Start with an Archangel

Chapter 827 Eternal Night City War Strategy

Facing the threat of Yunzhong City, the interests of the death monarchs coexist.

Can we save Yongye City?

The answer seems very obvious.

Speaker Yalgu said: "Now the cyan coalition has completed the siege of Yongye City. If the Sighing Lord is defeated, it will be a very serious blow to all the monarchs. Therefore... I think the Sighing City should send reinforcements as soon as possible to assist Yongye City resists the attack of the Blue Alliance Army and Yunzhong City."

After Speaker Yalgu expressed his attitude, other members of Congress also expressed their opinions. Without exception, they all suggested immediate support to Yongye City.

But after all the members of the House of Representatives made suggestions, Daliang stood up and asked: "Bishops, who do you think will win the final victory in the war in Yongye City even with our support?"

The councilors did not answer immediately. The Green Alliance Army and the main force of the Angel Legion in the Kingdom of Death were concentrated in Eternal Night City. It was really difficult to predict the outcome of victory.

Daliang continued: "The environment in the Kingdom of Death is very special. Ordinary creatures will continue to be harmed by the death energy here. Logistics also determines that creatures cannot fight for a long time in the Kingdom of Death. This is the most favorable defensive environment for us. The Dead Breath blocks almost any invasion by good armies, but also prevents support from our allies Dungeon and Swampfolk.

The only one who can support us is hell, but hell has no time to take care of us now, at least they don't have the power to intervene in the war in Evernight City.

Therefore, in Yongye City, it is the death monarchs who are fighting alone.

Our opponents are the Blue Alliance Army and Yunzhong City behind them.

Therefore, we have almost no chance of winning in Yongye City. Too much support will only bury all our strength in Yongye City. "

Yargu asked sternly: "Don't we care about Yongye City and just watch our allies being wiped out by Yunzhong City! Then we sigh that City faces the attack of Yunzhong City and the cyan coalition forces alone?"

Daliang said: "President Yalgu, I hope you can see clearly the strengths and weaknesses of us and our enemies first. The advantage of the Blue Alliance is that they have the angel legion sent by Yunzhong City. The angels are much more powerful than our bone dragons. They are suitable for fighting this kind of frontal war. Therefore, what Yunzhong City wants to see most is that we concentrate our elite troops in Yongye City to fight this kind of decisive battle with them. They can easily wipe out all our main forces in Yongye City. city.

The rest of the war will be much easier for them.

And what are our advantages?

There are countless undead warriors buried under the vast land. What we are good at is using the sea of ​​skeletons to consume the enemy, rather than constantly investing our heroes and high-level troops into a dead city. "

Having countless grassroots troops is the undead's greatest advantage. This has been recognized by all the council members, and Yargu's attitude has also softened a lot.

"Bishop Eviscerate is very right. The fighting method of Eternal Night City is indeed not what we are good at, but Eternal Night City is, after all, the largest main city in the Kingdom of Death. Do we just let it be captured by the cyan coalition forces?

Without Yongye City, we will be very passive in future wars, because no city is as strong as Yongye City, and no city can withstand the attacks of the Blue Alliance Army and Yunzhong City. "

Daliang said: "No, I think that after the loss of Yongye City, the Death Monarchs got rid of their burden.

Now the main force of the cyan coalition is in Yongye City. After Yongye City is occupied by them, they will first capture the cities and territories under the jurisdiction of Yongye City. Otherwise... when the main force of the cyan coalition attacks other Death Lords, those Death Lords loyal to the Mourning Lord can take back Eternal Night City and attack them from behind.

The cyan coalition also needs to summon an army of undead to supplement the losses in the Evernight City war.

Without the cover of the huge death army of the Cyan Alliance, the pure angel army would not dare to go deep into the Kingdom of Death to find trouble with the Death Monarchs. Yunzhong City certainly did not want to see too many angels die in the war of the Kingdom of Death.

And what we have to do is... let the armies of the City of Sighs cross the border into the territory of Yongye City, and after the Lord of Sighs loses his power over these lands, bring the land there under our jurisdiction.

Then explore the war potential of these lands, start a war with the cyan coalition forces throughout Yongye, and pin the cyan coalition forces in the quagmire of war in Yongye City.

The land of Eternal Night is very vast, bigger than ten sighs. If the angel army concentrates on fighting us, it can certainly easily kill the army we have gathered, but what is the pity if such an army dies? When the angels leave to fight elsewhere, we can casually dig out another one in the same place. An army is coming.

If the Angel Legion disperses and fights us, then they will be seeking their own death, and they would not dare to do so.

We just want to use the people...the vast ocean of the undead war to drown the Angel Legion. "

Daliang's strategic analysis immediately cleared away the clouds and fog hanging over Yongye City for all the undead heroes who attended the meeting.

The cyan coalition is only superficially strong, and their mass base is very weak. In the Kingdom of Death where the Immaculate Doctrine is deeply rooted, the Death Lord's appeal is definitely stronger than that of the Wizards Guild.

Therefore, the cyan coalition aimed the war's primary target at Yongye City. Only by driving Monarch Aiyin out of Yongye City and attacking his dominance in the Yongye region can the cyan coalition successfully complete the occupation of Yongye.

Then gather the entire Eternal Night's death army to cooperate with the angel army to attack other death lords.

If the Sad Monarch faction's new force without any losses enters the Evernight area to grab territory, it will definitely be much easier than the cyan coalition army. When the cyan coalition did not have enough troops to expedition to the City of Sighs, they could only compete for land with the troops of the City of Sighs in the Eternal Night area, and consume the newly recruited army of death in endless low-level soldier wars.

As for the Angel Legion, without the cooperation on the ground and the death army as cannon fodder, they would not attack the death monarchs casually.

As the war changes from the city of Eternal Night to the entire Eternal Night region, the Death Monarchs will have more time to gather more troops and persist until the situation in hell becomes clear or a full-scale war breaks out.

At that time, Yunzhong City did not have too much energy to care about the Kingdom of Death.

At this time, the Sad Lord said: "Bishop Eviscerate's analysis is very good. When the enemy has the overall advantage, we must use our strengths and avoid weaknesses to prevent too many elites from being concentrated and eliminated.

Moreover, while the ultimate faith is lamenting that it is replacing the old religion within the country, it is not easy for us to use troops externally.

The other Death Lords, especially the Lamenting Lords, need a great defeat to wake their corrupt minds. The future of warfare has changed, and the Realm of Death, although called Death, needs a living city to lead it.

I should not have expressed too many opinions in the parliament to influence the judgment of the members, but this matter is related to whether we can win the final war.

Therefore, I suggest that all councilors carefully consider the war strategy proposed by Bishop Eviscerate.

The deployment of the army should make the land we own larger.

Instead of going to Eternal Night City to be buried with those false believers who don’t even know what their ultimate faith is. "

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