Start with an Archangel

Chapter 871 Fight

The Templar's advantage in the magnet area was eliminated. Even after more and more players from the Chinese game area entered the magnet area, the Templar Knights still had to worry about being attacked by players from the Chinese game area.

After all, Daliang has declared that he has exclusive control of the magnet area. With the whole world watching, he will not allow non-members of the alliance to operate in the magnet area.

In fact, as the Shadow of Death Zero, Daliang has already asked every player who enters this war zone to pay attention to those non-ally players in the name of controlling the magnet zone. He wants to force the Templar Knights to have no place to hide.

Faced with the aggressive players in the Chinese game area, the scope of activities of the Holy Church will only become smaller and smaller. Under the restrictions of the camp war, they cannot leave the magnet area at will. It seems that the best choice is to fight against the shadow of death as soon as possible. .

The Fool looked at the information table of the camp's battle. There were two Shadows of Death, Number Zero and Number 13.

After such a long time, the other apostles of the Shadow of Death must have reached the periphery, but they did not enter the battlefield, showing the opponent's great confidence in their combat power.

Get ready to fight.

The longer it takes, the worse it will be for the church.

The Fool led all the knights in the temple to move from the ground to the battle area, and at the same time contacted Zero of the Shadow of Death: "I propose not to waste time and fight decisively on the battle line. What do you think?"

"Okay." Daliang also wanted to provide a high-altitude warning for the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion, and was not willing to waste too much time on the Holy Church. It would be best if everyone could decide the outcome in a battle.

The Fool gave a coordinate, and Da Liang ordered all his personal guards, except Julian, to move closer.

When Daliang arrived at the battlefield designated by the Templar, he found that all 15 Templar knights were present.

The knight in full armor is in front, the priest who casts spells is in the back, and there are one or two players who are professionally inclined to thieves and archers. The personnel mix is ​​very reasonable. First rely on the defense of the knight to resist the attack, rely on the steady defense to weaken the enemy, and finally use the spellcasting profession to counterattack. Although this style of play is not flashy, it is absolutely practical.

Da Liang fell from the sky, his body dominated by flames and holding a scorching spear in his hand, looking very majestic. Feng Moying followed Daliang down and directly entered the invisible state.

"Fool, in this camp battle, do you want to fight alone or in groups?"

The Fool led the knights to raise a shield in front of him, and reminded the priest to be careful of the world-destroying sneak attack, and then said: "In the entire game world, I'm afraid no one can defeat you in a single fight. This time we will rely on the number of people to truly defeat you. I will teach you how to fight to destroy the world in one go."

With that said, the Templars released themselves together to bring soldiers and heroes.

Crusaders, priests, knights, angels, archangels, various advanced soldiers, heroes and Templar knights formed a small army of a hundred people. Then various buff magics shined above the army, and the Templar Knights completed the magic blessing.

"Everyone pay attention, the magic of Destruction is powerful and has the property of being immune to mental magic. We can't just defend. When the battle begins, the magician uses space magic to send the sun and the king to Destruction. The sun and the king are close to Destruction. After that, immediately use the strike skills to put Miushi into a dazed state, and then everyone focuses their fire on Miushi, trying to control him and take him away in one wave.

Stars and Hanged Man pay attention to each other's number 13, don't let her interrupt our attack rhythm.

The queen watched Mie Shi's movements closely and pulled him down whenever he wanted to fly.

Let's fight on the ground.

Destruction faced all of us Templar Knights and even refused to let other apostles enter the battlefield. This time he underestimated us so much that we will kill him in the magnet area. "

"Fuck him!"

The world-destroying Toda brought only one apostle, which greatly boosted the morale of the Templar Knights. As long as they cooperate perfectly, they still have a chance to kill Deshi before he calls for help and the apostles' support arrives.

As long as Miushi is killed, the other apostles will not be able to threaten the Templar Knights even if they arrive.

A series of skill beams condensed on the Templar Knights, ready to go.

Then attack at the Fool's command.

The knights of the twelfth-level human race were the first to charge. They rode tall armored horses and accelerated, lowering their lances and charging towards Daliang.

The Templar Knights were blocked by the human knights. The player codenamed Magician used teleportation in water magic to teleport the two Templar Knights to Da Liang and conduct a close sneak attack.


Skill failed.

No, the space is disturbed.

The magician immediately reported to the Fool: "The opponent has a space magic master, and the space skills are suppressed."

The Fool didn't expect that the first stage of his planned attack would fail. Now that his space skills were restricted, he could only charge forward: "Deshishi has hidden troops. All personnel concentrated on sending firepower forward, and the priest paid attention to clearing obstacles. Cover the knight's breakthrough. Each unit maintains its formation and covers each other. The magician turns to space magic confrontation and does not let the other party send personnel in. "

For a time, various skills and magic were shot over the heads of the human cavalry towards Da Liang. At the same time, huge explosions sounded among the charging cavalry, causing the knights to fall over.

It's a land mine secretly released by Da Liang, a third-level earth magic.

Facing the swarm of magic skills, Da Liang was about to fly up to dodge, but was pulled down by a magic rope that entangled his feet.

Da Liang, who reacted quickly, had just deployed a force field shield when he was hit by numerous magic and skills, and his location was shrouded in smoke and magic light.

It’s done.

The Templar Knights were excited. With so many magics and skills, even if they hit half of them, they would still be enough for the opponent to drink. No matter how good the world is, they will definitely be hit hard by this round of attacks.

As long as the remaining ones keep up their efforts, they can definitely take down the world.

The confidence of the Templar Knights, which had been destroyed by the Great Bright Group for two rounds, was suddenly restored.


The smoke and dust have not yet dispersed, and the Fool is ready to cooperate with the remaining human knights to focus the fire again. But at this time, the magician in charge of the space magic confrontation suddenly shouted: "Be careful, the opponent has broken through my space magic defense, the portal is opening, and they are coming in!"

As soon as the magician finished speaking, the Fool immediately looked to the rear and saw a portal opening in the middle of his rear team. All the cloth-armored troops and heroes were in that position.

Before anyone could react, a black shadow rushed from the portal.

It was a heroic unit with a unique shape. She was suspended in the air, with four three-edged swords on her limbs. After she came in, her figure moved quickly like a ghost. The long sword passed by, and limbs were flying. Even the Crusaders, who had good offense, defense and health, could only be killed instantly by her sword.

And what followed the black hero rushing in was a sea of ​​black bats.

Then all the bats transformed and turned into beauties wearing black trench coats. Then they pulled out their shining swords. Before the blades fell, they were covered with magic.

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