Start with an Archangel

Chapter 874 Eternal Night Cathedral

The number one in the world according to Shi Fei.

Ban Yue Mao knew that this definitely did not refer to Mi Shi's personal force, but that Mi Shi was the first lord in the world to obtain territory, and Shi Fei snatched the first place from Mi Shi. This contradiction could not be easily reconciled.

"The boss is really courageous."

Looking at everything Shi Fei has now, Ban Yue Mao can't help but deeply admire Shi Fei's decisiveness at that time.

However, Shi Fei was not as proud as he was when he did this. He now felt a deep sense of crisis: "Because the emergence of the world's number one territory has disrupted some of my judgments, and the world's number one is not in the country." The announcement on the video made it impossible for me to know who this person was.

So I pretended to be number one in the world.

Originally, my initial purpose was to force out the world's number one player, and then suppress him in the competition, so that I can gain the first place in the territory's development speed.

But I didn't expect...the world's first territory has not appeared publicly until now.

If Destruction is really the number one in the world, then we may have added a very dangerous enemy. "

Ban Yue Mao said: "If the destruction of the world is really a Chinese player as the boss said, then our interests are now tied to the entire Chinese game area and the Nanyang game area. If he dares to openly be an enemy of us, he will be against the entire hero." The world's largest player group is the enemy.

So we just need to be careful of his little moves behind his back.

And I think we can contact the alliance in the north and tell Xu Man that Mi Shi is Chinese, and she will definitely contact Mi Shi. If Mie Shi joins the Northern Lords Alliance, it will certainly increase the power of Xu Man and Daliang, but it will also put Mie Shi under our noses.

In the face of righteousness, he would restrain himself a lot. "

Shi Fei listened to Ban Moon Cat's suggestion and nodded, but put forward another different opinion: "I think we should contact Destruction first."

"But boss, you have a conflict with Miushi?"

"I just thought about it. If Mie Shi is really the cemetery lord, the conflict between us is the title of 'The World's First Lord'. If Mie Shi is willing to join our camp, I am willing to publicly apologize to him, Make amends to him and admit on the World Channel that I stole his world number one.”

Shi Fei's words startled Banyue Mao, and she said: "If you publicly admit that you stole the 'World's Number One', it will have a great impact on your reputation..."

Shi Fei said nonchalantly: "'The world's first lord' doesn't have much value for me to develop anymore. My territory is the first in the world in terms of development speed, my legion is the first in the world, and my The power is the number one in the world, I am the number one person in the world, the boss of Fei. With so many titles, if I take off one of them, the rest will determine that I am still the number one in the world.

If a name can eliminate the bad relationship between me and Miushi, and draw him into our camp.

So who else in this world is worthy of being our opponent?

Who dares to point fingers at what I have done? "

Ban Yue Mao imagined the scene where Shi Fei and Mi Shi were practicing. There was really no player worthy of being an opponent in this game world. And Shi Fei's reputation...

When the time comes, everyone will just marvel at Boss Yufei's courage and talent just like him.

As for stealing the "World's First Lord"...

As the old saying goes: Those who steal hooks will be punished, and those who steal the country will be martyred.

"I understand. I will find Mie Shi as soon as possible and confirm whether he is really the world's number one lord."

At this time, Daliang didn't know that Shi Fei had already guessed a lot about him. For him, the current game no longer had the original meaning. After a double harvest in career and love, his emotions for the game had returned to the original. Is like to play and enjoy actually having fun.

Therefore, after Daliang caused a lot of trouble, he passed the blame to Xu Man. And he and Shu Xiao stayed together and flew together, either on the battlefield in the game, or in an intimate world outside the game.

The war in Yongye City developed towards the outcome that everyone judged. For various reasons, the outcome of this war was already decided at the beginning. Facing the well-prepared Cyan Alliance Army and the Angel Legion, the defenders of Yongye City retreated again and again, slowly giving up the city to the hands of the Cyan Alliance Army one by one.

In the end, out of the twenty urban districts of Yongye City, the cyan coalition occupied fifteen, and only the last five districts were still under the control of the Yongye City defenders, making a final stand.

After being brought into range by the Super Cross Fortress in Cloud City, the Cathedral of Evernight City was also forced to join the battle.

The war has come to an end, and the intensity has reached its peak.

The two sides fought over each other street by street, and bones piled up into hills.

The fighting air units made the space thicken, a large magic exploded, and corpses fell down from the sky like a heavy rain.

Artillery roared.

The concentrated release of high-level magic created layers in the sky that could not dissipate for a long time.

In the cathedral of Eternal Night City, due to the exchange of magic cannons with the Angel's Super Cross Fortress, there would be violent shaking from time to time inside.

Fortunately, the cathedral's magic barrier is strong enough, and magic attacks from the outside cannot cause too much damage to the cathedral's body.

At this time, Da Liang had finished his early warning work for the Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion, and returned to the Cathedral of Yongye City.

Then he received an order from the Monarch to convene an emergency meeting.

Argu is the envoy of the City of Sighs, and Eviscerate is the deputy envoy of the City of Sighs. Even if the Sorrowful Lord becomes angry again, at this time, there must be a voice representing the Sorrowful Lord to speak out for the City of Sighs at this most senior meeting in the Kingdom of Death.

In the main hall, Monarch Aiyin and the other three monarchs stood side by side under the statue of the God of Death. All important personnel of the Vulgar Holy See in Yongye City, except those who participated in the war outside and those who died in the battle, were here.

After all the personnel arrived, Lord Aiyin could not regain the momentum of the first monarch in the kingdom of death.

He is defeated, and he will become the first monarch in the Kingdom of Death to be driven out of his city, and his former glory and respect will be bid farewell to him. He lost his city and land and had to go into exile.

The last bit of the Monarch's face is probably the floating fortress of this church. He wants to take the church out. As long as this church is still there, his Immaculate Holy See will be complete. He still has very strong control over the entire Yongye region. influence.

If Lord Aiyin still wants to counterattack Yong Ye in the future and take back everything that was robbed, he must break out with the cathedral.

But in the tight siege of the Cyan Alliance Army and the Angel Legion, it is not an easy task to break out with the cathedral.

The strong men here need to fight together.

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