Start with an Archangel

Chapter 877 Breakout

Daliang persuaded Yargu, or Yargu knew that any obstruction he had would have no effect. No one knows what the future will look like. As the speaker of the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs, he can only be loyal to his monarch and take the will of the Sad Lord as his direction of travel. However, the Sad Lord seems to only listen to the Eviscerate Bishop. .

"Talking to you, I feel my soul in deep fear and hope you are right."

The envoy from the City of Sighs unified their thinking, welcomed the Monarch of Sighs into the City of Sighs, and then turned him into a puppet.

After bidding farewell to Yargu, Daliang began to implement the plan to get the crystal dragon into the cathedral. In the magic forest, the purple dragons made some space teleportation beacons for him. As long as he placed these space teleportation beacons in locations that needed to be guarded by the crystal dragons, the purple dragons could activate the space teleportation when needed. The prepared crystal dragons were teleported over.

Before the breakout meeting began, it was very difficult for Daliang to place these space beacons, because the attitude of Lord Aiyin towards the City of Sighs did not allow Daliang to approach at will in some places.

But now... The City of Sighs envoy is the closest guest of the Lamenting Lord. He has many privileges in the cathedral, and most areas are open to him.

Relying on the favor of the Monarch of Lament, Da Liang visited every corner of the cathedral that he could go to, and then used his drawing skills to create a blueprint of the Cathedral of Evernight City.

After thoroughly understanding the inside of the cathedral, Da Liang quietly left the cathedral and opened the portal to the magical forest through the privileges of a magic mage.

At this time, Red Baker, the leader of the Crystal Dragon Clan, and Yew, the leader of the Purple Dragon Clan, were waiting for news from him in the Fairy Garden.

The Cathedral of Evernight City has begun to build up strength for a breakout. Ground troops and air troops are mobilizing into their respective positions. The breakout battle will start at any time.

Da Liang did not waste time. He unfolded the internal structure diagram of the Cathedral of Evernight City that he drew, and then explained to Hong Baker where each portal can lead...

"In order to prevent the defenders in the cathedral from noticing the existence of the space beacon, I will place the space beacon at the last moment. When the cyan coalition and the angel army attack the interior of the cathedral, it will be the time for the crystal dragon to enter. At that time The cathedral defenders are too busy to take care of themselves and will not attack you, but you must quickly launch an attack on the angel army to show the death monarchs that you are friendly forces.

Remember to drive out the Angel Legion as quickly as possible, and then defend the cathedral tightly without losing any money, so that Yunzhong City cannot see the hope of capturing the cathedral, and let them not know your true strength.

When the cathedral leaves the scope of Yongye City, I think Yunzhong City will contact you to negotiate.

As long as Yunzhong City is willing to return the crystal veins, they will agree to some harsh terms. Don't delay the negotiation for too long. If the cathedral is escorted out of the area controlled by the blue coalition forces by the death monarchs, you will have no bargaining chips with Yunzhong City. "

Hong Baker nodded: "I understand..."

Zishan said from the side: "I wish the Crystal Dragon Clan can regain the Crystal Mine. The moment you return to the Crystal Mine, the Purple Dragon Clan will immediately declare an alliance with the Crystal Dragon. If Yunzhong City dares to attack you, the Magic Forest will fully support you." "

"Thank you to Chief Yew and the Purple Dragon Clan."

The purple dragons and crystal dragons were on standby, and Da Liang returned to the Cathedral of Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death without stopping.

The Cathedral Breakout begins.

The five urban districts that were still under the control of the Death Monarch took the lead in launching a counterattack against the cyan coalition forces. All the troops pressed forward and swept across like a tide, pushing the combat area into the control area of ​​​​the cyan coalition forces.

While the cyan coalition forces were busy dealing with the counterattack of the defenders, the Eternal Night City Holy See Knights used all hero units as the front line. When the cyan coalition forces' front line was pushed back and holes appeared, they suddenly penetrated and formed a breakthrough.

The magic extends forward layer by layer, bulldozing everything in the way regardless of friend or foe. Then the cavalry group composed of all the terrifying knights who escorted the cathedral to break through rushed forward along the opened road.

In the Great Holy See floating in the sky, bone dragons and ghost dragons took off in waves. They did not fight for the airspace, but clung to the outer layer of the cathedral to block the enemy's approach.

The cathedral flew out of the city along the passage opened on the ground.

This is going to run.

Of course, the Cyan Alliance Army and the Angel Legion did not allow the Cathedral of Yongye City to run away like this. The armies from all sides piled up in the middle, forming a hedge against the Yongye City defense forces.

The two armies formed a great tide and collided together. The undead who died in battle quickly formed a higher and higher embankment on the battlefield.

The cyan coalition forces were responsible for sniping and covering the retreating ground forces of the cathedral, while the Angel's Super Cross Fortress was responsible for occupying the cathedral.

Swarms of angels flew out of the fortress, ascending to take up high positions before swooping down to deliver holy blows to the enemies guarding the cathedral.

All the firepower of the Super Cross Fortress was aimed at the Cathedral of Evernight City. The two floating fortresses poured magic and cannonballs at each other, one trying to escape and the other pursuing.

At this time, the Supreme Angels Gabriel, Lucas and Boswell are all in the Super Cross Fortress. There are also two Supreme Angels who are ready in Cloud City. Five level 16 heroes can break through and enter at any time. Evernight City Cathedral.

The pressure released by the top heroes impacted the Cathedral of Eternal Night City, and the four death monarchs also unleashed their power without any scruples.

The top heroes on the offensive side did not rush into the battle, and the top heroes on the defensive side were also careful to guard against the sudden entry of the enemy.

The breakout and counter-breakout battles pushed the battle of Yongye City to its peak, and everyone was paying attention to the outcome of this war.

Da Liang stood by the window of his room and watched the battle outside.

When all the long-range firepower and magic of the cathedral are contained by the Super Cross Fortress, they can only rely on bone dragons and ghost dragons to resist the angel's attack.

However, the ultimate creature is the weakness of the undead, and all its offensive and defensive attributes are lower than those of the angels, so that the defense circle formed by the bone dragon was peeled off layer by layer by the angels, and then a commando team composed entirely of holy angels formed a breakthrough. A foothold was established in the cathedral, and more and more angels rushed in and extended the battle to the inside of the cathedral.

The narrow environment inside the cathedral is even more unfavorable for bone dragons and angels to fight, so they must defend the terrifying knights and undead heroes inside the cathedral.

But this was not enough to stop more and more angels from entering the interior of the cathedral.

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