Start with an Archangel

Chapter 866 Confrontation

Shu Xiao was so frightened that he jumped to a corner and stood up. He looked around and said to Daliang: "I'm scared to death. Where are you? Your stealth skills are not that powerful."

"Hehehe, I'm right next to you."

Shu Xiao heard that Daliang was making a pun, and a hint of sweetness came to her heart. Exit the game first, crawl into Da Liang's arms, and then log in again.

The air and space battleships surrounded by battle are falling slower and slower, and it seems that the garrison mage has found a way to restore power. But its position has also dropped to a height of a hundred meters above the ground. Ordinary artillery and ballistae can pose a threat to it, especially to the angels and cyan coalition forces protecting the battleship.

In fact, Yongye City also used surrounding artillery and ballistae to form an air defense firepower network in the airspace around the aerial battleship, cooperating with its own air units to occupy the aerial battleship. On the ground, the defenders of Yongye City struggled to block the advancement of the cyan coalition and controlled the landing zone of the air and space battleships in their own hands.

The Yongye City defenders have gained an advantage in this area, and the battle has spread to the deck of the aerial battleship.

The battle for the aerial warships would soon become clear. Shu Xiao immediately led the infiltration team along the route given by Da Liang and headed towards the position with the magic alchemy cannon.

As they penetrated deeper into the enemy-occupied area, Shu Xiao's infiltration troops began to encounter the defenders of Yongye City.

Fortunately, the troops of the nearby Yongye City defenders were deployed to the aerial battleship landing area. After the defenders in other places were deployed, their troops became weak.

Shu Xiao has the peak strength of level 14, and Walsh is also a level 14 archangel who was specially trained by the Judgment Legion. As long as the two of them don't encounter level 15 heroes or more level 14 heroes, they can crush everyone. field. The players who participated in the infiltration force were all elites of the Judgment Legion, and all had level 13 strength.

On the battlefield, such a force can still handle itself easily as long as it is not targeted or surrounded or suppressed, or goes deep into the main combat zone and deals with some cornered troops.

Armed with the reconnaissance information provided by Ye Shi, Shu Xiao's infiltration team, while in control of the overall situation, broke through from the weak positions of the defenders and finally reached the periphery of the artillery position.

This artillery position is hidden behind a building and contains three magic alchemy cannons and more than a dozen ordinary artillery pieces. Eternal Night City still has a relatively sufficient number of troops to defend this place. Those responsible for firing artillery and close protection are two squadrons of zombies, and there are also many vampires and dark cavalry. On the roofs of the four buildings, there are ballistas and corpse witches with long-range attack capabilities.

What troubled Shu Xiao was that there were at least thirty hero units in this artillery position, three elementary and intermediate magic amplification devices, and a small teleportation array.

Attack... With the strength of Shu Xiao's infiltration troops, he will definitely attack by force.

But it takes time.

Controlling artillery and fending off enemy support also requires troops and time.

During this time, the aerial battleship has already landed on the ground. If you can't smash it, what's the use of bombarding it?

"Master, we are here. How to fight?"

Da Liang had already moved closer and replaced the bishop's robe with a smock. He planned to take action personally and quickly kill all the defenders protecting the artillery.

But an information prompt interrupted his upcoming action.

[The camp confrontation conditions are met, and the camp battle begins...]

Location: Magnet Area of ​​Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death

against teams

Good camp (offensive side): 15 people in the World of Heroes and the Temple.

Evil camp (defender): Kingdom of Death, Shadow of Death 2 people.

Confrontation range: The magnet area of ​​Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death.

Task description: If all members of one party withdraw from the battlefield or are completely wiped out, the confrontation ends.

The camp confrontation was triggered at this time. Da Liang could only stop the prepared attack immediately, and turned to Shu Xiao and said: "I will open a portal for you that can directly reach the center of the artillery position. You can quickly control the artillery." Attack the air and space battleship. I have posted the attack site on the command channel, which is the location of the energy core of the air and space battleship. As long as the air and space battleship is destroyed, the air and space battleship can fall down.

There is now a cyan coalition force attacking towards you.

After you destroy the aerial battleship, stand still and wait for reinforcements. If something falls, you must hide it. "

Shu Xiao was confused by Daliang's words.

But Daliang was inexplicable and couldn't stand it for a day or two. Just follow his instructions and you wouldn't suffer any loss anyway.

"I understand, when will the portal open?"


As soon as Daliang finished speaking, a dark figure appeared in front of the infiltration team. Before Shu Xiao and the others could react, the other party swiped his sword in his hand, and a portal appeared in front of Shu Xiao.

Knowing that this strange black hero was arranged by Daliang, Shu Xiao immediately led the team into the portal without much hesitation.

After coming out, it was the center of the artillery position.

The archangels and members of the infiltration team rushed out quickly and chopped down all the zombies guarding the artillery to the ground in the shortest possible time. At this time, other defenders finally reacted and launched an attack on the infiltration team.

"The first squadron will establish a defense line, and the second squadron will seize the upper firepower point. Whoever knows the artillery skills will control the magic alchemy cannon to bombard the aerial warships. The attack site is in the legion channel!"

Shu Xiao gave the order and rushed towards a magic amplifying device. Other personnel also followed Shu Xiao's orders and quickly formed formations to seize important positions.

A battle instantly broke out between the Judgment Legion and the Evernight City defenders. Crossbows were fired, magic was fired one after another, and explosions raised layers of smoke.

Several players rushed to the side of the magic alchemy cannon, filled the gunpowder, loaded the shells, and took aim, all at once.

At this time, Daliang had transformed into the flame leader form, and then opened the camp information box for the battle.

Feng Moying's message came over: "Destroying the world... no, No. 0. I'm in the magnet area now. How do I fight a camp battle? I've never fought before!"

Da Liang quickly browsed the tips for the camp war and checked the comparison of members on both sides. This time the main force of the Holy Church was used up, and the Fool was among them, but he and Feng Moying were the only ones on his side.

Why is this girl here? And how come Shadow of Death only has one apostle in the magnet area.

"The last time you and I fought in the fog zone was a battle between camps. This time I'm here and there's nothing to worry about. By the way, why are you alone in the magnet zone?"

Feng Moying quickly replied: "No. 1 received information that the peripheral personnel of the church were gathering in Kuzhi area. He thought that the church might have actions in Kuzhi, so he transferred most of the apostles to Kuzhi area. I was Stay and guard the magnet area.”

The Withered Finger Zone and the Magnet Zone are at opposite ends of the battlefield. The Holy Church used false intelligence to transfer Death's Shadow to the Withered Finger Zone, while they were doing camp tasks in the Magnet Zone. Even if they are noticed by the shadow of death, it will take a lot of time to come back with support.

But the Fools in the Temple did not expect that they would still trigger a camp confrontation in the magnet area, let alone...

So unlucky was he to encounter the shadow of death, Zero.

That world is destroyed.

15 versus 2, how to fight?

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