Start with an Archangel

Chapter 838 Magic Forest

[You occupy a gem mine, the output is 2.5 units/day]

When the last snow mountain giant is killed, the battle ends and the gem mine is automatically occupied by Da Liang.

The output of 2.5 units of gems per day is already considered a rich mine with a very high output. If the mining technology developed by the Black Fire Leader increases production, the output of this gem mine may reach more than 3 units per day in Liang's hands.

The weekly salary of angels requires gems, and the weekly salary of shadow dragon demons also requires gems. Now this gem mine can support a sizable army of angels and shadow dragon demons.

Of course, Daliang doesn't have so many angels and shadow dragon demons in his hands now, but there will be in the future.

At the same time, Daliang also felt that the snowfields were rich in products. He didn't know how many rare resources, field military recruitment buildings, and various good things were hidden in the mountains.

Looking at this endless arctic snowfield, Da Liang felt endless energy in his heart.

The destruction of the snow mountain giants not only provided Daliang with a large amount of experience, but also released a lot of equipment and materials, including many good hero equipment that favored water attributes.

The vampire sword guard gathered the equipment and materials scattered everywhere in front of Daliang, while Daliang picked and picked through them.

To be honest, the things released by high-level monsters like the Snow Mountain Giant are very good, but Da Liang is extremely picky, and ordinary top-notch monsters will not look down on them at all.

It seems that only some rare alchemical materials are of some use to the alchemy laboratory.

Da Liang put aside the things he needed, and put the things he didn't need into categories, and then took them back and put them in the Judgment Legion's warehouse.

The water element crystal is a good thing. It is about the size of a fist, as big as the water element crystal on the Gate of the Dead. It will definitely be of great use in the future. Put it away, put it away.

Ice giant armor, normal, set aside.

Elementary water magic, just average, put it aside.

Blessing: Increases the chance of a lucky hit. Yes, I learned it.

Frozen Crown: Headgear, attack +3, defense +3, intelligence +3, knowledge +3, water magic effect increased by 10%, ice attribute magic effect increased by 20%, skill: Ice Dome.

Ice Armor: Water magic, improves defense and resistance to water damage, causes ice damage and freezes enemies within range.

Equipment and skills are all good things, but Daliang has not learned water magic, so he cannot use it.

But Ye Sha can use it, master level water magic, no matter how hard it is strengthened, it can't go wrong.

Da Liang casually gave the Frozen Crown and Ice Armor to Ye Xi.

Having tasted the sweetness, Daliang led his guards around the snowfield to find monsters and spawn monsters. As Ye Shi's level gradually increased, his cooperation became more proficient, and more resource points were occupied by Daliang.

Although roads have not yet been opened and these resource points cannot be connected to Snowfield City's transportation network, Dapeng has gradually joined Snowfield City's transportation team. Skeleton workers do not need supplies. As long as they and materials are transported to resource points, they can produce. The rare resources generated can then be transported back to Snowfield City from the air through Dapeng for hoarding.

After Kuka opens up the southern river, Snowfield City's supplies can follow the river to the seaside.

The construction of a maritime transport fleet composed entirely of three-masted merchant ships has already begun in Shangjiang City.

In the game, Da Liang spends his time killing monsters and leveling up, while also building a research institute for the God of Death. Outside of the game, he enjoys the sweetness of revealing his heart to each other with Shu Xiao. By the way, he participated in various meetings of the Northern Lords Alliance and commanded the ruling lords to participate in the increasingly exciting maritime competition.

Everything is dull and passionate.

When the research and formation of the Death God system was completed, the Night Hero level reached level 28 and was close to being a finished product. At the same time, both sides of Eternal Night City were still accumulating strength to prepare for the final battle. Da Liang plans to take advantage of this rare free period to visit the Magic Forest. After all, if he misses this time, once the battle of Yongye City breaks out in full, Sigh City will gradually participate in the war in the Kingdom of Death. At that time, things will definitely happen one after another. Bo, even less time to explore this special plane.

From Saint Bella's introduction, Daliang knew that the Magic Forest was a special plane in which a dragon clan that was good at releasing magic lived. From this, it could be seen that the level of magic in the Magic Forest was very high.

Therefore, in such a dangerous plane, safety is Daliang's first priority.

After constantly killing high-level monsters and leveling up, not only did Ye Xie's hero level rise, but the strength of Sophia and the Vampire Sword Guards also improved, each reaching the level of a 13th-level creature. Coupled with the blood-sucking characteristics and the equipment provided by Da Liang, if the group combat is well coordinated, it will not be inferior against the same number of level 14 flesh and blood creatures.

Among them, Sophia already has the strength of a level 14 hero.

Daliang felt that with himself and this personal guard, there should be no problem in exploring the magic forest.

After Daliang confirmed that all the jurisdictions and armies of the Black Fire Territory were normal, he summoned all his guards to the Bone Burial Ground. In the underground space opened up, he used the special option in the Magic Mage to open a door to the Magic Mage. Forest portal.

After crossing the portal, Da Liang appeared in a forest with a very strong magical atmosphere.

[You enter the special plane - the magic forest, the magic recovery speed increases by 20%, the magic effect increases by 20%, and luck +1]

[Since your specialty is the magic mage, all the native creatures in the magic forest will have a favorable impression of you +1. 】

While Daliang was reading the prompt information, Julian, Yesha, Sophia and the vampire sword guards also entered the magical forest plane one after another. The night went directly into the invisible state, and Sophia turned into a bat with the vampire sword guard to draw a warning circle around.

The Magic Forest is full of tall and towering trees, with strong magical elements emitting little bits of light, flowers everywhere, and those leisurely little animals that are not afraid of people at all, making it like a fairy tale world.

There doesn't seem to be any danger...

Da Liang looked at the reconnaissance information that Ye Shi provided for him on the map. There were some small animals everywhere, not even large beasts, let alone monsters.

Not a good place for leveling, Daliang had his first impression of the Dream Forest.

However, in this unknown plane, Daliang did not relax his vigilance. After all, Holy Bella said that there was a dragon clan living here. As the headquarters of a dragon clan, Daliang still doesn't know what attitude these dragons have towards an outsider like him.

"Sofia, expand the warning circle. Do not attack anything here unless you are attacked. Night, fly higher and let me take a look at the terrain here."

On Da Liang's map, the entire magical forest was an unknown black area, and only the forest area he was in was lit up. But this small patch of woods is really too small for the entire forest.

Ye Shi followed Daliang's order and began to raise her position. According to what she saw, the area of ​​Daliang's bright area expanded rapidly. Although it was only a high-altitude bird's-eye view and could not see anything under the forest, it was enough for Da Liang to have a general understanding of the entire forest environment.

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