Start with an Archangel

Chapter 855 Eternal Night City

For Daliang, no matter what kind of mission he receives, it will never be as important as Julian. Since the last time Juliet directly absorbed the extremely evil energy, her power has been continuously increasing. During the long period of detention, her temper became more and more violent. At some point, Julian could no longer suppress the evil power in her body and was controlled by Juliet.

The sooner the two angels can do the work of separation, the better.

Of the six pieces of angel equipment, Daliang has already obtained five. The remaining prophet sword is in Will's hand, and it is also the most difficult angel equipment to get.

Daliang had seen the battle between Will and Holy Brandon, and intuitively recognized Will's fighting power.

The Black Fire Leader did not have the strength to defeat Will. Especially in the City of Sighs, Will is not fighting alone. There is the tyrannical Knights of the Unsullied Holy See below, and there is the 16th-level Melancholy Monarch above. There is no possibility of operating the Prophetic Sword in the City of Sighs.

So Daliang thought of a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

For the strategy of Eternal Night City, Daliang persuaded the Sad Lord to invade the territory of Eternal Night City after the war. As for such tedious and dirty work, the Sad Lord will definitely not be able to personally conquer it, but this invasion is extremely important to the City of Sighs. Only Will's personal command can reassure the Sad Lord.

So... Will will leave the City of Sighs, and at the same time, according to the strategy given by Daliang, he will break up his army into pieces and plant flags everywhere.

Originally, in the vast land of Eternal Night, Will could hide anywhere so that the cyan coalition could not find him. This kind of war of attrition purely for the sake of attrition does not require him to go into battle personally, he only needs to give orders from behind. But trust him in Daliang. Daliang has the identity of the Wizards Guild. In the land of Yongye, as long as the cyan coalition knows Will's location and the 16th-level hero takes action personally, he will never be able to escape.

Of course, Da Liang was not willing to watch Will being killed. After all, Will was good to him, so he came to Lucas first.

Lucas's vision is beyond the reach of many wizards. He opposed the war from the beginning, and in the end he was just dragged into a chariot. As long as he knows that the ultimate belief is spreading, he will first think of the possibility of the coexistence of the Unsullied Holy See and the Wizards Guild. When arresting Will, he will keep Will as a bargaining chip in future negotiations with the Sad Lord. .

What happened was exactly what Daliang expected. After reading the newly compiled Wushou Doctrine, Lucas guessed Daliang's intention. Although this is far from enough to end the war, Paulwell's life should be enough.

I can do whatever I can, Will. For the sake of my archangel, I can only forgive you.

Although Lucas is not proficient in strategy, he also knows that after the war in Yongye City, the cyan coalition must digest the Yongye area to strengthen its own strength. If Sigh City rushes in to grab the territory at this time, the cyan coalition will definitely lose a big piece of cake.

Will must be captured.

Moreover, the deputy speaker of Sigh City Branch is from the Wizards Guild, and Will is simply being sent to his door as a prisoner. However, after seeing Ultimate Faith, Lucas also realized that Will could only capture but not kill...

But considering that Will destroyed the original Sighing City branch and led to the death of Elder Quentin, after catching Will, the voices in the guild calling for Will's death must have been very loud.

Lucas thought for a while and then said: "When the time comes, tell me Will's location, and I will organize wizards to capture him secretly. You can even imprison Michuka, but it shouldn't be possible to imprison another Will." question."

He was so sleepy that he encountered a pillow, so Daliang replied: "No problem."

Will's matter was finally settled, and Daliang told Lucas again: He came to Yongye City this time to participate in the city's defense. If the cyan coalition forces need it, he can help the coalition forces collect intelligence from the defenders.

Lucas said: "No, you don't have to do anything. Your current identity is too important. If there is a chance to reconcile with the Death Lord in the future, we need someone who can detect the Death Lord's thoughts. You just need to protect him. You can do it yourself, and once Lord Aiyin is defeated, you will retreat immediately."

Daliang nodded and said: "Yes, President. I know what to do."

Daliang left the blue coalition command post and flew into a barren mountain alone. Here he gathered his bodyguards, and based on the information he received from the Melancholy Lord, he found a necromancer in a hidden cave.

Now Yongye City has been surrounded by the blue coalition forces, and it is impossible to try to fly in. If you want to enter Yongye City, you can only use the teleportation arrays set up by the Holy See in secluded areas outside the city. In addition, in order to prevent the teleportation arrays from being detected by the cyan coalition, these teleportation arrays can only transport people on a small scale.

Daliang revealed his identity to the necromancer in the cave.

Deputy Speaker of the Immaculate Holy See Council in the City of Sighs.

The necromancer did not dare to show any neglect and immediately activated the teleportation array to send all Da Liang and his guards into the Evernight City.

The first main city of the Kingdom of Death is facing its biggest crisis since its establishment. I am afraid that the Monarch of Sorrow never thought that his city would one day be surrounded by the undead.

Now the cyan coalition forces have advanced to the edge of Yongye City, and this city of the undead, which is larger than the entire Shangjiang River, does not even have a decent city wall.

Too much money...

And compared to city walls that can be easily piled up with corpses, the death monarchs trust their own armies more, those embankments built with corpses on the battlefield. They never thought that they would be surrounded one day in the kingdom of death. No living race can bear the logistical expenditure required to besiege the main city of the undead. The death energy of the kingdom of death is the best defense system.

But this time it was the undead that surrounded Yongye City.

With its rapid military operations, the Cyan Alliance Army prioritized the occupation of all the mining areas outside Yongye City and cut off Yongye City's resource supply. The Monarch of Aiyin can only rely on inventory resources to build his own city defense, but the limited resources are not enough to build a city defense system. He can only build small defense systems with the cathedrals in the city as the core, and the rest depends on The undead army resisted.

However, without foreign aid and peripheral lands, the Monarch of Lament could not even recruit the necessary number of undead troops.

After revealing his identity, Daliang was allowed to fly over Yongye City.

The surface of the city has been riddled with holes, and the undead army gathered in the east and west groups under the command of the hero. The Yongye City army, which was short of major generals, did not deploy heavy troops outside the city to block the cyan coalition forces from entering the city. Instead, they prepared to concentrate their efforts on defending a few key areas.

The Cathedral of Evernight City is undoubtedly the top priority.

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