Start with an Archangel

Chapter 825 The Decaying Undead

After hearing this, Daliang already knew what Yalgu wanted to do.

Power is really very tempting.

Da Liang was certain that Argu had actually accepted the Ultimate Belief, and after guessing that the author of the new Unsullied Doctrine was the Sorrowful Lord, he also knew that the spread of the Ultimate Belief in the City of Sighs was unstoppable.

However, if Argu had announced that he was a believer in Protestantism, it would definitely affect his status in the future of Protestantism. As the proposer and disseminator of the ultimate belief, Evisceration would quickly surpass himself and become the number two figure in the City of Sighs. , even the position of the Speaker will not be preserved.

Therefore, Yargu did not immediately state his position after entering the parliament. He knew what kind of results the Sad Monarch wanted. Both the Protestant and Old Religions were subordinate to the Sad Monarch, and the armed conflict only damaged the Sad Monarch's own strength. Therefore, the smooth transition from Protestantism to old religion is what the sad monarch wants to see most.

Argu wanted to be the leader in the transformation of old religion into new religion. He first showed his influence in the Holy See to the Melancholy Monarch, and skillfully moved the ultimate faith to a level where it could be discussed in parliament.

In the presence of the Melancholy Monarch and the Chancellor, the conflict between the Protestants and the Old Churches would remain in mere words.

The debate itself was the spread of Protestantism among the top leaders of the City of Sighs, letting the people in power in the City of Sighs know what the ultimate faith is?

The definition of blasphemy is the trick Yargu set on Da Liang.

The root of the ultimate belief being called a heresy lies in whether to blaspheme the God of Death or not.

If Da Liang can give a widely recognized answer, the spread of ultimate belief will naturally spread smoothly. If he cannot give an accurate answer, the Sad Lord will be able to see Daliang's incompetence, and if Argus reveals his change of faith in time, he will be able to take the baton of spreading the ultimate faith from Daliang.

In fact, blasphemy is difficult to define. You said that ultimate belief did not blaspheme the God of Death, but I would say that you blasphemed the God of Death. People's hearts are full of different emotions, and no matter how you explain it or make lavish remarks, it's impossible to satisfy all Wushou believers.

As long as Daliang is caught in a debate about ultimate beliefs, Yargu's purpose will be achieved.

As a result, Daliang kicked the problem to the God of Death...

None of us are qualified to draw conclusions about the question of blasphemy. Only the God of Death can answer it. If you want to know the answer, you must first become a god and ask the God of Death. In the end, you must take the path of ultimate faith.

The old religious forces no longer have any points of attack against the Protestant religions, and the remaining ones are very easy to solve.

Yargu's secret move was perfectly dismantled by Da Liang, so he switched to the political system of the kingdom of death.

No one knows whether it is possible to become a god, and no one knows what the future of Protestantism will be. If Daliang followed Yalgu's wishes and drew up a blueprint, it would only give people the impression of empty praise. The undead are very conservative and will stay still if they can. From the fact that it took thousands of years for the Wizards Guild to reach this scale, we can see that it is too difficult for the undead to change their current path for new ideas.

It’s hard to answer whether Protestantism can be applied to the Kingdom of Death.

Seeing the bright attitude of Yargu, I knew that I had done everything I could.

The Sad Lord wants to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and let me fight alone here, but I can't let you be too steady. Now that the road has been paved, it's time for him to reach out and give it a push.

Otherwise, Argu would keep digging holes for me here, and I would accidentally fall into them.

Facing Yargu's question, Daliang replied: "The path to becoming a god is not something I can peep into. At least now I don't know anything about the way to become a god, so I can't answer the Speaker's question. But I think If you can become gods, then the first batch of heroes to become gods must be those heroes who stand at the top.

Perhaps the monarch can answer us, is becoming a god our extravagant wish? "

The decision is left to the Sad Lord...

All the heroes in the council hall also looked at the Sad Lord, and his next answer would determine the direction that the City of Sighs should take in the future.

The Sad Lord stood up, clapped his hands and praised: "What a wonderful discussion. I originally wanted to bring everyone together to talk about rescuing Yongye City, but I didn't expect to witness a collision and fusion of ideas. .

As the proposer of the ultimate belief, Pope Eviscerate believes that this is the sublimation of the Immaculate Faith, and has been accepted by many priests.

Speaker Yargu believed that becoming a god was just empty talk and would affect the stability of the Kingdom of Death.

But look at Eternal Night City, is our rule over the Kingdom of Death really stable?

In the City of Sighs, we eliminated the forces of the Wizards Guild, and we seized their research materials in their base. I can tell you that the Wizards Guild has found the God Plane, and there is a crystal wall between them and the God Plane. What an irony that these exiles who have turned their backs on God are closer to God than we are!

At the same time, I also felt a deep fear. If the Wizards Guild reaches the plane of God first, or obtains divine power in front of the crystal wall and makes a large number of artifacts, we can still sit here peacefully and discuss whether the believers of the God of Death should Become a god?

What is even more frightening is that a wizard guild receiving support from Yunzhong City has studied becoming a god to this extent. So what level has Yunzhong City reached?

Have you ever thought about why Yunzhong City launched a war?

Hell used to launch plane wars just to spread death and fear, and just to have fun. And what is the purpose of those angels who insist on goodness and justice?

Destroy evil?

The Lord of Death, the King of Hell Lords, and the King of Fallen Angels have all understood the law. How can we be eliminated?

Only with the power beyond the law!

In the ten thousand years of peace, we all bury ourselves in the soil, enjoy the quietness and comprehend death, but what are those creatures doing?

Pope Eviscerate said it very well. Living beings are far more exploratory than us undead. They are not bound by the Immaculate Doctrine and can freely study... God.

What we face now is a race.

I can conclude that... both Yunzhong City and Hell are on the verge of becoming gods. This war is actually a competition to become gods. Whoever opens the crystal wall first and reaches the plane of gods may truly eliminate the other party.

The real purpose of the angel's war is to slow down the enemy's research on becoming a god. They released the Hell Lord King and brought the entire plane into war and chaos, in order to contain all the powerful people who studied the divine plane.

When God begins to come to this world, how can we, who hold on to doctrines and dare not become God, survive? Why should we protect our land?

Wake up... rotten undead.

What we are facing is probably not a plane war, but a war of gods! "

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