Start with an Archangel

Chapter 875 Who wants to mourn the monarch?

For the Death Lords, whether the Cathedral of Evernight City serves as a super aerial fortress or as a symbol of the Unsullied Holy See, there is no doubt that they can protect it from the encirclement.

Everyone will fight for this goal.

But what to do after breaking out? ...or in other words, in which direction should we break out? Which dead monarch would accept this cathedral?

Lord Aiyin is the number one monarch in the Kingdom of Death. What will happen if he is exiled to his own land? On a piece of land, there are two cathedrals and two immaculate churches. They may live in peace for a short time, but what will happen over time?

Will the mourning monarch who was driven out of Eternal Night give up developing his own army?

of course not!

Therefore, when Lord Aiyin announced that he was preparing to protect the Cathedral of Yongye City and break out of the siege, the hall suddenly became silent, with only the sound of explosions coming from outside.

The Lamenting Lord was extremely disappointed with the reaction of the other dead Lords. But he also knows that if he wants to be allowed to enter the territory of other dead monarchs, he must either proactively declare that he will no longer be the first monarch; or abandon the cathedral and passively admit that he is no longer the first monarch; and lower his profile and agree to take him in. His own monarch will not enlarge his papacy.

Otherwise, if the guest is strong and the host is weak, no dead monarch will be worried that a Holy See with more appeal than himself will appear on his own land.

But how could Lord Aiyin give up the title he had held for countless years so easily?

Without the Death Lord's stance, the Cathedral of Evernight City would have no purpose. Faced with the pursuit of the Blue Alliance Army and the Angel Legion, it is likely to fall.

But at this moment, Lord Laiyin saw the envoy from the City of Sighs walking out from the farthest corner of the hall, from the most inconspicuous corner. Lord Aiyin recognized who the other party was. The last time he sent an envoy to Yongye City from Sighing City, he was the deputy envoy of the envoy. He also made himself angry with overt praise and secret ridicule. This time he came again. Still deputy envoy.

Eviscerate, according to the notification from the City of Sighs, he has been appointed as a bishop by the Sorrowful Lord and serves as the deputy speaker of the Immaculate Holy See Council in the City of Sighs. For the undead, this promotion speed is absolutely fast. In fact, regardless of any race, this promotion speed is fast.

Does he have anything to say? Do you want to ridicule me again for the sad monarch?

Thinking of the last unhappiness, Lord Aiyin really wanted to slap him to death before he could speak. If Evernight City had the upper hand in this war, he would have done so long ago, but he must show other monarchs at this time that he would be a kind guest.

"Bishop Eviscerate, I am very grateful to Sorrow for sending a small support force. Now we are discussing the retreat. If you don't have anything very important, you can talk to me after the meeting is over."

The contribution of the City of Sighs in this war was almost zero, and the Sad Lord was therefore looked down upon by other dead monarchs. As the envoy and deputy envoy of the City of Sighs, Daliang was naturally not favored by the rulers of the Kingdom of Death. In this palace where most of the top heroes of the Kingdom of Death gathered, Daliang was undoubtedly a humble person.

But when all the undead heroes ignored Daliang, Daliang said: "On behalf of the Sad Lord of Sighing City, I invite Lord Aiyin to be a guest in the City of Sighs. The Sad Lord respects you very much, Lord Aiyin, and often tells us that you are well-deserved. The first monarch of the kingdom of death.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar.

Daliang really made a surprise this time. When all the dead monarchs were thinking about how to prevent the mournful monarch from coming to their territory, the sad monarch in the City of Sighs actually took the initiative to invite the mournful monarch to take refuge.

Really are……

Sacrificing yourself for others is selfless.

The image of the Sad Lord immediately became taller. No matter who the City of Sighs will belong to in the future, the Sad Lord has now solved a big problem for the Kingdom of Death.

The Monarch Aiyin was very excited. True love can only be revealed in times of adversity. Everyone knows how to make the best of things, but providing help in times of need is truly valuable. When all the Death Monarchs did not want to accept him, the Sad Monarch opened a door for himself and was willing to respect himself as the first monarch.

Ai Yin felt that she had really misunderstood some of the Sad Lord's actions in the past. Although some of his actions were a bit strange for the undead, they were reliable at critical moments.

They are good brothers.

"Please Bishop Eviscerate and Bishop Argu come close to me so that I can feel the sad friendship up close."

Daliang and Yargu were invited from the farthest position in the hall to the bottom of the altar. Except for the other three Death Lords, they were the closest positions to the Aiyin Lord, which fully showed that the Aiyin Lord valued them.

Now someone has taken over the hot potato of Monarch Aiyin, and everyone is happy.

The meeting continues...

The purpose is clear, and the next step is to discuss the details of the breakout and how to protect the Cathedral of Evernight City from entering the City of Sighs.

The atmosphere of this meeting was very lively. In order to bring the Cathedral of Eternal Night City to the City of Sighs, all the dead monarchs and heroes offered their suggestions and efforts. There are those who are responsible for opening the way ahead, those who are responsible for cutting off the rear, and there are also those who are responsible for blocking in all directions and those who are responsible for magical confrontation.

In short, the Death Monarchs believe that there is no problem for the seven Immaculate Holy Sees to unite and break out with the cathedral.

The arrangements for the breakout tactics were quickly established, and all the heroes in the cathedral began to take charge of their own affairs. Since Sighing City brought too few troops, it was assigned to defend the interior of the cathedral, which was considered a relatively safe task. It was a reward from the Sighing Lord for accepting him from Sighing City.

During the meeting, Yargu did not express any opinion on Daliang's intention to welcome the Monarch of Ayin out of consideration for the overall situation. But after the meeting was over, Daliang was asked to give an explanation.

At this time, the Monarch of Sorrow has arranged their room from the dank ground floor of the cathedral into a luxuriously decorated room. The specifications are similar to those of the Lord of Death in person, which fully shows that the relationship between Monarch of Monsieur and Sorrow has reached a certain level. unprecedented heights.

After closing the door and releasing multiple isolation magics, Yargu asked Daliang: "Why didn't you ask for my opinion before inviting the Monarch of Sighs to the City of Sighs? Do you know that this move will plunge the City of Sighs into trouble?" In a very big crisis.

Have you ever wondered where the Cathedral of Evernight City should be placed after it reaches our land?

If we place it outside the City of Sighs, the Monarch of Sighs will establish his own Holy See on our land; if we place it inside the City of Sighs, the Monarch of Sighs will never allow two cathedrals in the City of Sighs. "

Daliang said: "What if the Monarch of Mourning cannot take the cathedral with him?"

Yargu realized something and immediately said sternly: "Are you hiding something from me? The Cathedral of Yongye City must not fall into the hands of Yunzhong City."

Daliang did not reveal to Yalgu his plan to change homes with Crystal Dragon, after all, it involved the obelisk tower. If the role of the obelisk is exposed, and at the same time Yunzhong City causes irreparable damage to the obelisk in the Kingdom of Death, then Da Liang who is involved will definitely become a sinner of the entire Kingdom of Death.

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