Start with an Archangel

Chapter 840 Crystal Dragon Clan

Da Liang looked up following the sound and saw a huge head made of crystal, staring at him with wide eyes. After taking a closer look, Daliang discovered that the large crystal cluster around him was actually the body of this strange creature.

This creature is made entirely of red crystals. It has the shape of a giant dragon, but without dragon wings. It looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex. He stood in front of Daliang, and the powerful aura rushing toward him showed that he was a real dragon. Even without wings, he was still a dragon.

Then the ground began to vibrate, and more and more crystal clusters around them started to move. Those were dragons made of this kind of crystal. When they lay there, they looked exactly like the real crystal clusters. As long as they didn't move, you couldn't see anything. the difference.

Could these be what Holy Bella said - dragons who are good at magic?

Looking at their hard bodies, sharp teeth, and thick tails, they seem to be better at close combat. But since Holy Bella said they were good at magic, then they must be good at magic.

It's just that these crystal dragons seem to be very hostile to themselves, and listening to the words of the crystal dragon in front of them, they must have mistaken themselves for someone.

Being mistaken for an enemy is not a good thing...

Just as Daliang was about to explain, the crystal dragon in front of him stepped over Daliang's head and walked towards the depths of the crystal mining area. He turned back and said, "Follow me, the clan leader is already waiting for you."

Daliang thought: I can't explain it to a sentry, so I'd better wait until I see their clan leader.

So Da Liang didn't say anything, and followed the crystal dragon who led the way and walked inside. The crystal dragons he saw along the way were all showing off their strong bodies in demonstration.

The strange dragon clan is completely different from what you imagined.

Passing through clumps of crystals, Da Liang entered the center of the crystal mining area under the leadership of the crystal dragon in front, and then followed him into a crystal mine cave.

The space inside the mine is very open, and the four walls and roof of the cave are all filled with red crystals.

Da Liang stopped Ye Shi from entering the crystal mine. He could feel that the strength of this crystal dragon clan far exceeded the 14th-level golden dragons and black dragons. This was a group that was born with 15th-level creatures. Thinking about the strength shown by Ye Xie, you can feel how powerful this dragon clan is, and there is no doubt that the leader of this dragon clan has 16th level strength.

Da Liang was not sure whether the leader of the Crystal Dragon had the ability to detect Ye Xie, and if the Crystal Dragon wanted to attack him, it would be useless for Ye Xie to come in. Instead, it would be better to use space skills outside the cave as backup at any time.

Similarly, Julian and Sophia were also asked to hide in the jungle with their guards...hide.

Soon Daliang came to the depths of the crystal mine and saw the crystal dragon patriarch crawling inside on a throne made of crystal.

After seeing Daliang, the leader of the Crystal Dragon clan did not stand up, but just raised his head, looked down at Daliang with majestic eyes, and said: "I don't understand why your people like this form, making themselves look like a weak human being. But considering your size, I can understand your approach. As dragons, you are really too weak and rely too much on magic, which has caused you to lose your dragon body.

Sharp teeth, unparalleled strength, and super defense and magic resistance, these are the real dragons. "

After hearing the words of the leader of the Crystal Dragon, Daliang figured out one thing first - he ran to the wrong set.

The Crystal Dragon was just as he guessed, it was a dragon clan that was good at melee combat and melee combat, and another dragon clan that was good at magic. Now this dragon clan who is good at magic and the crystal dragon clan are in a hostile state. It seems that a magic dragon princess named Zi Ling has been caught by these crystal dragons.

Daliang, who came at this time, was mistaken for a negotiator sent by the Magic Dragon Clan.

Damn it! Don't play like this...

What should I do now?

Frankly speaking, I am not a messenger, not even a magical dragon, I am just a human who broke in by mistake. You continue chatting here while I go find the magic dragon to establish relations.

The final possible outcome is...

Killing a human should be no concern to these dragons.

The best countermeasure to this situation is to continue acting and find a way to escape...

Through the words of the leader of the Crystal Dragon, Daliang can determine that the magic dragon can transform itself into a human form or a magic mage through transformation. Nowadays, they are dressed in magic mage uniforms. This should be the reason why these crystal dragons mistake themselves for magic dragons.

Anyway, these crystal dragons don't see their true race, so the show can go on.

Da Liang used shaping magic to make a crystal chair for himself. After sitting in it comfortably, he said: "If you want to understand the nature of the world and create the future, only magic can do it. Of course, these principles are What the ignorant races cannot understand is that no matter how powerful you are, there is always a limit, just like your current situation."

Facing the 16th level strong man, Daliang took a high stance instead.

He could feel the Crystal Dragon's contempt for the Magic Dragon, but their behavior was like a kidnapping and blackmailer. Using hostages as bargaining chips in negotiations was definitely not something a strong party would do, and this was not the way to show strength.

Therefore, Daliang used a more general statement to express his speculation. As long as the general meaning was correct, the specific things would naturally be supplemented by the Crystal Dragon Clan Chief based on the current situation of his race.

Sure enough, Daliang's words angered the Crystal Dragon Clan Leader, and the pressure around him increased. However, the Crystal Dragon Clan Leader tried his best to restrain his anger and resisted the urge to trample the opponent to death.

He is the clan leader and must be responsible for the entire Crystal Dragon race. Killing the messenger and closing the window for negotiation will only make things develop in the worst direction.

The Crystal Dragon Patriarch stared at Daliang with a captivating gaze, and Daliang also stared at the Crystal Dragon Patriarch with a "killing gaze".

After looking at each other for a long time, the leader of the Crystal Dragon Clan said: "There is no point in us continuing to ridicule each other. Since you are here on behalf of the Purple Dragon Clan, then I will make our request to you on behalf of the Crystal Dragon Clan.

We lost our home and were forced to move to the Enchanted Forest, and we demanded the land southwest of the Enchanted Forest as our territory.

As long as the Purple Dragon Clan agrees to our request, we will immediately release Princess Zi Ling. "

Daliang said: "What if we don't agree?"

The leader of the Crystal Dragon said sternly: "Then all that's left is war... You Purple Dragons are good at using magic, but we Crystal Dragons have very high magic immunity and very high defense. If you fight with us, you will only be defeated by one." The heads were torn to pieces.”

Daliang smiled and said: "Yes, you are very right...but you can't fly."

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