Start with an Archangel

Chapter 870 What happened?

Before the war breaks out, it is a battle of wits and courage. It depends on who has more allies, whose strategy is high, and who has enough reserves. When the war comes, all kinds of accumulations will break out.

This is the saying that ten minutes on the field and ten years of work off the field.

There are very, very few wars that suddenly break out without any preparation.

As the development of the Pacific Ocean deepens, the conflict between the Chinese Game Zone and the American Game Zone becomes more and more intense. Conflicts in the game are not like fighting outside the game, which can really kill people. People who play games are more motivated and generally like to use violence to solve problems.

This war in Evernight City is a grand ceremony for the players, and all the prominent players in the game are here.

When Daliang suddenly announced that he was monopolizing the magnet area, the first thing everyone felt was anger and wanted to teach him a lesson.

But what's the result?

Everyone acquiesced in Daliang's domineering and monopolizing behavior.

Thinking about the whole thing at this time will make you feel extremely frightened.

This is a purposeful act of domination, using a city in Eternal Night City to test the reactions of the conference leaders, army commanders, and lords in the entire game.

Daliang chose the right time. Judgment Legion and Yunxiao Legion were the first to enter the battlefield and achieved a great harvest. Looking at the mountains of supplies, the players were so enticed that their mouths watered. When they saw that they were about to enter the battlefield, they were thinking about how to grab things, and naturally they became less interested in fighting with the players.

At this time, Daliang said that I want to monopolize a city area. How many people are willing to waste time to fight with him?

After seeing the relationship between Daliang and the Cyan Alliance, can they win even if they fight?

As a result, a strange phenomenon formed in Yongye City. Although the players in the non-Chinese game area scolded them harshly, they turned around and walked towards the city outside the magnet area.

This phenomenon is very scary.

Da Liang drew a red line that no one in the world dared to approach. China's dominant image in the game area was immediately established in front of players all over the world.

Usually everyone criticizes the overlord, but once a war breaks out, they will definitely blame the overlord.

When everyone was savoring the taste, Feishauzushi was the first to react. He immediately announced that he also had an exclusive city area. He did not have the backing of the Blue Alliance Army, so he roped in the Southern Lords Alliance and the younger brothers from Nanyang.

Of the five urban areas, two are occupied by Chinese game areas. American players finally got a taste of what this is like.

This is to raise the banner and pull the tiger's skin, let the brothers from the allies come to worship at the top of the mountain, and officially start to divide the camps.

Although it was a little late to take action, the American Game Zone also attracted a group of young people to occupy two urban areas, which can be regarded as a rival to the Chinese Game Zone. However, the Chinese game area occupied first and second place, while the American game area followed suit and only ranked third and fourth. The ranking was slightly weaker, and the momentum was also reduced.

The Chinese Game Zone has taken the lead in the competition in Evernight City.

But if American players were the first to declare their monopoly in the city, then the current Chinese game area would be the same as the current American game area. The mountain would be erected, but without the domineering calmness and daring to be the first in the world, it would give people the impression that they are other people. Play the rest with a laugh.

Therefore, the big guys who wanted to understand the beauty of it all admired Daliang's far-sighted strategic vision.

At this time, Daliang, who was still confused, was afraid of exposing his ignorance, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions. Faced with all kinds of flattery, he just shrugged it off.

Anyway, it seems that I am not at a disadvantage, so let’s admit it first.

Now that all five warring city districts have their own masters, the legions under the temple heading towards the magnet district are now in a dilemma.

They originally wanted to make a sneak attack, catching the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion off guard and grabbing all the supplies. As for the cyan coalition forces who have a good relationship with Daliang, the Templar Knights are not afraid. Their backstage is Yunzhong City. As long as they do not directly attack the cyan coalition forces, the cyan coalition forces will not attack the players covered by Yunzhong City.

But where now?

Let's move forward... It's not the Chinese Game Zone. Now the player legions and allies in the Chinese Game Zone are heading towards the Magnet Zone. If they continue to march towards the Magnet Zone, aren't they going to die?

If you don’t go to the magnet area, it will be difficult to fight the camp battle!

It’s really uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, the Fool contacted Daliang again. He knew that Daliang hated skipping benefits and talking about contribution, so he said: "Mr. Daliang, our church has a very important task in the magnet area, which requires the assistance of our subordinate legions to complete it. We would like to be allowed into the magnet zone, and to do that we can grant you some terms that we can do.”

Daliang said: "Boss Fool, your legions are heading towards the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion. Don't think I can't figure out what they want to do. You don't have to explain anything to me. If this kind of thing doesn't happen, you can't explain it."

Now I solemnly tell you that you and I are really not familiar with each other, and everything must be done according to the rules.

I originally planned to make the magnet area exclusive to our Chinese game area, but our boss Lie Hongshang said: We still need to take care of our friendly friends, so we also allowed the allies of the Northern Lords Alliance in our Chinese game area to enter.

If you want to enter the magnet area, go to my boss Lie Hongshang, sign the change agreement, and obey our leadership. You will naturally be able to enter and leave the magnet area at will. "

The Fool would never allow the subordinate legions of the Holy Church to accept the leadership of yellow people. He said sternly to Daliang: "Mr. Daliang, open the right of way to the magnet area and promise not to interfere with the Holy Church in the magnet area." any action.

Otherwise... you are the enemy of the Holy Church and Yunzhong City, and we can make it difficult for you to move in the world of heroes. "

Daliang smiled and said: "It seems that the last guy who spoke to me like this was recruited into the temple by you. You can ask him... what will be the consequences of threatening me?

Fool, you cannot represent Yunzhong City, and your status in Yunzhong City is not as high as you say, otherwise you would not beg me.

I still say the same thing, there is nothing in the church that interests me, and I have no interest in talking to you.

If you want to enter the magnet area, just follow my rules and come in honestly.

If you are not honest, I will clear your mind and understand that in this city, I have the final say! "

The Fool's threat failed, but instead attracted bad words and the negotiation broke down.

According to the character of the Fool, it is impossible to compromise with the yellow race. If the legions under the temple do not want to be besieged by players in the Chinese game area, then they can only go to other urban areas.

In the battle between camps, they can only rely on their 15 Templar Knights.

15 versus 2, did you fight?

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