Start with an Archangel

Chapter 859 One Kilometer

Ten kilometers, nine kilometers, eight kilometers...

The Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion under the Shangjiang University Alliance in the China Game Zone were all flying in aerial formation, and they were getting closer and closer to Yongye City.

They are very conspicuous in the air.

The joint action of the two world's top legions has undoubtedly attracted the attention of all players who are paying attention to the war in Evernight City. Therefore, in order to show its strength, the College Alliance also launched a live broadcast. When flying from the sky above the Cyan Alliance, the entire scene was broadcast to all players who paid attention to the College Alliance.

After crossing the back line of the cyan coalition army, the formation of the undead was not so dense. The thousand-man brigade formed a large square formation of ten thousand people at a distance of ten meters. Skeleton soldiers accounted for half of the ten thousand people. In the middle was a long-range corpse witch brigade protected by three walking corpse brigade. A dark knight brigade was dragged behind Behind the large formation is the mobile force.

This is an ordinary war group of the Blue Alliance Army, with about a hundred meters between each group of 10,000 people.

A swarm of ghosts, vampires, and bone dragons protect the sky.

When it comes to air power, the undead race, which has three levels of low, medium and high flying units, is still very powerful.

Among the many large square formations of the blue coalition army, there are also many special attack groups.

The wizarding group.

Catapults, ballistae, artillery... war equipment.

Magic amplification device, magic prohibition device, mobile teleportation magic circle, dark sky curtain, magic early warning device...many alchemical equipment.

Because of the preparations and the support from Yunzhong City, the Cyan Alliance not only surpassed Yongye City in terms of number of troops, but also exceeded them in quality. Look at the towering alchemy equipment shooting all kinds of magic into the air from time to time, and the large aerial battleships speeding past.

This magical war actually has a bit of Star Wars feel to it.

The most eye-catching thing on the entire battlefield is the Angel's Super Cross Fortress.

The giant fortress emitting holy light floats in the air. The angel's unique art makes this floating fortress unusually gorgeous. At the same time, the entire battlefield can feel the majestic pressure of Yunzhong City, like a mountain standing in the sky. Apart from being unable to resist, there is only a deep sense of worship.

In the distance, the Cathedral of Evernight City confronts the Super Cross Fortress. The cathedral is larger than the Cross Fortress, but because it is hidden in the gray mist, its aura looks gloomy.

The players looked at the picture provided by the College Alliance, followed the movement of the camera, and appreciated this shocking army. Although all players who are allowed to join the Cyan Alliance will conduct live broadcasts to increase their popularity, even if it is a repetitive scene, players are willing to watch it over and over again.

The depressing atmosphere before the war made every player excited.

But, at some point...

Players suddenly discovered, why is the College Alliance still flying and filming? The other legions that were allowed to enter the cyan coalition had already arrived at the designated positions and started preparing for battle, but the Judgment Legion and Yunxiao Legion were still flying forward.

The Evernight City in the lens is getting clearer and clearer, six kilometers...five kilometers...

Five kilometers is the distance between the Flying Sand and Stone Dominator Legion and Eternal Night City. They are hidden in a mountain on the edge of the battlefield. Since the terrain here is not conducive to deploying the army, the cyan coalition did not deploy heavy troops here, so the Magic Forest was opened up as a battlefield for observation. point.

This location is also the closest location to Eternal Night City for the player's legion. As an elven territory, the Dominion Legion has gone further than those undead territories. It really gave the undead players a hard slap in the face.

But since it was Boss Fei who slapped the face, everyone was relieved.

Feibo is right to slap him in the face in all areas of the game. It would be abnormal not to slap him in the face.

But this time, the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion crossed five kilometers and continued to fly forward without any intention of stopping.

Four kilometers, three kilometers, two kilometers...

Is the College Alliance going to send the legions directly into Yongye City?

And just when the players really thought that the College Alliance was going to attack Yongye City directly, the two legions finally began to lower their altitude.

There is a military camp one kilometer away from Yongye City. In front of it is a thick sea of ​​skeletons, with almost no gaps between skeletons. If it weren't for the fact that there was no place to stay in the Skeleton Sea, the players watching the live broadcast believed that the two legions of the College Alliance could fly a little further.

A human territory and an elven territory, how on earth do they do tasks in the Kingdom of Death? And it is much more advanced than the tasks done by all undead players.

And just when the players were speculating but couldn't figure it out, the military camp under the lens of the College Alliance once again shocked the players' attention.

Various alchemical equipment are set up on the towering walls, and the walls are densely covered with bats. Inside the military camp, you can see layers of colorful defensive shields protecting the military camp inside. In the middle of the military camp is a magic tower. The magic eye at the top of the tower is opened, and a magic beam will be shot out almost every minute. Some of them replenish the defense cover of the military camp, and some are shot to unknown places.

A circle of wizards sat below the magic tower. They all lowered their heads and meditated, turning a blind eye to the two player legions entering the military camp.

In the outer circle of this military camp is a cavalry brigade composed of dark knights and terrifying knights. All the people guarding the military camp are bone dragons and ghost dragons.

This is definitely not an ordinary military camp, but a front-line magic support node. Responsible for the magic confrontation at the beginning of the war, and providing magic blessing for the follow-up army of death.

The first-line magic support node is definitely the most critical place for the cyan coalition, and it is also the place with the strongest defense capabilities.

How could players be allowed to stay here? Shouldn't it be destroyed even if it takes just one look?

The players were shocked by the College Alliance's cunning operations. Your mission was too tricky!

Shi Fei was also paying attention to the actions of the College Alliance. The strange deployment of the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion once again proved his original guess.

Daliang's mission flow has been transferred from Shangjiang to the Kingdom of Death. To be precise... he should have taken the Yunzhong City route and then branched to the Blue Alliance Army.

And they dug very deep on the line of the Blue Alliance Army, very deep...

Shi Fei contacted the Fool of the Temple: "I recommend a Templar Knight for you. In the Chinese game area, the human priest Da Liang. You should be in Yongye City at this time. You also saw the video of the College Alliance just now. They are in the Blue Alliance Army. Very powerful. To be precise, Daliang's mission progress in the Blue Alliance Army should be very advanced.

If you want to regain your disadvantage against Death's Shadow in the camp confrontation, add Daliang into your team...

What...Braveheart...considers his mood?

Fool, this is your idea of ​​white supremacy. In Sunny Plains, Braveheart led eight territories to attack the Judgment Territory, but was pushed back by Da Liang and blocked at Lionheart Fortress for a month. Smart people know who to choose, but you actually recruit brave hearts and give up Daliang.

I don't know what you were thinking.


Probably...this kid is indeed very lucky.

Is your individual strength not outstanding?

You tell me that a mage who can release meteors and fire showers in the early stages of the game and wander around with A-level archangels is not outstanding in individual strength?

Well, as a yellow man, I feel a little honored that you are willing to tell me so much.

In the end, I can only say that in the confrontation between the camps in the Kingdom of Death, the only one who can contain Mie Shi is Daliang. The Shadow of Death must already be in Eternal Night City. If the Holy Church wants to make a difference on the battlefield of Eternal Night City, recruit Daliang into your team.

Be polite. "

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