Start with an Archangel

Chapter 834 Attacking the Dapeng Group

The night reached the ground, and her invisible state made her invisible and undetectable by any detection magic. As for whether it can be sensed by more advanced creatures, it is not yet known.

But in this snowy field, all her actions will not be hindered in any way.

After entering the dense forest, everything seen at night is displayed on Daliang's map. Daliang can use the 2D data fed back to know what is in the forest below.

Snow Monkey Group: Agile monsters, there may be a leader monster like a level 14 hero at most.

Armored Bear Refresh Area: Monsters with high defense and high blood pressure. There may be boss monsters like level 14 heroes at most.

Rocs: Wild orc level 9 units, flying creatures, with a small number of upgraded units Thunderbirds. Such a large group of basic soldiers usually has one or several hero-level units as commanders, and the strength of heroes is difficult to estimate. However, since they have become affiliated with the Snow Mountain Giant, there will definitely be no one in this group of rocs who is stronger than the Snow Mountain Giant King. hero.

Other monsters such as wolves, leopards, and lynxes belong to small groups and do not pose much of a threat.

With the reconnaissance of the outer circle of the Gemstone Peak completed, the night gradually moved towards the settlement of the Snow Mountain Giants. In addition to the snow mountain giants, there are also many hobgoblins living here. Their job is to collect food for the snow mountain giants. When food is scarce, they themselves are also food. In addition, these hobgoblins are also responsible for the vigilance and defense of the mountainous areas. When necessary, they can also serve as cannonballs thrown by the snow-capped mountain giants.

Many functions.

After finding the Snow Mountain Giant Queen at night, the reconnaissance was over and the Guards prepared to attack.

Daliang did not attack Gemstone Mountain directly, but chose the Dapeng group first.

Modern people all know that in a war, the first step is to gain control of the air. Once you have control of the air, you can do whatever you want.

The Guards completed the transition and looked down at the cliff where Dapeng lived from a high altitude. They could clearly see the bird's nest built by Dapeng on the cliff. From time to time, Dapeng and Thunderbirds were seen rising and falling on the cliff.

The entire roc colony contains about 300 rocs and 50 ptarmigans.

There are three heroic-level rocs and one heroic-level thunderbird. The leader should be the heroic-level thunderbird.

What surprised Daliang was that this cliff was also a wild creature recruitment building - the Dapeng Bird's Nest, which could produce a certain number of Dapeng to be recruited every day.

The premise is to knock down the roc's nest and turn it into a recruiting building for the Black Fire Leader or the Judgment Leader.

Recruitment buildings in the field are rare items, especially such high-level recruitment buildings for flying units, which are even more important.

By this time, Night had arrived, and she was outside the Thunderbird Hero's lair.

As a heroic unit, this Thunderbird can provide hero attribute bonuses to the entire group of rocs. If this Thunderbird hero can be killed as soon as possible, the entire battle will be much easier and unnecessary damage will be reduced.


In the state of commanding the flames, Daliang swooped down toward the cliff of Dapeng beyond the blazing spear. The vampire sword guards who were originally in bat form turned into human forms, and then, led by Sophia, followed Daliang in a formation and rushed downward.

The vampire sword guards kept accelerating their descent, and the hem of their windbreakers swung violently in the airflow. After catching up with Da Liang, all the sword guards drew their swords together, and then changed their formation to protect their lord in the middle of the array.

At this time, Julian entered the charging formation from one side, and then transformed into a large battle form with Daliang.

Advanced attack acceleration

Advanced stone skin care

Advanced body shield

Advanced bloodthirsty thaumaturgy

Advanced God of Luck

Advanced airbending magic

Layers of magic springs were generated in front of the team, and after the team passed through, they applied magical status buffs to Da Liang and his guards.

When the team led by Daliang dropped to a certain height, the Thunderbird hero resting in the nest discovered them.

Amidst the screams that resounded across the sky, the entire Dapeng cliff was like an exploding pot. Groups of Dapeng and thunderbirds rose into the sky from the cliff and the forest.

The cries come and go.

As regular arms of the Orcs, Dapeng and Thunderbird have shown military qualities that surpass ordinary monsters. Facing the invasion, these flying units did not blindly attack, but quickly formed air combat squads in the air. Each squad was led by one or two Thunderbirds, and several squads belonged to a Dapeng hero.

Finally, when the thunderbird hero flew up from his nest, his tribe had completed the battle formation in the air.

An air combat force composed of Dapeng and Thunderbirds, all with a wingspan of ten meters, is extremely shocking when they fly in groups.

Chirping sounds continued from the mouth of the Thunderbird hero. This hero with a wingspan of fifteen meters and a body covered with golden feathers issued instructions to his army.

The Dapengs fought against the intruders in small teams, some intercepting them from the front, some penetrating from the flanks, and some detouring to the rear to outflank them.

The entire air battle group has a clear division of labor and is orderly.

Facing the Dapeng and Thunderbirds that were outflanking them, Daliang still maintained his dive acceleration state.

"Maintain the formation...maintain the position..." Daliang maintained a complete and reasonable distance between his own charging group. When the air combat teams of both sides were about to collide head-on, he ordered: "Night, open the door to another dimension."

After receiving the order, Yezi immediately exited the invisible state.

At this time, the Thunderbird hero stared at the battlefield above. He did not notice the enemy emerging behind him. Night did not attack the Thunderbird hero, but pointed the triangular sword in his left hand at the airspace where the battle was about to take place.

A door to another dimension opened in front of Daliang, and then he led his bodyguards into it and disappeared inside.

At the same time, another door to another dimension opened next to the Thunderbird hero, and Da Liang rushed out first. A blind man plunged the Thunderbird hero into darkness before he could react.

Julian followed closely, and the angel sword slashed across the body of the Thunderbird hero with a long sword light. When he missed the body, he added a shield blow, making the Thunderbird hero enter a dazed state.

Then the vampire sword guards rushed over, and taking advantage of their falling position, they quickly slashed across the Thunderbird's body with their shining swords.

Attack magic is released at will.

Night joins the attack on the Thunderbird hero. She is now in shadow attack mode, accelerating her attack. The four triangular swords on its limbs are four attack points. The body rotates at high speed like a top, moving quickly around the Thunderstorm Hero, attacking continuously.

Daliang, who rushed over, did not attack Thunderbird again. The blow just now allowed him to make a strength assessment of the Thunderbird hero, a hero who had just crossed the threshold of level 15.

Losing the upper hand and being controlled at all times.

Julian, Night and Sophia are enough to deal with him.

Da Liang raised his position, and the vampire sword guards turned into bats and danced around him.

At this time, the Dapeng and Thunderbirds who had lost their target finally found their enemies and saw that their leader was being besieged. They turned around and rushed down towards the battle below, trying to rescue their leader.

Facing the angry Dapeng and Thunderbirds swooping down, Da Liang waved his blazing spear, and walls of fire filled the sky.

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