Start with an Archangel

Chapter 862 The Shadow of Death Arrives

There are 14 official apostles under the Shadow of Death, and peripheral personnel are temporarily deployed as needed.

The Battle of Evernight City is a big event for all players who prefer undead missions. The war can be lost, but the player's camp must win. As a player-versus-team in the Kingdom of Death, Shadow of Death naturally has to be prepared.

Since the Shadow of Death rebelled against Evernight City under the operation of Da Liang, the apostles of Death Shadow could not enter the Cathedral of Evernight City. They gathered in a secret stronghold set up by the Shadow of Death in Evernight City, waiting for Zero's arrival.

Soon Daliang walked in in the form of a leader of flames, and the fire light illuminated the entire dark room.

Bright eyes swept over the apostles. They were all different in height, fat and thin, but they all covered their appearance with black blouses, except for Feng Moying, who was at the end of the team.

Feng Moying, like Daliang, is an apostle of the Shadow of Death who has revealed his identity. Daliang disclosed his identity because of chance, while Feng Moying disclosed her identity because of her duty.

Under the auspices of the Shadow of Death and the Rising Sun Guild, the City of Sighs has established a player guild society, turning the player guilds stationed in the City of Sighs into a community of players' interests. With the support of the shadow of death, Tokugawa Nobunaga got his wish and became the president. At the same time, he sighed at the city's defense force... The command of the Misty Village Legion was given to the Shadow of Death.

As the commander of the Misty Village Legion, Feng Moying naturally became the second apostle of the Shadow of Death to reveal his identity after the destruction of the world. And because it serves as a bridge of cooperation between Death Shadow and the Rising Sun Guild, Feng Moying's safety issues have also been resolved.

After accepting Sophia's first embrace, Feng Moying has changed from the elves to the undead vampires. Her strength has been greatly strengthened, and she has become a qualified apostle in terms of personal force.

This time, the shadows of death gathered in Eternal Night City. Feng Moying stood at the end of the apostles. She was wearing a windbreaker with the word "shadow" embroidered on the back, two short swords hidden behind her waist, and a very serious look on her face...

It’s time to get into role-playing mode again.

Middle school girls have so much fun.

After sighing, Daliang said: "Now the Fool and Hou Yi are on the battlefield of Yongye City, and the Holy Temple and Orion must be here as well. We, the Shadow of Death, have to face the second and third ranked player camp opposition teams at the same time.

Although we are ranked first, we cannot take them lightly. After all, once the war breaks out, the battlefield environment will be dominated by the cyan coalition forces, and our scope of activities will be limited.

No. 1, Yongye City used to be your activity area. Do you have anything to say? "

No. 1 did not refuse, he said: "There are a total of twenty urban districts in Yongye City, but there is no way for the cyan coalition to attack these twenty districts at the same time. At present, the main force of the cyan coalition is concentrated outside the five urban districts, which also shows that out of their direction.

If the Holy Temple and Orion want to do camp missions, they will definitely not go deep into the city controlled by the Monarch of Sorrow. They can only follow the direction of the blue coalition's attack to do camp missions. If we want to fight a battle between factions, we only need to keep an eye on the urban area where the battle takes place.

I suggest that this camp confrontation do not distract the forces, but that all Death Shadow Apostles accept the mission together and act together.

When a camp confrontation is triggered, we can quickly focus on fighting. "

Number 1's suggestion is naturally very sound, but it also reduces the chance of fighting with Sanctuary and Orion. Da Liang has too many things to do in this war. Not only does he have to serve as an eye for the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion, but he also has to respond to the Crystal Dragon Teleport Cathedral at any time. If a camp confrontation is triggered at a critical moment, a lot of things will be delayed.

Therefore, for Daliang, in the battle between camps in Yongye City, it is better to fight early than to fight late, and it is better not to fight at all.

"No, this is too conservative. We have to tell everyone from the beginning that Eternal Night City is our home court. No one can do camp tasks here except us, not even one.

I demand that all war zones be guarded by our apostles. As long as the camp confrontation is triggered, contact me immediately for support. "

No. 1 was stunned for a moment. Didn’t you just say that you should be careful when facing the Holy Church and Orion? How could he not take the two opposing teams ranked second and third in his attention in the blink of an eye?

By the way... caution is for us apostles. After all, the shadow of death was suppressed by the Holy Church and Orion in the past. Number Zero is telling us that if we meet them again this time, don’t be arrogant and rush forward just because we are ranked first. If we are positioned, we will run away first, and then find Number Zero for support.


The apostles nodded.

In Eternal Night City, with the support of Destruction Zero, the apostles can freely complete camp tasks, which is far more efficient than everyone doing the same task together. And if you encounter the Holy Temple and Orion and trigger a camp confrontation, Zero will be nearby to support you. This is a free benefit.

The arrogance of destroying the world and past achievements also gave the apostles extraordinary confidence.

The battle in Yongye City resulted in countless camp missions. Even if the apostles were unable to enter the cathedral to receive missions, the missions from the churches in each city were enough to keep the apostles busy.

Therefore, when Daliang determined the mission strategy of Shadow of Death in Eternal Night City, all the apostles immediately went to the five frontline cities under the assignment of No. 1 to complete the camp missions first.

Compared with the relaxation of the Shadow of Death, the Fool in the Temple is worried about his own camp mission.

Orion has made it clear that it will not do camp missions on the battlefield of Eternal Night City. The Magic Forest secretly intervenes in the battlefield and there are no efficient camp missions. The decisive battle between Orion and the main force of Death Shadow is likely to end in more gains than losses. In addition, Shi Fei also plans to focus on territory tasks, allowing the Dragon Star Territory to complete the eight-level territory upgrade as soon as possible, and continue to maintain its territory development advantages around the world.

If Orion doesn't fight a faction war, the Templars will have to fight alone.

Facing the shadow of death alone, even a fool would not dare to fight. But it won’t work without fighting... Yunzhong City has a lot of camp missions in Eternal Night City. After the death of Holy Brandon, Yunzhong City has not calmed down yet. At this time, the Holy Church does not do camp missions.

Do you still want to do it?

If you don’t do the task... what’s the use of you.

Therefore, the Holy Church must complete camp missions in Eternal Night City, even if they are rarely done.

But what should you do if you encounter the shadow of death?

"Shadow of Death must have thought that we and Orion would act together. The last time Annihilation was defeated in the foggy area, it was because we had a lack of personnel and the constraints of the Rising Sun Guild.

The Shadow of Death must also be able to see this clearly. Facing the Sanctuary and Orion, they will act together as a team.

They can only defend one of the five frontline urban areas. If our temple is concentrated in a city to do camp missions, the chance of encountering the shadow of death is only 20%.

The probability is still relatively small, so you can take the risk.

If we accept tasks quickly, enter quickly, and complete them quickly, we only need to complete a small number of camp tasks to maintain trust, and spend the rest of the time doing legion tasks. "

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