Start with an Archangel

Chapter 878 Crystal Dragon Joins the Battle

The time has almost come.

During the battle in the cathedral, magic came and went. The defense system in the cathedral was destroyed, and it was difficult to find the spatial positioning beacon that sent the coordinate signal.

Da Liang opened the portal to the magic forest and asked Julian, Sophia and all the guards to hide in a safe place. And with Ye Shi entering the invisible state, he walked out of the door.

There were dark corridors on both sides. Groups of defenders rushed past Daliang and ran towards the direction where the sound of battle came from.

Da Liang pointed out the direction to Ye Shi and asked her to search forward. He put on the hood of the bishop's robe, concealed his appearance and followed Ye Shi quickly.

At this time, no undead would pay special attention to and question a bishop. Daliang easily reached a place where a positioning transmission beacon needed to be placed.

Let the night alert the surroundings, and behind a skull ornament, put down a teleport beacon.

Then go to the next place.

As the angels continued to attack, the sounds of battle were getting closer and closer to Da Liang. Both sides engaged in a battle with the most elite warriors in a corridor and a room.

The sound of explosions continued, and bricks and stones continued to fall from above.

Da Liang used invisibility and "Nicole's Leap" to shuttle through the gaps in the battlefield, placing teleportation beacons at the locations he chose.

During this period, he was affected by magic and exited from the invisible state, and there were also times when an angel discovered his identity as a bishop and was hunted down. Fortunately, Daliang himself was quite strong, and with the support of Ye Sha and the garrison, he managed to escape without any danger every time.

After experiencing dangerous situations again and again, Daliang finally installed all the twenty-one transmission beacons that he had planned.

At this time, as more and more defensive points were broken through by the Angel Legion, the battle was spreading towards the core hall of the cathedral from multiple directions.

From the beginning of the breakout to now, the cathedral has only just left Yongye City. The troops left in Yongye City are still fighting to prevent the cyan coalition forces from pursuing the cathedral, but they can only contain some of the enemies. The other part of the cyan coalition forces use outflanking and squeezing tactics to block the ground cover of the cathedral with their elite forces. force.

Once the ground troops of the Yongye City defenders are stopped and eliminated, the cyan coalition forces can turn to attack the cathedral.

Now it can be said that the Death Monarchs are too optimistic about the breakout plan. The Blue Alliance Army and Yunzhong City have already been prepared, one is responsible for the ground and the other is responsible for the sky. The three level 16 heroes stared at the four dead monarchs unable to move.

After placing the positioning beacon, Daliang hid behind and watched the battle in the cathedral, waiting for the best opportunity for the Crystal Dragon to intervene.

At this time, an undead hero found Daliang: "Bishop Eviscerate, it's too dangerous here. Lord Lament invites you to go to the main hall. Speaker Yalgu is already there."

Since Lord Aiyin was preparing to run away to the City of Sighs, he certainly had to protect the safety of Yargu and Daliang. Therefore, when he found that the war situation was deteriorating too quickly, he immediately sent people to invite Yargu and Daliang into the hall, and personally Protect.

When Daliang came to the main hall, there were once full of high-level undead heroes, but now there were only about twenty or so, and most of them were guards guarding the main hall.

In addition to the mourning monarch, the other three death monarchs are also here.

Yunzhong City used strong attacks to break the confidence of the Death Monarchs in breaking out with the cathedral. Now the angels are getting closer and closer to the cathedral. When all their subordinates are dead, the Death Monarchs are likely to face Lucas and Bo. A sneak attack by Sver and several supreme angels.

16 The hero will not really die, but can be sealed.

Therefore, the Death Monarchs are preparing to launch a plan to abandon the cathedral. If they escape at this time, Yunzhong City will not be able to catch them.

However, Monarch Aiyin was reluctant to give the order to retreat.

A death monarch advised: "Wailing, this is the best time for us to retreat. Although we have lost the Cathedral of Eternal Night City, as long as we are still there, the kingdom of death will definitely still be ours, and all monarchs will do their best. Work hard to help you regain Eternal Night City."

"Yeah...Sorrow has never been involved in this war. He not only completed the war mobilization but also preserved his strength. The blue coalition army will not have the strength to attack the City of Sighs for a short time. You can restore your Holy See there."

Under the persuasion of the monarchs, the lamenting monarch, who lost hope, prepared to issue an order to retreat from the cathedral. At this time, they suddenly felt that a large amount of teleportation magic was activated, and someone was preparing to teleport military power into the cathedral.

Is it Yunzhong City?

Unlike, if Yunzhong City is teleporting angels, then the teleportation array should be opened near the main hall. The places where these portals are opened are either in the fighting area or in the angel's control area. If this is the work of Yunzhong City, it is completely unnecessary.

Who will intervene in the war at this time, an ally or an enemy.

Just as the Death Lord was guessing, a series of powerful dragons swept through the interior of the cathedral. After they entered the cathedral, they showed their coercion unscrupulously, making everyone feel their presence.

Level 15 Dragon Clan! A large number of level 15 dragons are entering the Cathedral of Evernight City through the portal.

While the Death Lords were wondering where these dragons came from and what their purpose was, an undead hero rushed in from outside the hall. He couldn't hide his excitement and shouted: "Monarchs, it's the crystal dragons. They are attacking the angels. They are coming to save us. Those angels are no match for the crystal dragons at all. The invading angels are being driven away!"

Crystal dragon!

At first, the Death Lords guessed that they were poisonous dragons. They were also all 15th-level dragons, but the latest news was that the poisonous dragons had been slaughtered by the fallen angels. How could they come to support the cathedral.

Another level 15 dragon clan is the Purple Dragon, but they are from the good camp. If they come, it will be troublesome.

But the monarchs did not expect it to be the Crystal Dragon. How could this neutral dragon suddenly like to fight?

The invading angels are indeed retreating. In this restricted environment, the undead are no match for the angels, and the angels are no match for the crystal dragon.

Da Liang watched the changes in the battle situation silently. He sent Ye Shi to the Magic Forest to inform Crystal Dragon about entering the war.

So far, both sides of the battle have been caught off guard by the appearance of the Crystal Dragon.

The angels who were marching forward suddenly found that the one fighting them had turned into a crystal dragon, and the arrogant figure of the crystal dragon appeared behind them.

The crystal dragon charged forward with its body, and even the Holy Angel couldn't withstand the collision of the crystal dragon from the front. The angels who entered the cathedral were struck in the head by the crystal dragon, and the battle line was torn to pieces.

If they attack again, they will only be wiped out by the crystal dragon.

The angels began to retreat.

The crystal dragons ignored the undead who came to inquire, and instead expelled them from occupying various points in the cathedral.

What do these dragons want to do?

Neither the angels nor the undead can guess...

Only the Cathedral of Evernight City continues to fly forward.

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