Start with an Archangel

Chapter 832 Night

As Daliang played the game more deeply, he discovered that space skills and alchemy technology were becoming more and more important in higher-level battles.

In battle, without the support of space skills, 100% of the strength may be limited to 50%.

Why was Misuka arrested? Because he was imprisoned in space and could not escape; why was Holy Brandon killed? Because he was disturbed by space, Yunzhong City was unable to provide him with effective support.

In the future dimensional battlefield, space confrontation will definitely become more intense. Without the ability to counterattack in space, no matter how awesome the hero is, he would not dare to go out casually.

However, space confrontation has always been the shortcoming of the Black Fire Leader. If this shortcoming is not made up for, Da Liang's army will never be able to get on the stage.

For this reason, Daliang brought an ancient tree of wisdom with space teleportation skills from Palm Tree City, and planned to transplant it to the Black Pearl. However, due to the constraints of the level of alchemy technology, there is currently no way to complete this transplant plan.

The appearance of the night at this time undoubtedly solved the headache that Daliang had been having.

Angel is a level 15 creature with high attributes and potential, dual master-level skills, and the specialty of time and space skills - the track of time and space, giving Yeshi almost no upper limit in the development of space and time systems.

The return of time and space has undoubtedly greatly improved the survivability of Night.

In short, this is a strategic hero, a battlefield engine, which can overall improve the combat effectiveness of the Blackfire leader.

Just what the Shadow Dragon Demon looks like.

Daliang ordered to the invisible night: "Exit the invisible state."

"My lord!" A clear female voice said.

Then a shadow dragon demon appeared in front of Daliang.

It was the same as the last change that Daliang saw in the evil prison. He was five meters tall and more than ten meters long. His whole body was pitch black, with a glossy surface like piano paint. If he stood there motionless, the shadow dragon demon would It's like a beautiful piece of art.

Ye Hue did not maintain her dragon form for too long. After the intangible state was released, her body quickly shrank into a human form, which was also a demon form.

The night demon form is a long and concave female body suspended in the air. She wears a full-body black armor, with triangular swords extending out of her feet and hands, and her entire face is covered with a dark red mask.

The feeling is that it is sharp.

After completing the transformation into the demon form, Yezi put away the three-edged swords on his limbs and returned to his normal hands and feet, and then knelt on one knee in front of Da Liang.

"The shadow dragon demon pays homage to the lord at night."

Daliang said: "Get up... As the first true level 15 hero of the Black Fire Territory, you have to raise your level as soon as possible. I have many things that I need you to solve."

"Yes, Lord Lord."

Ye Zi's tone was very cold, different from Sophia's arrogance, it was truly emotionless. The night began to drift again, and four three-edged swords popped out, then stood next to Da Liang, motionless.

Daliang asked curiously: "What do you look like? Can you lift the mask?"

Ye Zi replied: "I'm sorry, Lord. What you see is my true appearance, this is my body."


The body of the Shadow Dragon Demon is the same as that of the Flame Commander. The armor is the same as human skin and is a part of the body. As for the inside... there's nothing interesting to see. The inside of Lie Yan Commander is filled with fire, and the inside of Shadow Dragon Demon is probably...

Not a big beauty anyway!

It's a pity that such a good figure can only have sex.

Daliang expressed great regret.

What to do next?

As the first shadow dragon demon, Ye Zi should be strong. The shadow dragon demon in the future will not be too weak. After all, the level of 15th-level creatures is there, which is basically higher than the level of 14th-level creatures.

Now there are still 9 ghost dragons in Da Liang, but they no longer have the extremely evil aura. They can only stare at the shadow dragon demon with itching heart.

Of course, Jones still has some extremely evil spirits, but these are all the result of his hard work. He has not yet advanced, and Daliang cannot exploit them too much.

Moreover, the upgrade of level 15 creatures is too slow, and there is no big war yet. A group of shadow dragon monsters look good in hand, but they cannot be cultivated. Instead of raising a bunch of half-baked people, it’s better to focus on one.

Let's finish the night color first...

As for using evil energy to strengthen the ghost dragon, Daliang didn't think too much about it.

The ghost dragon's strength is already weak, and if it is strengthened, it will reach the level of the frost dragon, and cannot exceed level 14. The nine ghost dragons, Daliang, are still planning to transform into shadow dragon demons when their extremely evil energy is sufficient. If the transformation is not allowed after strengthening, or if part of it is lost during the sacrifice, there will really be no place to cry.

Alas, in the final analysis, it was because the Sad Lord was stingy and gave too few ghost dragons. If you give them hundreds and eighty at a time, you won’t feel heartbroken no matter how bright the experiment is.

With this transformation, two more units have been added to the Black Fire Leader's army, the Arsonist Demon and the Shadow Dragon Demon.

Let the remaining heroes be responsible for forwarding all the remaining undead army, and arrange for the remaining ghost dragons to report to Astro in the Bone Burial Ground. Da Liang came to Snowfield City with Night Cycle.

At this time, Siberia has entered summer, the temperature has warmed, the snow has melted, and vegetation and trees have been revealed.

The undead can now move freely, and the construction speed of Snowfield City has begun to accelerate.

After a period of construction, this material collection city has begun to take shape. A five-kilometer-long city wall surrounds it like a small city. The small town is filled with mountains of various resources, including wood, stone and various ores. After these raw materials are processed in the built workshop, they become some semi-finished products that are easy to transport and store, and are stored in closed warehouses.

From outside the four gates of Snowfield City, there are four simple paths extending towards the mountainous area. On the paths are teams of skeleton soldiers going back and forth to collect supplies. Under the protection of groups of orc wolf knights, they transport supplies to Snowfield City.

So far, Snowfield City has built a total of 115 lumberyards and 100 quarries to provide building materials for city construction.

In addition, the resource exploration team discovered and opened up five iron mines, four copper mines, one gold mine, one graphite mine, and 10 clay mines...

Other resources are discovered, but cannot be exploited because the monsters guarding the resource points are too powerful.

Many of them are rare resource minerals.

This uninhabited land is really huge and full of resources that have not yet been discovered and developed. With almost all the resources across the plane occupied, Da Liang, who was the first to establish a foothold in the hinterland of Siberia, undoubtedly had the upper hand.

But the summer in Siberia is short-lived. When heavy snow covers the land again, it becomes extremely difficult to find resources. Therefore, Daliang must use this period to capture as many resources as possible, especially rare resource minerals and alchemy material minerals.

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