Start with an Archangel

Chapter 819 Storm

The leader-level Janna fell heavily back to the sea, setting off huge waves that reached the sky.

Da Liang's super strike team quickly ascended and entered the safe airspace. After breaking away from the war, the three recovered their heroes and used the recall skills to return to the Judgment Territory.

Daliang asked for a video image processing software from the army's logistics team, and transferred the captured underwater video into the viewing software.

After the software collects, resolves, and reorganizes the entire video, a three-dimensional model of the underwater environment is completed and presented in front of Da Liang through 3D projection.

Although Daliang was unable to observe the entire underwater environment carefully during the battle, through auxiliary technical means, the appearance of a deep-sea Janna settlement was completely presented to Daliang's eyes.

On the seabed directly below the coordinates given by Metatron, there is a relatively flat sandy area, which is the scope of the cemetery that originally covered the prison. At this time, there are still some downward holes on the sand and gravel. These are the traces left after the buildings in the Undead Territory were demolished. Now these holes have become the residence of Deep Sea Janna.

According to the layout of the Black Fire Territory, Daliang found a cave in the center of the gravel land. This should be the meeting hall of the original cemetery territory, and it was the core building of the territory. The prison where the Hell Lord King was originally imprisoned was just below the meeting hall. At this time, the archangel contaminated by evil was imprisoned in it, which was the target of the mission that Daliang wanted to rescue.

A topographic map of a prison was finally obtained. At the same time, this forced raid investigation also allowed Daliang to understand the military power of the Deep Sea Janna ethnic group.

Relatively strong.

If it were on land, Daliang would not take this guarding force seriously at all. However, in the sea, these deep sea canas become very difficult. If you want to attack by force, you must have the courage to do so regardless of losses, and you must attack the four Deep Sea Ka tribes in one day and win.

Daliang considered all the military power in his hands and felt that it was impossible to complete.

The leader-level Janna should have the combat power of a level 15 hero, and the only hero in Daliang's hands that reaches level 15 is Julian, plus he himself is the only two, and the combination of Shu Xiao and Gu Tao can also be counted as one...

Still too difficult. We can only wait a little longer. Now is not the time to be impulsive. There may be a chance in the future.

However, waiting... doesn't mean that Daliang can't make arrangements in advance.

Striking while the iron was hot, Daliang led Shu Xiao and Gu Tao to investigate all the remaining three prisons through positioning and teleportation in four days. The information obtained is similar. A powerful deep-sea Janna tribe has settled within the prison area, and there is a leader-level Janna in charge.

The entire area is tightly guarded by the Janna tribe, with almost no loopholes to be found.

Metatron's mission has been temporarily blocked. Fortunately, the relationship between Da Liang and Yunzhong City has improved. After completing the preliminary investigation mission, Shu Xiao and Gu Tao led the Judgment Legion to carry out territory construction tasks in the World of Heroes, while Daliang returned to the City of Sighs.

The Sad Lord has announced the convening of a meeting of all members of the City of Sighs to discuss together...

How to deal with Evernight City’s request for help.

Of course, this is only an issue announced to the outside world. Daliang knows what direction the Kingdom of Death will take in the future, and he will wait and see whether this meeting of parliamentarians can achieve the goal of the Sad Monarch.

The carriage sent by the cathedral was already waiting outside the church in the foggy area.

Da Liang put on his papal robes and boarded the carriage. Jonathan led more than 300 terrifying knight heroes to form a convoy of foggy district councilors. Ghost dragons and bone dragons were hovering in the sky. After the convoy began to march towards the cathedral, These ultimate undead creatures formed an arrow-shaped formation in the air and slowly followed the team.

At the same time, all the other twelve parishes in the City of Sighs sent out honor guards of the same size.

Thirteen teams converged on the cathedral.

Da Liang was thinking about the obstacles he would encounter when the parliament was convened, while looking at the bustling foggy area outside. Looking at the cos ninjas jumping on the roof, Daliang knew that Feng Moying had already started work with her ninja village.

These middle school boys are very devoted to their role-playing. With the support of Rising Sun Guild and Death Shadow, a legion called Mist Village has been established, and the village is located in the Mist Area.

Feng Moying proclaimed herself the first generation of Wuying and officially took office. Then the Feng Mo Squad was changed to the Feng Mo Family and became a settled family in Mist Village.

Then Feng Moying and her friends moved the settings from the anime to their own ninja village, and at the same time extended invitations to other ninja enthusiasts.

He looks like he wants to make Mist Village bigger and stronger.

This also adds a unique scenery to the foggy area.

The convoy of members of the Mist District advanced, and the Terror Knight cleared the way. All players and NPCs were driven away to both sides of the street.

This is the first time that the Pope of the Church in the Mist Zone has made such a grand trip. The controller of the Mist Zone, in addition to showing the rapid military power of the Church in the Mist Zone, also gave players a signal that something big is about to happen.

When the news came out that the other twelve parishes also had large-scale outings, players could even conclude that something big was going to happen in the City of Sighs.

Therefore, all the players who have some connections in Sigh City are inquiring about specific information and want to benefit from it.

Of course, the Shadow of Death first found Da Liang, their number zero.

Number 1 came over and asked: "Number Zero, what is going to happen in the City of Sighs? What do we need to do?"

Daliang did not reveal too much information. He replied: "The Sorrowful Lord convened a council of Sighing City to discuss matters in Yongye City. I don't think there is anything big, just let the apostles do their tasks as usual. By the way, let No. 12 Wait for me at the appointed place..."

Although No. 1 guessed that No. 0 was hiding something, since No. 0 said it was fine, it probably had nothing to do with the shadow of death. He didn't ask any more questions, but asked the apostles to stay in the City of Sighs as much as possible to prevent possible emergencies.

However, Tokugawa Nobunaga roughly guessed that a power struggle might break out in the City of Sighs.

The Sad Lord convened a meeting of all the members of the City of Sighs, but the speaker was imprisoned. The conservatives are now leaderless and at their weakest. Tokugawa Nobunaga believes that the Pope in the Mist Zone will not miss this great opportunity and will definitely take the opportunity to attack the conservatives in parliament.

If the Pope of the Mist District can win this power struggle, then Reformist ideas will become mainstream in the City of Sighs. With the successful cases in the Mist Zone, other closed parishes will gradually open up.

The Rising Sun Guild should compete for the dividends of correctly siding with the team as soon as possible.

Tokugawa Nobunaga summoned all the elites of the Rising Sun Guild, and just waited for the results of the council to come out, and immediately took the initiative to carve up the cake.

"President, Lie Hongshang, the Northern Lords Alliance of the Chinese Game Zone, invites you to participate in the tripartite meeting between the game lords of China, Japan and South Korea."

"It seems that the American Game Zone has put pressure on them, and we are the target that both parties want to win over...Okay, you reply to Lie Hongshang. Say, we are willing to talk..."

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