Start with an Archangel

Chapter 854 Command Post

At this time, Daliang stood outside the blue coalition command post. Above are the sky full of bone dragons and angels, as well as a large number of high-level wizards protecting the core of the cyan coalition.

On the outside is an endless army of death.

Looking into the distance, you can clearly see the Angel's Super Cross Fortress. The fortress is white, representing the city in the clouds. The sacred light dispels the mist in the undead sky. Angels in small groups, led by an archangel, are distributed in the airspace around the fortress. A dozen huge aerial battleships surrounded the fortress, firing cannons in the direction of Eternal Night City from time to time, or firing a magic cannon.

Facing it is the Cathedral of Eternal Night City. This floating fortress has also risen into the sky, and ghosts and vampires have formed dark clouds rolling in the sky.

"Elder, President Lucas invites you to come in."

Da Liang withdrew his gaze, followed the wizard who led the way into the command post, and then met President Lucas.

When Lucas saw Da Liang, he first said: "Holy Brandon was killed in the City of Sighs. Gabriel was very angry about this incident. He believed that the death of Holy Brandon was directly related to your City of Sighs branch, and requested I openly lament the situation in the City Chapter. I have not agreed, but I want to know, does the death of Holy Brandon have anything to do with you?"

Da Liang looked at the blue coalition offensive route map on the table, quietly left the photo, then found a place to sit down, and then said: "I told Will about Holy Brandon in the City of Sighs, and the siege and killing of Bu I also participated in Langdon’s battle.”

This was definitely not the answer Lucas wanted. He asked seriously: "Do you know that Holy Brandon has a very high status in Cloud City? I sent someone to inform you that Holy Blanca secretly went to the City of Sighs, isn't it? Let you kill him. If this matter is exposed, Yunzhong City will never let you go."

Daliang said: "Holy Brandon's large-scale search for the City of Sighs branch in the City of Sighs has threatened my safety in the City of Sighs. And before killing him, I went to meet with him specifically. His purpose was Michu. Ka, Yunzhong City wants to let Misuka go.

Yunzhong City is definitely not an ally that can be relied on. Angels will do anything to fight hell. I only killed Brandon to protect myself, otherwise I would have been killed by him. "

Of course, Lucas knew the purpose of Holy Brandon going to the City of Sighs. This was also the fundamental reason why he defended the City of Sighs branch in front of Gabriel. However, the death of Holy Brandon was really too serious, and the Cyan Alliance was very Rely on the support of Cloud City.

"Absolutely don't tell anyone about this." Lucas reminded Da Liang that from the perspective of the Wizards Guild, the City of Sighs branch did nothing wrong. It can only be blamed on Holy Brandon for provoking someone he shouldn't have. . Then Lucas asked: "Is it going well for you in the City of Sighs? You influenced the Sad Lord not to support the City of Eternal Night. Did he doubt your identity?"

"Of course not." Daliang said with a smile: "President, please let me introduce you ceremoniously. Sitting in front of you at this time is... the Bishop of the Misty District Church in Sighing City, the deputy speaker of the Wugong Holy See Council in Sighing City, The death mentor of the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs."

A string of senior titles from the Unsullied Holy See shocked Lucas so much that he almost threw a string of magic spells at Da Liang. Fortunately, the president of the Wizards Guild was steady enough and immediately realized that the person sitting in front of him was a wizard. His own disciple.

But Lucas still couldn't believe that Daliang had reached such a position in the ruling hierarchy of Sighing City.

It had only been a long time since he last killed Frank, and the temporary elder whom he had used to stabilize the morale of the City of Sighs branch had gone from being a foreign pope to becoming the vice-president of the bishop of the City of Sighs.

"What happened in the City of Sighs!"

Lucas knew that if nothing special happened in the City of Sighs, the Sorrowful Lord would never send a human pope to such a prominent position.

Da Liang did not answer immediately, but took out a new copy of the Unsullied Doctrine and handed it to Lucas.

"What is this?" Lucas took over the newly compiled Immortal Doctrine in confusion. He was attracted by the content after just turning a page.

As an undead, Lucas is certainly familiar with the Unsullied Doctrine. When he was young, he was also a believer in the Unsullied Doctrine. He did not give up this belief until his power was strong enough to peek at God.

So when Lucas started reading the new Immortal Doctrine, he immediately noticed the difference.

Just like that, the room fell into silence.

Lucas slowly read the new Unsullied Doctrine page by page, while Da Liang stared at the offensive battle map of the cyan coalition, watching and waiting.

After a long time, Lucas turned over the last page of the newly compiled Immortal Doctrine and asked Daliang: "Why did you let me read this? Who came up with the ultimate belief?"

Daliang said: "President, I proposed the ultimate belief, and the Sad Lord was the first believer I developed. Now the entire City of Sighs area is changing towards the ultimate belief, and the city of Sighs has changed."

This is definitely more shocking and impactful for Lucas than Daliang's string of titles.

The Unsullied Holy See actually changed all its teachings in order to become a god. This is absolutely a great irony for the Wizards Guild, which has been fighting with the Unsullied Holy See for countless years in order to become a god.

How should the Wizards Guild treat Ultimate Faith? How to deal with the Immaculate Holy See who converted to religion?

Lucas knew the purpose of Daliang letting him read the newly compiled Wushou teachings.


Can hatred be easily forgotten?

Why did the Wizards Guild organize the Cyan Alliance Army? As hatred accumulates and explodes, the angry wizards can even oust the anti-war president. Now tell them: The Holy See has converted to the ultimate faith. Let’s stop fighting and study how to become gods together.

is it possible?

Especially when the cyan coalition forces are about to drive the Monarch of Sorrow out of Yongye City and usher in the most important victory against the Holy See.

Who will agree to a settlement?

So many wizards who were executed by the Unsullied Holy See on charges of being exiles, were they allowed to die in vain?

Lucas sighed and said: "Now that the war has started, how can it be stopped whenever it wants. Even if I agree to reconcile with the Unsullied Holy See who believes in the ultimate faith, the wizards will not agree, and the southern death lords will not agree. , Yunzhong City will not agree even more."

Of course, Da Liang also knew that it was basically impossible to end the civil war in the Kingdom of Death in a peaceful way. There were too many interests involved in it.

Cloud City, the Wizard, the Southern Death Lord, and the Death Lord all have their own ideas. Even the sad monarch who converted to the ultimate faith has no intention of reconciling with the Wizards Guild.

The civil war in the kingdom of death must be fought, and it must be fought vigorously.

Only when all parties are tired of fighting and see no hope of victory will they think of giving up the dispute and sitting together.

Daliang said: "Yes, the war will not end quickly because of the birth of a faith. The main purpose of my coming here is to tell the president that the City of Sighs has completed the establishment of the Protestant religion, and Will, the head of the Holy See Knights, is already mourning the monarch. Under the order of Sigh City, troops were assembled at the border of Sigh City and Yongye City.

When the war in Eternal Night City is over, Will will lead the army of City of Sighs into the Eternal Night area to seize territory. At that time, they will be divided into pieces to recruit and surrender those lords who are still loyal to the Lord of Death and expand the territory of City of Sighs.

I think we should capture Will while his forces are dispersed. Will is the general the Sad Lord relies on most. If we catch him, we can defeat the Sad Lord's ambitions and facilitate the cyan coalition's occupation of the Evernight region.

If there is a need to negotiate with the Sad Lord in the future, Will will also be a very powerful bargaining chip. "

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