Start with an Archangel

Chapter 858 Take you in

Seeing Xu Man's expression as if he was swallowing walnuts, Shu Xiao was very proud: "I don't know what happened specifically. I only know that my master had some grudges with Metatron in the past, which caused the collective favorability of Yunzhong City to decline. Somehow, He went to see Metatron once and that settled the matter."

Gu Tao said: "Yes, yes, the last mission we did together seems to have been received from Metatron. It's just...Senior Brother Daliang has just restored the favorability of Yunzhong City. I wonder if he can take us in." Blue Alliance Army.”

Shu Xiao was not sure either: "Probably, maybe, maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Daliang fell from the sky riding a silver pegasus and happened to hear Shu Xiao's last words.

So Shu Xiao told Daliang the dilemma facing the Judgment Legion at this time.

"We came to Yongye City to do territorial tasks. We can't merge the Judgment Legion into the Yunxiao Legion. But if we don't get closer to Yongye City, what's the difference between it and the salted fish here?" Shu Xiao pointed to the people around him who were looking at each other. Team after team of troops entered the blue coalition army formation, and the players who jumped anxiously said. The Judgment Legion is a world-renowned top-level legion. If you want to compete with these fish-bellied legions for soy sauce in this war, you might as well just go back to the World of Heroes. "Can your connections in Yunzhong City bring us closer to Yongye City?"

"Of course not... I have just restored the relationship in Yunzhong City to normal, and I still have some conflicts with Gabriel. How can the angel army here take us there."

After listening to Daliang's words, the three women felt at the same time that this guy was really capable of causing trouble.

Just after restoring the relationship with Metatron to normal, you have offended Gabriel again... and they are all the supreme angels.

Xu Man said angrily: "Do you have a grudge against Yunzhong City? Your territory is the territory of the human race. If Gabriel punishes you, no one can help."

Daliang said: "Don't worry, Gabriel doesn't know who I am."

Shu Xiao said distressedly: "It seems that we are really going to get into trouble."

Da Liang flicked his finger on Shu Xiao's forehead and said dissatisfied: "Have some confidence in me as a teacher, okay? I said angels can't take us in, but I didn't say I can't take you in. Just wait here, Sister Man too There is no need to use the teleportation array in the Dream Realm. Their teleportation arrays are in the mountains where the blue coalition forces cannot take care of them, and they are prone to encounter the peripheral harassing troops of Yongye City."

With that said, Daliang put on a fat blouse under the dumbfounded gazes of the three women, then summoned a giant bat, mounted it and flew towards the cyan coalition's formation.

"What is he going to do?"

"I do not know!"

"He seems to be very awesome."

Daliang put on a costume that concealed his identity, flew to a blue coalition military formation, and recognized a wizard with the six-pointed star logo of the Wizards Guild.

Daliang quietly showed the badge of the elder of his Wizard Guild's Sigh City branch, and then whispered: "I want to see Elder Anthony."

The City of Sighs branch is one of the seven branches of the Wizards Guild. There is a huge status gap between its elders and an ordinary wizard. After confirming Daliang's identity, the wizard did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately flew up to convey Daliang's request to his superior wizard.

In this way, Daliang's words were passed up the command structure of the Wizards Guild, level by level, until they reached the ears of Elder Anthony.

Then Elder Anthony used the shortest time to teleport directly to Daliang.

All this was seen by the three women on the hill.

Shu Xiao stared at his telescope and shouted: "Hey, my master has invited a big shot! Did you see the magic he sent? Only a very powerful hero can do it so easily."

Regarding teleportation magic, Gu Tao has the best say: "I saw it, I saw it. It must be a master mage who is proficient in space skills. He is on the same level as my magic instructor. This is a very strong level 15 hero."

Xu Man was extremely puzzled: "Isn't Daliang a human race? Why is he still related in the wizard guild of the undead! Looking at the appearance of the cyan coalition forces around him, this undead must have a very high status in the cyan coalition forces. Daliang's mission was a little too good. Exactly!"

Shu Xiao said: "Who knows, I have lived with him for so long, but I still haven't figured out how many boats he stepped on."

Gu Tao was surprised and said: "No way, senior brother Daliang seems to be quite dedicated."

"In the game I'm talking about...last time he took me to meet a Hell Lord King, and he also said he was going to meet the Fallen Angel King. Who knows what other awesome characters he knows? Even if he said he knew the Lord of Death, I wouldn't be surprised. . No, the Blue Alliance Army and the Death Monarch are mortal enemies..."

Xu Man said: "The King of Hell Lords and the King of Fallen Angels are also sworn enemies. Daliang is bragging and has no control over his words. But now it seems that he does have very strong connections in the Blue Alliance Army. Not only can he lead If you go in, you can even bring us in..."

After Daliang saw Anthony, he said directly: "Two adventurer legions came to Yongye City to help in the battle. Their fighting power is very good, and they hope to get closer to Yongye City."

According to Daliang's status in the Cyan Alliance Army, it would be no problem to directly bring the Judgment Legion and Yunxiao Legion into the Cyan Alliance Army Formation. But there were too many players here, and he didn't want to attract too much attention, so he invited Elder Anthony over.

Bringing the adventurer legion into the cyan coalition army formation was originally a trivial matter for Elder Anthony, and these two groups were brought by the elders of the City of Sighs branch, so there was no problem.

Anthony summoned a bone dragon team from the air, then pointed in a direction and said to Da Liang: "Let them keep walking in that direction. About one kilometer away from Yongye City, there is a wizard guild and wizard station. There The defensive measures are very good and very safe. At the beginning of the war, the wizard group will follow the terrifying knights who break through from the front and enter the Evernight City. If the combat effectiveness of these two legions is really good, they can enter at this time. Of course, we can also wait for the second wave of attacks."

After getting the location given by Anthony, Daliang immediately informed Shu Xiao and Xu Man: "It's done, come with the legion."

The Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion immediately took action. Thousands of players summoned their flying mounts together, and then flew toward the cyan coalition's military formation.

Flying dragons, silver pegasus, royal griffins, angels, archangels, green dragons, and golden dragons eliminate two flying clusters in the air, two legions.

Show off the majesty of the world's top legions.

The Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion were able to enter the cyan coalition army formation, which was originally expected by the players, but it was abnormal not to be able to enter. But the players never expected that it would be the Bone Dragon flying towards Yongye City with these two legions.

However, the Judgment Territory to which the Judgment Legion belongs is the territory of the human race, while the Yunxiao Territory to which the Yunxiao Legion belongs is the territory of the elves.

When did the two lords Daliang and Lie Hongshang complete their mission to the Kingdom of Death?

So high-end!

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