Start with an Archangel

Chapter 869 What did I do?

There is no simple-minded player who can build a legion in the heroic world and bring the legion into the battlefield of Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death.

Daliang's reputation is naturally resounding throughout the game world, and the Judgment Legion has also achieved its reputation with one sword and one shot. In the Battle of Japan and the offensive and defensive battle on the Sunshine Plain, we all achieved complete victory by attacking more with less.

This time in Eternal Night City, Daliang showed that he played at a higher level than the undead players in the Kingdom of Death. The Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion were the first to enter the Evernight City. They searched the battlefield for several hours, and the nearest player legion had just touched the edge of the Evernight City.

The College Alliance was able to obtain such a good position because it followed the mission line of the Cyan Coalition, and the Cyan Coalition was the main force attacking Yongye City. Da Liang wants to separate a separate city area for the Chinese game area... Is he bluffing, or does he really have the ability to prevent other game area legions from entering the magnet area?

The war in Sunny Plains is still fresh in my mind.

Hundreds of angels, cavalry covering the land and the super aerospace battleship "Oath", the NPC army in Shangjiang City charged under the command of Da Liang.

The flags of the Eight Lords were trampled to pieces by their cavalry, and the siege of Lionheart Fortress had just been lifted.

No one is willing to test whether the cyan coalition army will accept Daliang's dispatch at this time.

Just as Daliang said on the regional channel, everyone comes to the Yongye City battlefield to make a fortune and do tasks. To rashly initiate a war between players is to harm others and ourselves.

Fortunately, there are five urban areas under attack by the cyan coalition forces, one in the Chinese game area, and there are still four urban areas that are enough for the players to have fun.

So, everyone ordered their legions to change directions while cursing.

But at this time, Feishauzoushi also spoke on the Yongye City regional channel: "I am Feishauzoushi from the China Game Zone. The College Alliance can only represent the Northern Lords Alliance in the China Game Zone. In view of the fact that our Northern and Southern Lords Alliance is currently in a cooperative relationship. We The Southern Lords Alliance would not harm the interests gained by the Northern Allies.

Now I announce that the Southern Lords Alliance of the Chinese Game Zone has the right to allocate profits to the Phosphorus Fire Zone of Evernight City. In order for the profits from the Phosphorus Fire Zone to be reasonably distributed and to reduce conflicts, every legion that wants to enter the Phosphorus Fire Zone must apply to the Dominator Legion for entry. , and we must strictly follow the route we have drawn, and must not cross the border to steal the interests of our allies..."

Are Chinese players so shameless?

Da Liang just said that there are many players in the Chinese game area. If you want to enjoy a city to yourself, then you can enjoy it. We will bear it. You have announced that you have the right to distribute benefits to another urban area.

If you eat one and occupy the other, are you really not afraid of causing public outrage and causing a group fight?

But those who say this are flying sand and stone...

The overlord of Southeast Asia.

Now Feishanzushi has achieved absolute rule around the South China Sea. Not only does he have the Southern Lords Alliance of the Chinese game area in his hands, but he has also tied all the game areas around the South China Sea with the Southern Lords Alliance, and has the maritime throat of the main world in his hands. No player in the entire game world controls a larger territory than Feishanzushi, and has greater influence on the player's game world.

For example, some time ago, Tokugawa Nobunaga in the Japanese game area somehow offended Feisha, and the Dominator Legion directly cut off the Rising Sun Guild's sea passage to the Indian Ocean. In the end, Tokugawa Faith entrusted the Northern Lords Alliance of the Chinese Game Zone to coordinate and paid the money before settling the matter.

Flying Sand and Rocks is really too strong.

Players are afraid of Daliang's influence within the Cyan Alliance, and they are also afraid of Feishaozushi's influence in the entire player world. His Nanyang interest group cannot be underestimated.

The players were of course dissatisfied with the fact that two city districts were removed from the Chinese Game Zone for no reason, but if they were not strong enough, they would not have the confidence to speak out. At present, the only game area in the entire gaming world that can compete with the Chinese game area is the American game area. The number of American players may not be as good as that of Chinese players, but by plundering South America, American players still have a certain advantage over the Chinese game area in terms of overall strength.

Just when the world's gamers are waiting for the American gaming section to say something fair.

American player Sun Waiter has announced that the American Western Conference and Allies will have a city district to themselves.

Immediately afterwards, the Eastern Conference of the United States also announced that it would exclusively occupy a city district with its allies.

Okay, no shame.

Now it's time to take sides. The American gaming area and the Chinese gaming area are facing each other tit for tat, and they are competing for the Pacific Ocean. Whoever can win this battle can gain leadership in the gaming world.

As for other game areas, whoever follows the right winner at the beginning of the war will definitely be able to follow them in the future.

The legions that can enter the Kingdom of Death are the backbone of the players. Whoever can gain more allies here will have an advantage in future confrontations.

Choose a team station to take part in this gamble. If you don't choose, go to the last remaining city.

At this time, the Indian Game Zone announced that since Indians account for 21% of the world's population, they will occupy the last urban area...

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly felt like a breeze.

The player legions started moving again. Some went to the urban areas controlled by the Chinese game zone, some went to the urban areas controlled by the American game zone, and some went to the urban areas "announced" controlled by the Indian game zone.

The situation in the player world suddenly becomes clear, and it also indicates that following the outbreak of the battlefield in the game's plot plane, a war will also break out among players that will affect the entire player world.

"What a benefit! Da Liang."

"Society, my brother Liang..."

"Brother Daliang's strategic vision is hot."

"Mr. Liang, you really boost the momentum of our countrymen!"

"Mr. Daliang, although I am not a player in the Chinese game area, I want to take my legion into the magnet area..."

As the trigger of the entire incident, everything that happened next made Daliang confused for a moment.

What did brother do? Don't you just want to use the power of the Chinese Game Zone to prevent the legions under the Temple from entering the magnet zone? Why don't you all learn from me one by one, but you also act like you and praise me for how awesome you are?

Yes, it’s quite cool for me to occupy an entire urban area in just one sentence, but the awesomeness that everyone understands now seems not to be the awesomeness that I want to show. What happened?

"Sister Man, what's going on? Didn't everyone on the regional channel get very excited about scolding you just now? Why didn't you scold me anymore?"

Xu Man was overwhelmed by various messages asking for an alliance to enter the Magnet Zone. When she saw the message from Daliang, she immediately replied: "Don't you deserve a scolding? You scolded me just now because they didn't understand your purpose. It's clear now." It’s too late to admire you, so why are you still scolding you? I finally know why you are so good at playing the game. Your vision is really amazing. The flying sand and stones have slowed you down by half a beat. In the end, the American game area can only make up for it.

In this confrontation, our Chinese game zone won first.

Well done, I'll give you a big credit. "

Daliang touched his head: "What on earth did I do?"

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