Yes, how to fight 15 versus 2?

Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.

Every Templar Knight knows the strength gap between himself and ordinary players. When there is a generational difference in personal force, he can only use quantity to make up for it. 15 Templar Knights, as long as they cooperate well, hundreds of high-level players will not pose much of a threat to them.

Now the Templar Knights are encountering a generational difference in force.

Zero, the shadow of death, destroys the world.

The Templars encountered him twice in the Mists of the City of Sighs.

The first time was a battle between factions. The Holy Temple and Orion faced off against each other. As a result, the Holy Temple and Orion were completely destroyed.

The second time was when the Holy See of Sighs ambushed Holy Brandon in the City of Sighs. The Shadow of Death assisted and cooperated, and the holy church was ambushed and completely destroyed again.

In the two encounters, the fighting power shown by Destruction made the Templar Knights truly feel the powerlessness.

It has high defense and HP, so it can't be beaten or controlled, but its physical and magic attacks are extremely strong.

While players were still focusing on physics and magic because of their professions, offense and defense, Destruction had reached a point where it blurred the boundaries between spellcasting professions and physical professions, reaching a higher level.

This is also the standard for top NPC heroes.

As soon as Destruction appeared in the player's eyes, he stood with Satan and held up the Doomsday Blade. It was not without reason. He was really strong.


The war between the factions resumed, and when the Templar Knights discovered that they had to face annihilation, their already insufficient morale declined again.

It would definitely not work to fight Destruction in such a state. And although the opponent only has two apostles, it is not troublesome for other apostles to come to support. As long as they cannot solve the world destruction in the fastest time, when all the apostles of the shadow of death enter the battlefield, the Templar Knights will be even more embarrassed.

Quickly locate the world of destruction and kill the apostles before they arrive?

The Fool rejected this idea as too risky.

"All Templar Knights are not allowed to cross the war zone and enter the occupied area of ​​Yongye City to do camp tasks. The time limit for the camp confrontation is three days. We will wait until the cyan coalition forces completely occupy the magnet area. At that time, the entire war zone will be our home field. When we fight the Shadow of Death again, we can make use of the strength of our subordinate legions."

But a Templar Knight asked: "What should we do with our camp mission? If the cyan coalition forces occupy the entire magnet area, the camp mission we accepted will also be counted as a failure."

"The loss of mission failure is always much less than losing the camp battle. And if we can win the Kingdom of Death in the end, the camp contribution points won will be enough to make up for the loss."

The Fool's plan was approved by all the Templars. After all, in the magnet area, the advantage of the cyan coalition was too obvious. Three days was enough for the cyan coalition to complete the occupation of the entire city. At that time, the right time, location, people and people were all on the side of the church. It was difficult not to win.

Not facing the destruction of the world directly allowed the Templar Knights to regain their confidence. They gathered in the area occupied by the cyan coalition and cooperated with the cyan coalition to launch an attack on the surrounded Yongye City defenders to complete the legion and territory tasks they had received. Earn high amounts of experience at the same time.

At present, players have not entered Eternal Night City on a large scale, and it is very easy for the Holy Church to complete tasks here.

However, the players of Judgment Legion and Yunxiao Legion were happily picking up things all over the battlefield, which also made the Templar Knights very jealous. Although they also used their position in Yunzhong City to seek a good position for the legion they brought, they were too far behind the positions of the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion. They could only watch the two legions. The players pulled and dragged away the precious alchemy devices one by one.

As the cyan coalition increases its control over the battlefield, the NPC army that recovers loot gradually becomes active on the battlefield. When players begin to fully enter the war in Eternal Night City, the number of good things that can be picked up will inevitably decrease, and there will be more Face competition from other players' legions. At that time, the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion, who had entered Yongye City earlier, were bound to be the biggest winners in this war.

Looking at the various materials in the frontline positions of the two legions, the Templar knights who suddenly had no important mission to carry out could not help but turn from jealousy to greed.

Steal their...

The 15 player legions under the Templar moved to the magnet area under the orders of their respective legion commanders. These armies can not only rob the Judgment Legion and the Cloud Legion for the Templar Knights, but also allow the Templar to fight against the camp of the Shadow of Death. Gain an overwhelming advantage.

The Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion continued to pick up rags with great joy.

After Daliang received the information that the camp confrontation was triggered, he immediately transformed into the flame leader form, then flew at low altitude and asked Feng Moying to join him.

At this time, continuous roars sounded not far away, strong airflow spread close to the ground, and three iron balls several times larger than ordinary cannonballs were shot into the sky.

The target is the aerial battleship diagonally above, less than 500 meters away.

The close range bombardment of the magic alchemy cannon allowed the three projectiles to easily penetrate the bottom deck of the aerial battleship. After penetrating several layers of the ship, they hit the cabin where the energy core was located.

In order to protect the energy core, the cabin where it is located is built extremely strong, and the cannonballs are stopped here.

The magical energy condensed in the alchemical cannonball was triggered at this moment, the current and flames intertwined, and the squeezed energy exploded instantly. In an instant, all the magic circuits around the energy core were destroyed. At the same time, the current and flames were carried by the shock wave and spread. A cabin storing gunpowder was rushed out of the crack, and a bolt of lightning struck in.

The aerial warship, which had slowed down its fall, was shaken as a whole at this moment, accelerating and plummeting to the ground below. Then there was another dull loud noise, and huge fireballs spurted out from the muzzles on both sides of the battleship. Then there were continuous explosions, and fireballs sprayed out from every gap in the battleship.

The fire burned and quickly spread to the sails. Soon the huge warship was completely wrapped in flames.

The fallen battleship hit the ground heavily, and a bigger explosion sounded.

The hull disintegrated, flames rose into the sky along with black clouds, planks of wood and artillery were thrown into the sky and then fell down.

The power of the explosion of a third-level air and space battleship caused all the troops fighting for it to quickly retreat backwards, and then stopped in the air according to the separation of camps, facing each other in the barrier of rising black smoke.

No one left at this time. Although the aerial battleship crashed, some of the undamaged alchemy equipment inside were very precious. In particular, the energy core that can provide energy for third-level air and space battleships is something that must be grabbed.

However, at this time, while the wreckage of the aerospace battleship continued to explode and burn, an invisible and invulnerable creature slowly searched inside the aerospace battleship.

Even under this level of damage, the energy core cabin still protects the contents from being damaged. The enclosed cabin, a cube with a side length of five meters, lay inside a pile of burning debris.

Finding the night here emerging from nowhere, she unfolded the portal, then lifted up the energy core cabin and threw it in.

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