Start with an Archangel

Chapter 839 Crystal

Compared with the main world and the base camp plane of the eight races, although the Magic Forest is also called a plane, it is a very small map. It can even be called an extremely large copy.

According to the comparison between the night map and the entire dark area, the area of ​​​​the Magic Forest is about the same as that of Hainan Island. The terrain here is flat, with no towering peaks, only some rolling hills. As far as the eye can see, there are endless forests, dotted with some rivers and lakes, which are extremely beautiful.

If it can be developed, the tourism industry here will definitely have great success.

As players develop more and more into the heroic world, although simply killing monsters and completing tasks is still the mainstream of player entertainment, more entertainment methods are beginning to enrich players’ gaming lives. Film and television entertainment, competition, fashion, extreme sports, as well as adventure and travel...

The Magic Forest, a fairy tale-like plane, would definitely attract a large number of players to experience and visit it if it was not too dangerous.

Thinking too much.

Da Liang immediately threw this unrealistic thought out of his mind. A place with dragons was definitely not a safe place.

"Keep your height at night and pay attention to the situation around us. Julian and Sophia are flying close to the treetops with the guards, and be careful of the situation on the ground..."

Da Liang gave the order and arranged the flying formation of the guards. He unfolded his fallen angel wings in human form and flew into the air. Then, in order to show his identity to the dragons here, he found the magic mage dress in the option column of the specialty "magic mage".

Clothes change does not have any attribute changes. It just represents a player's appearance. Its function is to display the outer clothing when the player hides his equipment. Just like now, Daliang hid the bishop's robe of the Wugou Holy See, revealing the human priest's robe; the cos girl Feng Moying also hid her equipment and put on the ninja fashion she designed.

In the magical forest, the favorability of the magic mage is increased, so wearing the magic mage's clothes here will bring a lot of convenience to actions.

Confirm the change.

The priest's robe displayed on Daliang instantly turned into the high-collared blue and white mage robe of a magic mage. The overflowing magical energy covered up the professional aura of Daliang's race.

If you want to find the dragons living in the magic forest, you can't wait where you are, but if you move rashly, you may be attacked. Therefore, Da Liang decided to use himself as bait and fly in the airspace where he could be most easily seen to attract the dragon's attention. If there is an attack, whether it is the invisible night, or Julian and Sophia flying at ultra-low altitude, they can provide timely support.

The queue was arranged properly, and when Da Liang arrived at his position, he flew forward, while the forest below quickly flew backwards.

Looking from above, against the green background, the white Julian and the swarms of black bats behind her follow closely diagonally below the big light.

In this way, Daliang took his personal guards and explored the black map circle by circle based on the initial position as the center of the circle.

Forest, forest, forest...

There is also a rainbow across the lake, a herd of beasts drinking water by the stream, and flocks of birds, but there is no shadow of a dragon.

Such a warm and harmonious atmosphere was full of weirdness in Daliang's eyes. He had already led his team to explore most of the map of the magical forest. If this was the territory of the dragon clan, these creatures with an extremely strong sense of territory would have been there long ago. Spot them and act accordingly.

However, Da Liang found nothing.

Have those dragons left here?

Just when Daliang was making many suspicious guesses, the night sky higher up suddenly reported: There is a strange place in the southwest.

Daliang immediately paid attention to his map. At the edge of the new exploration map, an open area appeared. It was not covered by trees, nor was it a river or lake.

In a forest full of trees, if there is an open space without trees, it is indeed curious.

The team was flying blindly anyway, so Da Liang took the lead and flew toward the open space.

As we get closer, the open space gradually appears in Da Liang's field of vision.

Surrounded by green forest, there is a crystal clear red light in the middle. At first, Daliang thought that there were strong fire magic elements gathered there, but as he got closer, Daliang discovered that those were not fire magic elements, but large red crystals. These red crystals reflect the sunlight and illuminate the entire open area in red.

Red crystal?

Could it be...

Getting closer, what he saw in front of him made Daliang unable to believe his eyes.

crystal! It's crystal!

The entire open land with a radius of nearly one kilometer is covered with red crystals...

Such a large crystal mine is exposed on the surface. If it can be mined, what kind of daily output will it be.

Even if Daliang has a lot of rare minerals, there is no way to estimate this crystal mining area, but it is certain...

A gem mine with a daily output of 2.5 units is guarded by monsters of the level of the Snow Mountain Giant Clan. For a crystal mine of this size, the strength of the guards is absolutely beyond imagination.

Maybe this is where the dragon tribe lives.

Da Liang immediately asked Julian and the vampire sword guards to land in the jungle. It would be troublesome if the guarding creatures there thought this was an invasion.

And Daliang continued to fly in the direction, knowing that he must have been seen by the guards of the crystal mine. At this time, any change in action may cause the other party to misunderstand. On the contrary, it is better to continue to approach and show a harmless attitude. Because Daliang's specialty is a magic mage, his favorability in the magic forest is enhanced. If there are intelligent creatures guarding the crystal mining area, they probably won't take action directly.

"Ye Sha, remain invisible. No attack is allowed without my order."

"Yes, sir!"

At night, the surrounding situation is monitored from high in the sky.

Da Liang applied a variety of defensive spells and gain spells to himself, and also used these magic lights to clarify his position and appearance, so that the guards in the crystal mining area could see him more clearly, so as to reduce the hostility of the other party.

The distance is even closer, some of the large crystal clusters are more than ten meters high, and the sunlight reflected from the crystal surfaces from various angles is mesmerizing.

The guards of the crystal mining area have yet to show up.

Even when Daliang landed on the edge of the crystal mining area, nothing came out, as if there was really no one watching here.

Da Liang did not regard this as an unguarded mining area. The guards must be quietly monitoring him somewhere. He raised his hand to show that he had no ill intentions, and at the same time activated magic special effects to make his magic mage robe more distinctive, and then said: "I come with good intentions and request to negotiate with your leader."

At this time, a very loud voice sounded on Da Liang's head: "It took so long... we almost lost our patience. It seems that you still care about Princess Zi Ling's life, and I hope that what you bring is indeed goodwill." "

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