Start with an Archangel

Chapter 861 Be careful of getting chopped

Shu Xiao, Xu Man, and Gu Tao all shot murderous glances at the same time.

Now that the blue coalition attack route map has been released, can people still play the game properly? What on earth did you do in the Kingdom of Death? Remember you are a priest, a human priest!

Too unprofessional...

Under the stares of three pairs of beautiful eyes, Daliang presented the photos he took at the cyan coalition command post in front of everyone through projection mode, and at the same time passed them to Xu Man as a backup.

On the cyan coalition's attack route map, the boundaries between the Yongye City defenders and the cyan coalition are clearly defined. The Death Legion's army is represented in black and gray, while the cyan coalition is naturally represented in cyan. On the attack route map, the offensive route of the cyan coalition was indeed the same as Shu Xiao's analysis. Most of the coalition's attack directions were to contain the defenders' strength, with only a few main attack points.

When the attack begins, the cyan coalition forces will send out their most elite troops, force their way into Yongye City from the main attack point, and then separate a small area of ​​the city. Then the feint attack force will carry out an overall forward pressure on this city area, discordant with the defenders. Entangle, quickly pass through regardless of losses, cover and submerge with the tide of undead, and finally use superior force to eliminate the remaining enemy-controlled urban areas.

For the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion, the best time is when the undead wave has just completed covering the city. At this time, the cyan coalition forces had completed the control of dividing the city and established an absolute advantage. However, the defenders still controlled important locations and were stubbornly resisting. The high school alliance can follow the cyan coalition and constantly hit the target to grab the victory.

The detailed description on the entire attack route map is very clear. With this thing, the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Army who can enter Yongye City in the early stage of the war will definitely be able to eat a lot.

Xu Man quickly handed over the copy of the cyan coalition's attack road map that Daliang gave him to the data backend and tactical staff of the College Alliance, asking them to complete a detailed analysis of the cyan coalition's attack road map as soon as possible and formulate the actions of the two legions. Schedule and battlefield duties.

"Great, I think based on our position and this attack route map, the Yunxiao Leader and your Judgment Leader will have no problem getting the architectural drawings before reaching the eighth-level Leader. Maybe we can also get high-level arms with our extra battle achievements. and high-level heroes.”

Shu Xiao was also happy, but her military literacy was higher than others. She said: "This is just the attack route map of the Cyan Coalition. It only represents the tactical plan of the Cyan Coalition. Facing the attack, Yongye City will definitely be active When the war actually breaks out, there will definitely be a back-and-forth fight, resulting in a stalemate.

Therefore, we cannot rely too much on this attack map. When participating in the attack, you still need to pay more attention to the changes in the Yongye City defenders. The key is to be prepared to retreat at any time to prevent being surrounded by the Yongye City counterattack troops. "

Gu Tao said: "Then I will organize a group of mages to guard our retreat... At this time, it would be great if there is a defense map of Yongye City."

Just as Gu Tao finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Daliang. Xu Man and Shu Xiao also looked over together.

Da Liang looked horrified.

"What do you think I'm doing? I don't have a defense plan for Yongye City..."

The three girls let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

Shu Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I'm really afraid that you will take out the defense map of Yongye City, otherwise it will be too outrageous."

Xu Man was not only a little disappointed, but he also thought about it... Da Liang could achieve such a high-end task level in the cyan coalition, how could he possibly obtain the enemy's defense map.

Gu Tao pouted: "Senior Brother Daliang, I thought you could come up with anything."

Daliang smiled at this time and said: "I really don't have the defense map of Yongye City, but I can keep an eye on you in Yongye City. I will not directly participate in the offensive battle between the Judgment Army and the Yunxiao Army this time. Let me know where you hit, and I will investigate the strength and movements of nearby Yongye City for you."

Shu Xiao and Xu Man drew out their swords at the same time, preparing to slash; Gu Tao whipped out a fireball.

Daliang jumped back alertly and said in fear: "What do you want to do? I will help you reduce the difficulty. Are you still unwilling?"

"Wang Daliang!" Shu Xiao said angrily: "If you keep pretending like this, the three of us will hack you to death here together."

"No more pretending, no more pretense." Daliang quickly waved his hand, "Do you want me to help you with the investigation?"

"Of course!"

An "eye" that can detect the movements of Yongye City's defenders in real time is more useful than a rigid defense map. In this way, the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion are simply playing their cards right in this war. Looking at the cyan coalition and staring at the defenders of Yongye City, as long as I don't commit suicide, the plot of this large-scale war is almost as easy as killing monsters and leveling up.

Just how did Da Liang enter Yongye City and at the same time conduct reconnaissance under the eyes of the Yongye City defenders? You must know that battlefield reconnaissance is not about looking at the surrounding area of ​​a few hundred meters at a fixed point. The complex war changes and ground environment require the "eyes" to constantly move within a few kilometers of the surrounding area and look at the location of each discovered defender at close range. structure.

There is no identity that is not attacked by the defenders of Yongye City, and such investigation is impossible.

Xu Man, Shu Xiao and Gu Tao came to the conclusion at the same time that Daliang stepped on two boats in the kingdom of death, and both stepped on the bows.

And Da Liang seems to be riding two boats in hell...

This game is so shameless to play.

Next, none of the three girls asked what Daliang did in the kingdom of death. They were definitely curious, but they were all afraid that they would kill Daliang if they couldn't help it.

The College Alliance re-formulated the Yongye City battle plan, and the Judgment Corps and the Yunxiao Corps also conducted a final mobilization before the war.

The legion assembly flags are placed together, and the soldiers carried in the player's soldier cards are used to form a garrison.

All participating players sat on the ground and carefully read the functional tasks issued by the logistics staff department. Commanders at all levels entered the conference room of the legion channel to conduct cooperative drills on the simulated battlefield.

The vigilance force of the two legions took off. In order to better complete the mission on this battlefield, the Judgment Legion brought three archangels and six angels, and the Yunxiao Legion also brought three golden dragons and six green dragons.

The publicity department of the University Alliance broadcast the preparations of the two legions live to the world. As the player legion closest to Eternal Night City, this live broadcast attracted the attention of almost all players who paid attention to the war in Eternal Night City.

At this time, in the war field of Yongye City, all the participating player legions looked towards the location of the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion.

Shi Fei led the Dominator Legion slowly forward in the mountains, carefully resisting the sneak attacks of Eternal Night City soldiers and monsters.

Daliang returned to Yongye City at this moment.

All Shadows of Death arrive.

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