Start with an Archangel

Chapter 833 Gem Mine

Daliang checked the progress of the occupation war in the southern river basin.

As the commander-in-chief of this war, Kuka is leading the army of death to attack the orc tribe in the south. Blue Ear, with the main force of the Snow Wolf tribe, serves as the guide for the army of death. After the snow melted, the road became much smoother. Hundreds of thousands of skeleton soldiers laid out two moving skeleton carpets on both sides of the river, pushing them towards the south.

The vampire sword guards and ghosts formed several mobile units to follow Kuka's central army. Anywhere the skeleton soldiers encountered an attack from the orc tribe, this mobile unit would immediately fly over and annihilate them.

The summer in Siberia is very short, and Kuka must open the river channel within a limited time. Otherwise, when heavy snow covers the earth again, the undead's mobility will be greatly reduced, and they will have to wait another year.

Therefore, Kuka directly led all the main forces on the river bank, defeated the ten groups with one force, and pressed towards the orc tribe settlement regardless of losses along the way, forcing the orc tribe to fight decisively or surrender.

The main force of Snowfield City has gone to fight with Kuka, and the progress of opening new resource collection points has become a bit slow.

This time Da Liang brought Yesha to Snowfield City with the intention of taking Yesha to practice leveling and then knock down several important minerals that had been discovered.

Shadow Dragon Demon: Night

Archangel: Julian

The beautiful guards led by the vampire sword guard Sophia are the troops that Daliang plans to use this time.

Although the army is not large, less than 40 people, its quality is full. All are heroic units, one is Nightshade at level 15, Julian is at level 15, and a group of vampire sword guards that can make players go crazy. Daliang felt that there were a few extremely dangerous places in the entire game world, and he could escape unscathed from most maps with this army.

When determining the route for this sweep, Daliang purchased a batch of skill books through various connections, and mobilized a batch of heroic equipment from the Judgment Legion to fully equip the team.

The hero's stunts must reach at least the intermediate level, and he must be equipped with shiny equipment. The sum of the surrounding attributes of a single piece of equipment must be increased by at least 8 attribute points. The overall single attribute increase must be no less than 18. Additional attribute enhancements are a must, and the equipment skill cannot be less than one. .

Anyway, Da Liang is not short of money, has a wide network of contacts, and is very popular. The warehouses of big chambers of commerce and big guilds are open to you to pick from.

So after a big show of money, the already elite team received another gorgeous upgrade...

Now is the time to test night skills and develop tactical coordination.

First practice with the monster blocking the door outside a gem mine.

Daliang turned into the flame leader state, and took his beautiful guards into the sky majestically, and then flew towards the depths of the snowfield with great fanfare.

In the primeval forest below them, there was a lumberyard at regular intervals. Skeleton workers worked day and night to cut down trees on both sides to open up roads. After the roads in the two lumberyards were connected, they then cut down trees on both sides. Road widening.

There are a large number of beasts and monsters in the forest, and road construction is undoubtedly encroaching on their territory. Therefore, the pioneering team of Snowfield City is often attacked by these monsters. Although the Snow Wolf Tribe and the Vampire Sword Guard formed a road patrol team to rescue them everywhere. , but the losses of the skeleton soldiers were still very serious.

When Kuka used troops against the south, the 100,000 skeleton soldiers rewarded by the Sorrowful Monarch undoubtedly solved the productivity problem of Snowfield City.

As for the monsters that keep attacking, we can only slowly eliminate them and slow down their numbers.

Daliang distributed the reward troops through the lord channel, increasing the quotas of the Vampire Sword Guards and Heavy Tramplers in Snowfield City, and then saw the gem mine they were going to attack this time.

This gem mine is an open-pit mine. A shallow pit with a diameter of more than seven or eight meters is filled with colorful gems. Based on past experience, the output of minerals that can be directly mined in the open pit is generally very high. One unit per day is the minimum output. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to output two or three units per day. If such a mine appeared in the warm southern region, it would probably have triggered a crazy scramble among players, but now... this gem mine is guarded by a group of snow-capped giants.

Snow Mountain Giants are generally over four meters tall and are closely related to the orc Cyclops. They also have one eye on their forehead, but they are covered in thick long hair. The fur color of ordinary snow mountain giants is mostly brown. As the strength increases, the fur color gradually becomes lighter. The gray snow mountain giants are elite monsters and reach the level of level 13 and level 14 heroes.

The strength of the White Snow Mountain Giant King can reach level 15.

Their strong bodies and outstanding strength give Snow Mountain Giants a very high close attack power. They can also throw stones. Elite-level Snow Mountain Giants can also use ice-based magic.

This group of snow mountain giants has about 200 ordinary snow mountain giants, more than 50 elite monsters and a snow mountain giant king. Coupled with several vassal snow monster groups in the surrounding area, the strength can be said to be very strong.

Moreover, the complex terrain here also increases the difficulty of the attack.

Therefore... if ordinary players come to attack this gem mine, they must use at least an elite legion, and then use siege equipment and alchemy weapons to eliminate the monster groups on the periphery bit by bit, and finally concentrate on fighting the snow giant in the middle.

After reaching the sky above the gem mine, Da Liang kept a high altitude and observed the terrain below.

The gem mine is located on the top of a mountain where the terrain is slightly flat. All the snow mountain giants live on this mountain peak. Dense forests, rocks and mountain crevices provide the best cover for the Snow Mountain Giants. Simply bombing them with meteors and fire showers from high altitudes will not be very effective, while low-altitude bombing may be attacked by the Snow Mountain Giants' throwing stones and magic.

The gem peak is surrounded by rolling hills, and there are countless monsters hidden in the dense forest.

Without knowing the specific information about his opponent, Daliang did not launch an attack rashly, but let Yesha conduct the investigation first.

"All ministries maintain their altitude. Sophia sets up a warning circle. Night enters an invisible state to conduct reconnaissance around the gem mine, looking for the location of the Snow Mountain Giant King. Julian lowers his altitude to prepare for Night."

Shadowdrakes' intangibility and invulnerability make them the best scouts. However, this was Ye Xie's first action. For safety reasons, Daliang sent Julian to be Ye Xie's backup. If Ye Xie encountered any strange skills, Julian could rescue her.

Sophia led the vampire sword guards to set up a circular cordon, and her body in the demon form faded into an invisible state.

Da Liang opened his map and found the location of Ye Hue. At this time, she had already fallen to the ground. Da Liang immediately asked Julian to follow and keep a height of 300 meters from the ground.

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