Start with an Archangel

Chapter 883 Occupying the Cathedral

The portal opened in the temple of the Cathedral of Eternal Night, and the Death Monarchs led the followers of the Unsullied Holy See in the temple to pray to the statue of the God of Death. To abandon the cathedral and retreat would be humiliating to the Lords of Death and blasphemous to the God of Death.

This temple of the God of Death is about to fall into the hands of the exiles who have abandoned the God of Death, and I don’t know when it will be recaptured.

After the prayer of repentance ended, all the Unsullied believers entered the portal one after another.

As for the obelisk stored in the base of the cathedral, the Monarch of Lament wants to take it away, but the obelisk cannot pass through any space teleportation array and can only be transported through ordinary methods. However, under this heavy siege, he wants to take away the obelisk. The Spire is simply unrealistic. Fortunately, no matter where the obelisk is, it can affect the entire plane. It doesn't make much sense whether it is taken away or not.

The Wugou Holy See in Yongye City retreated very quickly. After the last priest left, Lord Aiyin took one last look at the church and turned around and walked into the portal.

The phosphorus fire in the temple was extinguished.

Then the door of the hall was slowly pushed open, and white light poured in from the expanded door crack. Soon the entire hall was exposed to this holy white light.

The angels walked in in two rows. There were no loud noises or shouts of victory during the whole process. They all occupied the temple in silence.

When the holy light illuminated the temple of Death solemnly and sacredly, Gabriel walked in from the door, with Lucas and Boswell beside him.

At this point, the cyan coalition forces have completed all their strategic goals. They captured the first main city of the Kingdom of Death, captured the first cathedral of the Kingdom of Death, and chased the first monarch of the Kingdom of Death into an awkward escape. This was a brilliant victory. The Unsullied Holy See, which ruled the Kingdom of Death, suffered the heaviest blow in history, and the majesty of the Lord of Death was wiped out. The Wizards Guild and their ideas officially came to the fore from underground, and reached a level where they could compete with the Unsullied Holy See and the Unsullied Faith.

Yunzhong City's long-term layout of the Kingdom of Death finally received rich rewards. They sowed a seed in this land where the unsullied faith ruled everything, and carefully cared for it and watched it grow step by step. In this dense world A hole was drilled into the airtight wall of faith.

Finally, in this plane where all living beings were afraid, Yunzhong City accomplished a feat that had not been achieved in countless previous wars.

The victory in the Battle of Eternal Night City is of great significance to the good camp. It not only enhances the confidence of the good camp and encourages them to more proactively launch attacks against the evil camp, but also affects the camps of the city-states in the main world. choose.

In the eyes of the good and evil camps, the order of the main world is extremely chaotic. There is no unified idea of ​​good and evil here, and there is no ruler who can influence the entire plane. There were countless cities and villages here, and then they were organized into independent city-states. The creatures here succumb to power and money, and are obsessed with fighting and war. Their thoughts and practices cannot be understood by other purely racial planes.

For example, humans and demons, orcs and swamp tribes... these races that should be mortal enemies can actually sit together and discuss which restaurant cooks delicious food, or where to go fishing tomorrow.

There is no clear division between good and evil in the main world, and the racial base camp plane usually disdains the interaction of these people who have no position, even if they are of the same race, but the values ​​​​determine that the creatures in the main plane and the creatures in the base camp plane do not have much in common.

Normally, the racial base camp plane does not need to pay attention to the main plane, but when the all-out war begins, the main plane is the cake that the base camp plane must fight for.

The area of ​​the main plane is really too large and there are too many people.

If such good cannon fodder can be gathered more, one's own soldiers will definitely lose less during the war.

And how to get more city-states in the main plane to stand on their side and provide more cannon fodder?

The first is to play the family card. A city dominated by human races will definitely be closer to Yunzhong City.

The second is the threat of force. If you don't support me, I will find a way to bring down your regime and then support someone who is willing to support me to come to power.

The third is to use victory and meritorious deeds to promote one's own strength, so that those swaying city-states can choose a powerful camp with advantages.

The victory in the battle of Yongye City had a very good publicity effect.

The good camp launched an attack on the evil camp. They defeated the Death Lord in the Kingdom of Death, occupied the first main city of the Death Kingdom, and killed the seven Death Lord coalition forces and fled in panic, even leaving the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

Once this news spreads in the main world, you can imagine what kind of sensation it will cause.

After the full-scale war breaks out, it will be almost impossible for the city-states in the main world to remain neutral. Because after you choose a camp, you only need to guard against the enemy camp, and after you choose neutral, both camps may attack you.

This is the helplessness of the main world. It has more people than all planes, more resources than all planes, and more area than all planes, but it does not have the force to safeguard its own interests. When the war comes, you must rely on a powerful plane.

Therefore, the main world is a place where both the good camp and the evil camp compete. It is also the place where wars break out. In previous plane wars, more than 90% of the conflicts occurred in the main world, and % of strategic-level decisive battles took place in the main world. The battlefield of Seventy is in the main world.

It can be said that whoever has more territory in the main world will have more advantages in camp confrontations.

The victory in the battle of Evernight City undoubtedly gave the good camp a head start before the outbreak of all-out war, and they could be the first to cut the cake in the main world.

For Gabriel, although Yunzhong City was forced to hand over the crystal veins to the Crystal Dragon Clan, it was really of great significance to be able to get a complete victory in Yongye simply and neatly.

This is what winning feels like.

At this time, Lucas crossed Gabriel and walked onto the altar. He stood under the statue of Death, then lowered his head and stood silently. Boswell also stepped forward and stood side by side with Lucas, also bowing his head and standing silently, as if praying or admitting his mistake.

The actions of the two cyan coalition commanders had a huge shock to the wizards and death lords who followed in. They looked at the statue of Death together, and the awe deep in their bones was immediately aroused, and then they bowed their heads to the statue of Death together.

After a long time, Lucas straightened up and said to Gabriel: "Thank you to Cloud City for maintaining the majesty and solemnity that the Temple of Death should have after capturing the Cathedral of Eternal Night. Although our wizards are conceptually different from the Unsullied Holy See. It’s different, but the God of Death is real, and as undead we must maintain a reverence for the God of Death.”

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