do? We can't even enter Janna's settlement, let alone survey and photograph the terrain there."

Da Liang was also very distressed.

Janna is a half-monster, half-intelligent species in the game. Like ordinary monsters, they will not turn a blind eye to battles beyond a certain distance; nor will they return to the original place after leaving the refresh point for a certain period of time.

On the contrary, every flaw must be reported, and any enemy will be pursued in hot pursuit.

With the abilities of Daliang and the three of them, it is impossible to force their way in.

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