Start with an Archangel

Chapter 818 Investigation

Since sneaking in or forcefully breaking in won't work, all that's left is to lure the enemy and lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Before the searching Janna dragged them into the battle, Daliang asked Shu Xiao and Gu Tao to return to the city, and the three of them returned to the Judgment Territory together.

Da Liang made a new plan.

“It seems that this investigation is more difficult than I thought, but this battle also shows that Deep Sea Janna is very vindictive. Killing one of their patrol teams attracted a group of them.

We can use Janna's habit to lure them out of the settlement in batches. Then he airborne directly over their heads to conduct forcible reconnaissance. "

Both Shu Xiao and Gu Tao thought Daliang's proposal was feasible.

So the three-person team continued the operation.

Locate the teleporter first, then sneak in from the other side of Janna's gathering area. They used the fastest speed to eliminate a Janna patrol. When a group of Janna was attracted, the three of them used the Return to the City to return to the Judgment Territory before being involved in the battle.

Continuing to use positioning and teleportation, sneak attacks were carried out at the Janna gathering place from all directions. Waves of deep sea Janna were attracted out, and the density of Janna in the core sea area gradually became sparse.

After a new sneak attack, the number of Janna attracted was significantly reduced, Daliang, Shu Xiao, and Gu Tao once again came to the airspace above the target.

"This time we charged directly downwards, with Shu Xiao and Julian taking the lead. I provided spell support in the middle, and Taozi was responsible for assisting. No matter what obstacles we encounter this time, we will rush over without fighting. After taking the coordinate position image, Retreat upwards immediately. Once we are out of the sea, these Janna will be unable to do anything to us.

Taozi, please protect us and use teleportation more often. "

After that, Daliang called Julian out.

Shu Xiao flipped and dived towards the sea below, followed closely by Julian. Then when he was close to the sea, he overtook Shu Xiao and was the first to rush into the water.

Daliang and Gu Tao followed in turn, and alternately blessed everyone with magic.

This is directly above the Janna gathering place. As soon as the super strike team entered the water, they were immediately discovered by the Janna who stayed here.

When Daliang turned on the video recording function, all the shots showed Janna attacking upwards, and the large elite Janna obviously accounted for a large proportion.

Janna blocking the view in front made it impossible for Daliang to capture a complete image of the seabed.

"Continue to dive and prepare to fight!"

Daliang threw several meteorite spells downwards, and the huge meteorites fell downwards. Janna along the way tried to avoid them. Gu Tao, who was following Daliang, released several freezing spells. Large ice balls were generated under the water. The buoyancy dragged the ice balls upward, and then collided with the falling meteorites.

The impact caused local turbulence, leaving many gaps in Janna's originally neat team.

Julian and Shu Xiao rushed over immediately. They hid behind a meteorite and attacked the Janna who lost their balance. Daliang used a force field shield to protect the team's flanks, while Gu Tao used teleportation to gather team members behind the meteorite. The meteorite provided a downward barrier for the team.

If Janna wanted to attack, they could only bypass the meteorite and attack from the side.

Archangel Walsh and Azure Crystal Dragon Emily were both released. Da Liang also put on the iron and stone armor and took out a sword with pretty good attributes.

, together with Shu Xiao and Julian, relied on the force field shield to form a small defensive circle.

The battle officially broke out.

The Jannas who bypassed the meteorite reorganized and then charged towards Da Liang and the others as a small group. Facing the tight defensive formation, they did not rush to attack. Instead, they passed by the strike team as quickly as possible. The moment they passed, their tails swung violently.

The sea water was stirred up, and the turbulent current made it difficult for Da Liang and the others to maintain their position.

Taking this opportunity, Janna from all around rushed forward.

This is right above Janna's gathering place, so Janna's attack is a bit crazy. They attacked the strike team from side doors and from above, with some Janna trying to push falling meteorites away.

The members of the super strike team were fighting with the Jannas. Their skills split the sea water, their magic flickered, and the muffled thunder that made a sound under the water spread again and again, spreading to further sea areas.

Daliang led his team to fight hard. He fought with an elite Janna with his sword. After the "Expulsion" skill cooled down, he immediately pushed the opponent out. Elite-level monsters are equal to heroes. Daliang cannot yet expel elite-level Janna to other planes, but he can easily push elite-level Janna a hundred meters away.

Before the new Janna could be filled in, Daliang quickly threw out all the magic that could be released.


Weak and feeble


Summon Iron Fist

rock blast

A series of powerful magic stopped Janna's offensive momentum. Julian and Shu Xiao rushed out and launched a small counterattack. Then when they were about to be surrounded, Gu Tao used teleportation to pull them back one by one.

From entering the water to now, everything happened in a very short time.

After Janna's strong attack was repelled, Daliang and the others were still less than twenty meters away from the seabed below.

Here you can clearly see the entire Janna settlement, as well as the Janna people coming to support from all directions. Those were Janna who were lured away by Daliang and the others. When their settlement was attacked by the invaders, they had no intention of hunting down the murderer who attacked the patrol, so they all returned to help as quickly as possible.

Da Liang quickly took pictures of the entire landscape of Janna's settlement, and then immediately led the team upstream.

By this time the Janna's second attack had begun, and more Janna had joined in. The invasion of the settlement aroused the greatest anger of Janna, and all the deep sea monsters that Janna had tamed were driven out.

An octopus more than ten meters long, a swordfish that can penetrate the armor of a battleship, and a swarm of bloodthirsty white sharks.

What was even more terrifying was that a nearly ten-meter-long leader-level Janna also joined the chasing team. He held a long-handled battle ax in his hand and split a meteorite in half with one swing.

"Quick, quick, get out."

Da Liang released a large area of ​​explosive flames. Although the fire magic was suppressed underwater and did not produce enough killing effects, the heat of the fire evaporated a large number of bubbles on the sea water.

The bubbles disrupted the Janna's vision, and many Janna who rushed too quickly collided with each other, which then triggered a series of chain collisions.

The pressure on the strike team was instantly relieved. Julian returned to his archangel form, used his size to knock away all Janna who stood in his way, and then broke through the water and soared into the sky.

The other team members rushed out of the water one by one, followed by the Jannas who came up in pursuit.

They jumped high from the water, threw their bone spears at Da Liang and the others, and then fell back to the sea unwillingly. Finally, the leader-level Janna rushed out.

He rushed higher and sprayed a jet of water from his mouth, aiming at Gu Taojuan who was last.

At this moment, Julian fell from the sky...

Holy blow!

Julian threw the leader-level Janna back into the sea with a shield.

Thanks to the cat in heaven for the 200 yuan reward.

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