Start with an Archangel

Chapter 826 Death Mentor

The words of the Sad Lord plunged the parliament hall into true silence. Even the undead who had no sense of temperature felt the heavy chill coming from the depths of their souls.

Battle of the Gods?

is it possible?


The many doubts in Daliang's heart finally had a reasonable explanation.

Daliang is a human race and has come into contact with many angels. Julian, Bartlett, Nelson, Metatron, Holy Bella and many angels affiliated with Shangjiang City.

Kindness and order are the definitions of the angel race. They are also very straightforward in their behavior, adhere to the justice in their hearts, and stick to their loyalty like a paranoid.

Therefore, it was difficult for Daliang to believe that such a large-scale plane war was actually planned and initiated by Yunzhong City.

In the conversation with Metatron, Da Liang could see that there was something unspeakable about Yunzhong City launching a plane war. At least Metatron, who was anti-war, had no intention of stopping the war.

Now that I hear the Sad Lord's thoughts on the war, it all makes sense.

The Hell Lord King was captured, bringing long-lasting peace to the entire plane.

Without large-scale war, what can those top heroes do? Of course, it is to break through the boundary of level 16 and evolve to a higher biological level.

Becoming a god can be said to be something that every level 16 hero does in secret, except for the Death Monarchs who are restricted by the Unsullied Doctrine.

It can now be judged that Yunzhong City has ushered in a major breakthrough in becoming a god, and Hell should also have progress that is no less than that of Yunzhong City.


Whoever is the first to possess a god-level creature will use it without hesitation, just like the United States was the first to create an atomic bomb.

If Lucifer becomes a god first, then the first thing he will do is to rob Yunzhong City, and the angels will face the disaster of annihilation.

No wonder Yunzhong City put down its reserve and did so many things that were contrary to their character.

This is a life and death struggle.

They want to delay Hell's research on the divine plane and obtain divine creatures first.

The Melancholy Monarch takes a very long-term view, and this is indeed a race.

No matter how lively the previous plane wars were, the heroes who understood the laws would not die, and neither the good nor the evil could truly destroy the other. But when

After gods begin to participate in the war, will law-level heroes remain immortal?

The rules of previous wars have changed.

Level 16 heroes feel the threat of death.

The Death Monarchs are really far behind in their research into becoming gods.

After a long time, Yargu said: "Yes, it's time for us to wake up. As the speaker of the Wugou Holy See Council in the City of Sighs, I proposed the first issue of this meeting: The Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs converted to the ultimate faith, and the new Wugou Holy See The Kuo doctrine will replace the original Wugou doctrine and become the only doctrine respected by the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs.

Members who agree with this proposal please raise their hands. "

After saying that, Yalgu raised his hand: "The Shadow District Church agrees..."

Then there are the other dioceses

"The Rukong District Church agrees..."

“The Watershed Church agrees…”

"The Church of the Mist District agrees..."

After all thirteen parishes in the City of Sighs agreed, Speaker Yalgu turned to the Sad Lord and said: "Sovereign, the issue of the conversion of the Immaculate Holy See to the ultimate faith in the City of Sighs has been unanimously approved by 13 members.

Please make the final decision on this issue..."

I have finally waited for this day!

All the obstacles ahead have been cleared. The Sad Lord raised the scepter representing the monarch's authority and said to all members of the Parliament: "I agree with the resolution passed by the Parliament to allow the ultimate faith to be legally spread within the City of Sighs and become a substitute for the old one. The only doctrine believed by all Unsullied believers in the City of Laments.

As the proposer and disseminator of the ultimate faith, Evisceration has made an indelible contribution to our new Immaculate Holy See.

I appointed Eviscerate as Bishop of the Church of the Mists.

Appoint Bishop Eviscerate as deputy speaker of the Unsullied Holy See Council in the City of Sighs.

Granted the title of 'Mentor of Death' to the Eviscerate Bishop.

The Death God System Research Institute was established in the City of Sighs, and the Eviscerate Bishop was fully responsible for the operation of the Death God System Research Institute.

Grant the Eviscerate Bishop 100 units of sulfur, 100 units of crystal, 100 units of mercury, and 100 units of gems.

Grant the Eviscerate Pope to produce two units of sulfur, one crystal, one mercury, and one gem each.

Give the Eviscerate Pope 100,000 skeleton soldiers, 50,000 walking corpses, 10,000 ghosts, 5,000 vampires, 1,000 corpse witches, 500 dark knights, 50 bone dragons, and 10 ghost dragons.

Give the bishop the robe, the bishop's scepter, and the speaker's crown.

Advanced Intelligence Advanced Intelligence

Create a plague

Elementary Theology Elementary Curses (auxiliary skills)

Medicine garden cultivation technology, corpse bone separation technology, and fine separation of advanced alchemical materials

Heavy catapult manufacturing technology, winch manufacturing technology, armor-piercing arrow manufacturing technology


Staring at the dazzling rewards, one after another, Daliang felt that he was getting further and further away from the gaming experience of ordinary players.

After appointing and rewarding Daliang, the Sad Lord announced many decisions. It was clear at a glance that he was very well prepared for this day.

After the orders were issued, the spread of the ultimate faith was assigned to the hands of each person in power. At the same time, high-level heroes scattered throughout the City of Sighs, especially those with expertise in research, all gathered in the City of Sighs under the orders of the Sorrowful Lord.

Now the Sad Lord wants money and people. After faith is no obstacle, he must complete the missing homework as quickly as possible and catch up with the research speed of other planes on the divine plane as soon as possible.

In the various measures of the sad monarch, the entire parliament hall quickly completed the conversion of faith.

Finally, the Sad Lord sat back in his seat with satisfaction, pointed to the position diagonally in front of him and opposite the Speaker's seat, and said to Will: "Now we have a Deputy Speaker, a 'Mentor of Death', he should be here." seats.”

The Protestantism had achieved a complete victory, the sad monarch was happy, and Will was naturally happy too. The Pope now the Eviscerate Bishop. The Eviscerate Bishop rose in this incident, and even Will was rewarded by the Melancholy Lord. Therefore, when the Sad Lord said that he wanted to change the seat of the Eviscerated Bishop, Will personally brought the tables and chairs with his attendants, and covered the tables and chairs with gorgeously decorated velvets according to the human race's preferences.

In fact, Daliang still prefers the seats of the undead that are inlaid with gems and diamonds, such as Speaker Yargu's seat. The irregularly inlaid jewels give it an abstract aesthetic.

But this was Will's kindness, and Daliang reluctantly refused, so he reluctantly sat in the seat next to Yalgu from the far end of the conference table.

The seats with human aesthetics are particularly prominent in this colorful and shining parliament hall.

After Daliang sat down in his new seat, the Sad Lord said: "What we want to discuss now is how to deal with the rescue of Yongye City?"

I went out for a meal with my family at noon and came back late.

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