Start with an Archangel

Chapter 820 Meeting Yargu

While the entire City of Sighs players were jumping up and down, Da Liang had already arrived at the entrance of the cathedral.

Will, the leader of the Knights of the Holy See, personally greeted him. After Da Liang stepped out of the carriage, Will whispered to him: "The reinforcements from other death monarchs have arrived in Yongye City. Three death monarchs have personally led their troops to support us. We are the only ones who have not." Send troops. Now Monarch Aiyin’s letters for help are being sent one day at a time. Monarch hopes that this meeting can reach a unified idea.

Prepare for the next stage of the war with all your strength. "

Daliang and Will walked up the steps side by side and asked, "How is Speaker Yalgu doing now?"

"I kept scolding him at first, but there has been no movement in the past two days. I sent someone to see him, but he didn't say anything. I wonder what he was thinking?"

"Are you still reading the new Immortal Doctrine?"

Will replied: "I have been reading it without stopping. Do you think Speaker Yargu has converted to the ultimate faith? When the parliament is convened, other members will definitely ask the monarch to release Yargu first."

Daliang smiled and said: "The evidence is in our hands. Whether to let Yargu go or not is not the decision of those members. By the way, if we kill Holy Brand, Yunzhong City will definitely not let it go. This time, a meeting of all members will be held. Beware of angels wreaking havoc..."

Will pointed to the surrounding Holy See knights who were closely guarding the cathedral and said: "Don't worry, Your Holiness, about this matter. I have transferred all the senior Holy See knights in the City of Sighs to guard the cathedral. This meeting will definitely not Any enemy interference."

"Of course I am relieved by the arrangements of the captain." At this time, Daliang and Will had already entered the cathedral. Daliang said to Will: "I will go to the dungeon to see if Yargu can successfully complete the monarch's mission this time. It depends on his attitude."

Will nodded and said: "There is still some time before the parliament is convened, so you might as well go and see Yalgu. I have to protect the parliament here and can't accompany you."

Daliang said: "You can just ask the dungeon guard to take me there."

Will brought Da Liang to the entrance of the dungeon, and after ordering several dungeon guards to take Da Liang down to the dungeon, Will went to check the security work of the parliament.

Coming to this dark and slippery dungeon again, the smell of living things attracted the noise of the undead monsters, but under the protection of the dungeon guards, these monsters just howled in the dark but did not dare to approach.

As he moved forward into the dungeon of unknown depth, under the protection of the guards, Da Liang once again entered the cell where Speaker Yalgu was held.

The recitation of the ultimate faith still echoes here, and the tireless ghost strictly completes the tasks assigned to him by Daliang.

"You go out."

Daliang stopped the ghost from reciting. He took back the newly compiled Wushou teachings and let the ghost leave the prison.

Then Daliang asked Yargu: "Speaker Yargu, do you have a new view on ultimate faith now?"

Just like Will said, Argu said nothing. He just lowered his head and seemed to have gone to meet the God of Death.

But Daliang knew that Yalgu could hear whatever he said.

Daliang continued: "Yargu, have you ever thought about it, we believe in the God of Death and are willing to do everything for him to prove our piety. And what do we look like in the eyes of the God of Death?

He is high above, and his kingdom looks at our world like a swarm of ants.

That's right, whether it's a humble skeleton soldier or a powerful undead hero like you, the God of Death is like an ant in the eyes, there is no difference.

But how many followers of the God of Death are there in this world? There are so many that no one can calculate a specific number. We recite the Immortal Doctrine every day, pray to the God of Death, and do the same thing over and over again. However, how did Death recognize you and me among so many ants?

I know that faith should be pious without asking for anything in return, but do you want the God of Death to really take a look at you, nod at you, smile at you, and hear the voice that belongs only to you in countless prayers?

I I came up with Ultimate Belief.

So did a noble lord, who wrote this new compilation of Immortal Teachings after hearing my ultimate beliefs.

And those who turn to the ultimate faith, what you call heretics.

We all want to be that different kind of believer.

And the best way is... to grow bigger, bigger than all the ants, and naturally attract the attention of the God of Death.

Mr. Speaker, you have listened to the new Immaculate Doctrine many times. You should know that Ultimate Faith has never wanted to blaspheme the God of Death. We just add a little selfishness to our dedication to the God of Death.

We are all ants who hope to be stared at by death, even for just a second. "

After Daliang finished speaking, silence returned to the cell. Yargu still lowered his head without any response, and it was also impossible to tell what he was thinking.

Daliang looked at the time and said to Yalgu: "The monarch will convene a meeting of all the members of Sigh City today to discuss the rescue of Yongye City... This is the superficial topic.

I'll have the guards put you down, and if you want to attend the meeting, please get here in time.

I'll take my leave first. "

Da Liang asked the guards to put Yargu down from the wall, and then left.

At this time, Argu, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly asked: "Is the person you mentioned who wrote the new Immortal Doctrine...a monarch?"

Hearing that Yargu did not describe the new Immaculate Doctrine as a heresy, Da Liang secretly laughed in his heart and said: "Sir Speaker, there are some things that don't need to be said explicitly. How much courage do you think I need to dare to let a cathedral prison guard here? The ultimate belief that I have been reading to you for so many days?

Argu, you are the Speaker of the Council of the City of Sighs.

You are alive now because the Lord knows your loyalty. Today is a critical day. It depends on your choice whether we stand together to face the challenges of the future, or whether we sigh and leave corpses everywhere in the city. "

After saying that, Daliang ignored Yalgu and turned around to leave the prison.

Argu leaned against the wall, and the seal continued to work, preventing him from using much strength to break free of the seal. He looked through the open cell door at the Pope's back in the foggy area disappearing into the darkness, and then looked at the guards surrounding him.

Seems to have figured out a lot of things.


Without the support of the Sad Lord, how could the Mist District be like that? How could Will have the guts to throw himself into a dungeon with just a box of books without the Sad Lord's instructions?

There is also the dungeon that belongs to the cathedral.

A dungeon guard chanted the ultimate belief to himself for several days, but no one stopped him...

The fact that he is not dead can only show that the Sad Lord is affectionate and righteous to him.

Daliang walked behind the two dungeon guards. Most of the guards who entered the dungeon with him were left in the prison. Daliang's order to them was: "Watch Yargu, and then unlock his seal after I leave the dungeon.

I don’t want to be killed by him…”

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