Start with an Archangel

Chapter 872 The group is destroyed again

Vampire Sword Guard!

The Fool immediately recognized this special heroic unit unique to Death's Shadow.

The Holy Temple and the Shadow of Death had fought many times in Eternal Night City before. Naturally, they had seen the vampire sword guards of the Shadow of Death and had a lot of understanding of their strength. Vampire Sword Guards should be a variant of vampires. They inherit the advantages of vampires, but are more powerful than ordinary vampires. The most important thing is... they are all heroic units.

But... the Shadow of Death seems to only have three vampire sword guards. Why did it suddenly throw more than thirty at once this time! Has this kind of hero, who is both skilled in magic and martial arts, and extremely difficult to deal with, already formed a supervisor in Shadow of Death? Is this kind of top-notch hero so easy to obtain?

The Fool couldn't understand, but he soon discovered that compared to the vampire swordsman whose strength was still within the acceptable range of the Templar Knights, the hero who had just rushed out was simply terrifyingly powerful.

His body skills are like a spinning top, and killing people is like mowing grass.

After being swept around by her and slashed with magic and swords by the vampire sword guards, there were only a few summoned soldiers left.

Overwhelmed by numbers and strength, Fool was so frightened that he did not dare to attack Da Liang anymore, and immediately cooperated with the knights to form a shield wall to protect all the spellcasting professions inside.

At this time, the temple has thirty players and heroes. If the opponent is only thirty vampire sword guards, they can fight again.

But the strength of that black hero has obviously exceeded the scope of the 14th-level ultimate creature. The only one who can fight him is the 15th-level holy angel, and the opponent also has a world-destroying creature.

In the first round of the confrontation between the two sides, the format changed drastically.

Facing the strong shield wall defense of the Templar Knights with the support of friendly forces, Ye Shi did not break through hastily, but suspended in the air to suppress the Templar's space skills.

Sophia surrounded the Templar Knights with her vampire sword guards, and a force field shield was spread out in front of each vampire sword guard.

Da Liang walked out of the smoke. The scene was quiet, and only his heavy footsteps could be heard.

He had indeed suffered a loss just now. Fortunately, Lieyan Commander's defense was strong enough, his HP was high enough, and he was immune to damage. A series of attacks only knocked off a little of his skin.

Ye Zi and Sophia intervened in the fight in time and quickly controlled the situation, allowing Da Liang to continue to show off.

Now the temple has set up a turtle formation, and the shield wall skill protects their surroundings airtight. Daliang casually threw a string of fireballs. With the blessing of master-level fire magic, these fireballs did not even shake the shield wall of the temple.

Fire Demonic Wall.

It was extinguished by water magic.

The human knights and priests cooperated and defended with all their strength. If they wanted to break through their defenses, there seemed to be no good way except to use the lives of the vampire sword guards to fill them up.

At this time, Daliang thought of the dragon magic he had learned.

He stretched his arms forward, pointing his palms at the defending Templar knights, and the syllables of dragon roars came out of his mouth.

After a few simple pronunciations, an air ball formed around Da Liang and rushed forward like an air cannon. The compressed burst of air formed a dragon shape. The dragon roared endlessly, and then he crashed into the Templar's defensive formation.

Dragon Power Impact: Causes a fatal attack on creatures with poor mental strength, with a chance of causing a stun effect.

There are very few spiritual magics that have group effects, and Dragon Power Impact is one of them.

In terms of intelligence, there are probably few players in the entire game world who are better than Daliang. The human knight, a melee profession, is even worse in terms of intelligence. It is more likely to cause dizziness after being impacted by Longwei.

Sure enough, several Templar knights were dizzy from the dragon's impact, and leaks began to appear in the originally tight shield wall.

Daliang did not take the opportunity to launch an attack and continued to release the dragon's power impact. Anyway, this first-level magic does not consume much magic power and the magic recovery time is also fast.

Longwei impact.

The Templar Knights who had just been stunned had not yet come out of their state, and three more Templar Knights fell into dizziness.

Continue Longwei's impact.

This time, Yuan Zhi, who had originally planned to rely on solid defense to wear down the enemy, was completely heartbroken.

Mie Shi asked his subordinates to stand ready, and then continued to use mental magic for control, or area mental magic. Before the priests could rescue their just stunned companions, a new status magic was applied.

If priests are also controlled by the state, then they Templars become lambs to be slaughtered.

"All Templar Knights, recycle your heroes. Let's charge together and let this camp war end."

After saying that, in order to reduce losses, the Fool put the Archangel he had just obtained into the Hero Order, and took the lead in charging towards Daliang, followed by other Templar Knights.

The gap was completely opened, the vampire sword guards and the Templar knights released attack magic, and the night swooped down from the sky.

Da Liang raised his scorching spear and faced the Fool, the flames steamed up, and the green floating arrows shuttled back and forth.

[Good camp, temple, moon death, evil camp gain 500 camp contribution points. You kill players from the enemy camp and gain 200 camp contribution points]

[The good camp, the temple, and the king die, and the evil camp receives 500 camp contribution points. You kill players from the enemy camp and gain 200 camp contribution points]

[The good camp, the temple, and the magician die, and the evil camp receives 500 camp contribution points. You kill players from the enemy camp and gain 200 camp contribution points]

[The good camp, the temple, and the fool die, and the evil camp receives 500 camp contribution points. You kill players from the enemy camp and gain 200 camp contribution points]

[The confrontation between the factions in the magnet area, all members of the good camp died, and the confrontation ended. The evil camp and the shadow of death won the camp confrontation.

Shadow of Death, No. 0 won the best camp confrontation in this camp, and was rewarded with 300 points contributed by the camp.

Shadow of Death, Zero kills more than 5 enemy members in this camp confrontation and obtains the achievement: Kill Like Me, and is rewarded with 300 points contributed by the camp.

It was over. When the Fool was stabbed through the chest by Da Liang and turned into a white light, the Shadow of Death once again won the battle between the factions.

No. 0 killed the entire temple alone, and No. 13 Feng Moying completed a last-ditch attack.

This time Shadow of Death truly convinced players from all camps. There was no outside intervention, no conspiracy, everyone agreed on a location, and the official members of both sides fought against the official members, one blow at a time.

As a result, Shadow of Death deserves to be the number one in the camp, and Destruction deserves to be the number one combat power in the player world.

After this battle, the Templar Knights knew where the war in Eternal Night City took place and where the apostles of the Shadow of Death were stationed. With Mie Shi in Eternal Night City, accepting camp missions would be a waste of time. Go up a level and give points to others.

The Templar Knights no longer accept camp missions, Yunzhong City's trust in them continues to decline, and the dissolution and reorganization of the Templar Knights is inevitable. While the Fool led his legion to participate in the battle in Eternal Night City, he also arranged for people to prepare to take over the reorganization task after the temple was disbanded. At that time, once the command is transferred, the church will still be his church.

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