Start with an Archangel

Chapter 873 Influence

For Daliang, he did not invite other apostles of the Shadow of Death to participate in this camp confrontation, just to completely undermine the confidence of the Holy Church and make them dare not accept camp missions in Eternal Night City, at least the current Eternal Night City. In this way, he would have more time to deal with the Legion's affairs and help the Crystal Dragon enter the cathedral.

The body of the Flame Commander stood on the battlefield where the battle had ended. Flames emerged from the gaps in the armor, and the tip of the spear in his hand spurted white tongues of flame. A dark night floated around Da Liang, and vampire sword guards were scattered around coolly.

For a moment, the atmosphere of Hengdao Lima and I being the only one in the world suddenly emerged.

At least that's how Feng Moying feels now.

She could realize that the combat power of the Templar was definitely not as unbearable as she had seen. Even if she had become a vampire and her strength had improved, she could only deal with one Templar Knight.

There are so many lucky players in the game world, and the camp confrontation team is the collection of these players, standing at the top of the player pyramid.

But... just such a team of players was wiped out by No. 0.

This is Miushi Sang. Following such an adult is really exciting.

Feng Moying sent the screenshot of Daliang to the legion channel of Misty Village. This scene immediately ignited the teenagers' secondary emotions.

"Lord Destruction is mighty!"

"Lord Destruction, please accept my knee!"

"Master Mie Shi is so handsome, I am willing to sacrifice my body for him."

After Feng Moying silenced the member who was about to sacrifice his body, she said on the legion channel: "Fighting with Lord Destruction, I can feel the will burning like a flame in his body, which guides me to face all challenges. I decided to use fire as a symbol of Mist Village 'where the fire burns, the will of fire is with me'."

"Wherever the fire burns, the Will of Fire is with me!"

"Okay, I will definitely hold a 'Will of Fire' main event. Friends who are willing to participate, please leave your contact information..."

Feng Moying and her friends began to discuss how to hold the main event of "The Will of Fire". Daliang saw that she was immersed in her own world, so he did not disturb her and quietly closed the team.

This little girl is not excited, surprised and adoring. Her expressions are in vain.

Let’s get down to business.

Daliang's speech on the regional channel turned the battlefield of Yongye City into a competition between the Chinese game area and the American game area. Xu Man, who originally only led the legion to do territorial tasks and legion tasks, was immediately surrounded by various things. Xu Man, who was busy with more and more information, was overwhelmed, and the Yunxiao Army naturally had no energy to deal with it.

So Xu Man handed over the Yunxiao Legion to the command system of the Judgment Legion, and led all departments of the College Alliance to urgently deal with the domestic and foreign forces who came to take sides.

After burying the energy core, Shu Xiao led the infiltration team to the aerial battleship crash zone. At this time, due to the crash of the battleship, the unprofitable Yongye City defenders took the initiative to retreat. The cyan coalition forces were gradually occupying this area and recovering the wreckage of the battleship.

However, because the aerial battleship exploded in the end, all kinds of debris were scattered very widely, so Shu Xiao and the others picked up a lot of good things.

"Hey, Master. Sometimes I really admire Sister Man. A girl can actually organize such a large Northern Alliance in an orderly manner. If it were me, I would have divided the alliance long ago."

Daliang continued to provide intelligence to the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion at high altitude. When he heard Shu Xiao chatting with him, he replied: "Everyone has their own strengths. Sister Man is good at logistics organization, and she can provide it no matter who she receives." Fan, people are willing to listen to her from the bottom of their hearts. But if you let Sister Man command the battle, she will definitely not be as good as you. She thinks too much and is not suitable for on-the-spot command.

Especially in air combat, the pace is faster and you need to execute it as soon as you think about it. Most of the time, you don't need to think about the results and right or wrong. "

"What you mean is that I am stubborn and stupid."

Daliang said in a low-spirited manner: "I still agree with stupidity and whiteness, but... Tiantian really has nothing to do with you."

"I give you permission to reword it and say it again."

"I still recognize your innocence and beauty. But you are definitely not a greasy little girl. I like your energetic look, especially... when you seduce me.

When I'm with you, I always feel that you belong to me and I belong to you.

Have you ever felt this way? "

Daliang's love words made Shu Xiao's heart feel like a deer, and he murmured: "A little bit."

At this time, Daliang wiped the cold sweat from his head. Fortunately, his brother was always smart, otherwise... a beating would be inevitable.

Everyone should take this as a warning and take it as a warning.

In the battle between the Holy Temple and the Shadow of Death, the news that the group was wiped out again has reached Shi Fei's ears. He knew Mie Shi was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so ridiculously strong.

The important thing is that the Holy Temple is only needed for temporary missions in the Kingdom of Death. After all, it is Hell that is hostile to the world of heroes. The Holy Temple will eventually return to the mission of confronting the camp of Hell.

Moreover, the real opposition to the Kingdom of Death is the Realm of Dreams. When Orion does camp missions in the future, he will definitely have frequent encounters with the Shadow of Death, and the situation will become very unfavorable for Orion.

"Is there still no information about the destruction of the world?"

The half-moon cat in charge of intelligence collection replied: "When Mie Shi first appeared publicly, we have been focusing on collecting information about him. But unfortunately, Mie Shi acts very carefully and speaks in the language of the undead. Let us It is difficult to determine his nationality.

In addition, the whereabouts of Miushi are also very difficult to grasp. The only people who can directly contact Miushi are the apostles of the shadow of death and Tokugawa Nobunaga. "

Shi Fei thought for a while and said: "The Holy Church said that Mie Shi has a level 15 creature and an organic vampire sword guard hero. Both of these creatures have a strong sense of hell. They should be a combination of undead and hell creatures. . Such a creature cannot be obtained through ordinary recruitment. It must be the product of biological re-engineering.

Based on what we saw on the battlefield of Palm Tree City, Destruction should control a strong NPC army, and at the same time maintain a high degree of intimacy with the Hell Lord King and the Death Lord.

I judge that he should be a lord, a very strong cemetery lord...

This reminds me of a person I once met on the lord channel. He claimed to be...the second lord of the world. His territory is a cemetery, and he is a player in the Chinese game area. "

Ban Moon Cat asked: "Boss, do you think Mie Shi is the second lord of this world, and he is also Chinese? Maybe there is a possibility for us to cooperate with him."

Shi Fei smiled and said, "I'm not optimistic about the possibility of us cooperating with Miushi."

"Why? Boss, you are number one in the world. If Mie Shi is really number two in the world, we can definitely stand at a higher level by joining forces."

Shi Fei put away his smile: "What if he is the real number one in the world?"

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