Start with an Archangel

Chapter 863 The war begins

On the battlefield of Yongye City, everyone is preparing for their own interests and purposes.

Troops and supplies were constantly mobilized, and skirmishes continued on the periphery of the battlefield. The war seems to be starting soon, and it seems that it can wait a little longer.

But what must come will always come.

When all players either visit the battlefield in person, watch the live broadcast, or watch the Evernight City in various ways.

Suddenly, countless magics rose from the boundless cyan coalition army formation, and the colorful magics exploded in the air to form magic springs. Groups of ghosts and vampires lined up and passed through the magic springs of different colors, and then Rising and flying towards Yongye City. The next group of flying troops continues to repeat the actions of the previous group.

Soon all the aerial flying troops of the cyan coalition completed the blessing of advanced buff magic.

The forward line of skeleton soldiers in the main attack direction took a step forward together, and then the entire blue coalition army was like tidal water, rushing towards Yongye City with an indomitable momentum.

The magic eyes on the magic tower in the first-line magic military camp accelerated the frequency of magic emission. They completed the magic blessing on the forward skeleton sea as quickly as possible, and immediately switched to the magic attack on the defenders of Eternal Night City. Thick magic beams shot out, causing icy rain, fierce flames, and the earth to shake.

The defenders reacted very quickly. The same intensive magic was launched in the city of Yongye City. After blessing their own army, a magic-forbidden shield was deployed above the army. The magic that arrived from the attack hit these magic-forbidden shields and rushed out ripples.

Boom boom boom...

The war equipment followed the forward Skeleton Sea and entered the firing position. The rapidly deployed artillery fired first, and dense black projectiles drew parabolas in the air and fell into the Evernight City.

Among the artillery of the cyan coalition, alchemical magic cannons account for a very high proportion. The caliber of these artillery is very large, and some cannons are as long as ten meters, which can cause the fired shells to produce magic damage effects. The shells fired by artillery with different calibers and different ranges penetrated the defender's magic barrier and carried out a covering attack on the defender below.

Gradually the slow-moving heavy catapults were moved to the front line and assembled.

An alchemy bomb weighing a hundred kilograms was thrown out. The sound of the explosion was deafening and the earth was shaking.

The defenders of Eternal Night City used the same method to block the attack of the cyan coalition, including magic, artillery, alchemical bombs, dark clouds of death thrown outwards by the corpse witches in the arrow tower, and crossbows firing locust-like crossbow arrows at the oncoming enemy formation.

The skeleton soldiers originally hidden in the tombs were driven out by the heroes on the front line, and soon the streets of the city under attack were filled with a large number of skeleton soldiers.

Evernight City.

A magnificent war has begun.

At the edge of the city, skeleton soldiers clashed with each other, and the skeletons and remains were piled up and lifted up, then exploded and collapsed by sudden magic or cannonballs.

Shu Xiao and Xu Man led the Judgment Legion and Yunxiao Legion respectively to complete the flight formation in the air.

Magic continued to fly forward from below them, and each phalanx of ten thousand people advanced.

The dark clouds formed by ghosts and vampires flew from above them, and a battle was also taking place in the sky. The linen clothes of the ghosts fluttered after their death, and the corpses of the vampires fell like rain.

Heroes from both sides rode ghost dragons and bone dragons, fighting for the sky.

"Sister Man, look, the Cross Fortress in Yunzhong City has begun to advance." Shu Xiao pointed at the Super Cross Fortress and shouted to Xu Man.

Everyone's eyes were immediately directed to this giant war fortress.

This fortress, which is tightly protected by angels, is slowly advancing. Dozens of thick magic cannons are pouring magic towards the ground. The aerial battleships surrounding the fortress maintain their formation, and they are also targeting magic, cannonballs, and alchemy bombs. The defenders dropped.

With the support of this heavy firepower, the defenders were quickly opened a gap. At the original attack point, the elite troops deployed by the blue coalition immediately rushed in and attacked the hinterland of the city.

The Eternal Night City Cathedral, which could block the Angel Super Cross Fortress, seemed to ignore the breached defense line and had no intention of stepping forward to confront it.

Xu Man said: "It seems that Yongye City has no intention of blocking the cyan coalition forces in the outer city area, and is preparing to put the attackers into the city to fight in the streets. In this case, the advantage of the cyan coalition forces will not be so strong.

The Aiyin Lord should give up these attacked urban areas. For us, these urban areas will be relatively safer. I think now is the time for us to enter the battlefield and rush in along the breakthrough created by the blue coalition forces.

First find a safe foothold in the periphery, and then conduct reconnaissance in the city to find valuable targets.

When the cyan coalition begins to harvest these urban areas, we can defeat these targets as quickly as possible. "

Shu Xiao agreed with Xu Man's view. Since Lord Aiyin planned to abandon several urban areas, he would definitely not put heavy troops into these war zones. The cyan coalition's occupation of these urban areas will not have many twists and turns, and will be very fast. If the two legions continue to wait here as planned, they are likely to miss the opportunity and lose a lot of victory.

"Let's prepare to enter the battlefield. I'll contact Daliang to see if he's in position?"

At this time, Daliang had returned to Yongye City. He was wearing a bishop's robe, holding a bishop's scepter, and riding on the back of a night dragon.

The aura of the level 15 creature and the majesty of the bishop prevented the defenders of Yongye City from coming over to ask about Daliang's purpose on the frontline battlefield. Moreover, the pressure brought by the Cyan Alliance Army and Angel Super Cross Fortress also prevented the defenders from thinking about what the distinguished Bishop of the Unsullied Holy See wanted to do here.

On the battlefield, magic and war equipment from both sides came and went, and there was a fight in the sky and on the ground. Super Cross Fortress plows the ground, completely destroying a city block with each concentrated attack.

The cyan coalition army advanced vigorously and continuously broke through, while the defenders rose up to resist, awakening the hidden troops to go around to fill in the gaps in defense.

Da Liang just flew on the side of Yongye City on the front line of the battle, and had a panoramic view of the movements of Yongye City's defenders.

"Master, the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion are about to enter the battlefield. Please provide intelligence support."

Shu Xiao's message came, and Daliang also saw the movements of the two legions on the Judgment Legion's logistics data link. The staff team has given a route to enter the battlefield based on the changes in the battlefield. After entering the battlefield, the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion will establish two forward positions one kilometer apart, and then cooperate with each other to penetrate into the battlefield.

Da Liang had already sneaked back and forth around the five fighting districts from the rear. It could also be seen that the defenders of Yongye City were not very active in supporting the frontline battlefield. Basically, the five churches on the battlefield were blocking resistance. Others The defenders in the city did not provide large-scale support, and the Holy See Knights guarding the central city did not send any support.

"I have arrived at the location and agree to the Judgment Legion and Yunxiao Legion entering the battlefield. Commanders at all levels please pay attention to the war situation map of Yongye City at any time. I will help guide your attack and defense directions."

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