Start with an Archangel

Chapter 884 The sad monarch’s ambition

Gabriel said: "Yunzhong City maintains respect for all gods, and we are also doing our best to welcome the arrival of divine power. The Wizards Guild now has its own land, and we can work together to start research on gods.

However, the Cathedral of Eternal Night is the symbol of the Immaculate Holy See. Now that the Blue Alliance Army has occupied Eternal Night City, it becomes inappropriate to retain the Cathedral. And since this air fortress has been captured by us, it will be used in the war against the evil camp in the future. The buildings of the Unsullied Holy See should no longer be preserved.

I suggest building another shrine in Yongye City to house the statue of the God of Death, and then Yunzhong City presides over the transformation of this aerial fortress. "

Neither Lucas nor Boswell had much objection to the assignment of the Cathedral of Evernight. Since the Immaculate Holy See is the enemy of the Blue Alliance, the Cathedral of Eternal Night must be demolished. In addition, the cyan coalition has little experience in building super air fortresses and does not have the financial resources. Giving it to Yunzhong City will definitely enable it to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

Being able to harvest Yongye City makes the cyan coalition very satisfied.

The next step is to strike while the iron is hot and quickly occupy Yongye while the Monarch of Aiyin is on the run and the Yongye Wugou Holy See loses control of the Yongye area. As long as they can seize the largest and most fertile land in the Kingdom of Death, the Blue Alliance Army will truly take root in the Kingdom of Death.

In the following war, the Cyan Alliance still relied heavily on the support of Yunzhong City, so they did not refuse Gabriel's request for an air fortress.

Cloud City got its wish and obtained the obelisk tower of the Kingdom of Death.

The cyan coalition forces evacuated from the Cathedral of Evernight, which is completely controlled by angels.

At this point, the battle of Yongye City ended. All the elites sent by the Death Lord into Yongye City were wiped out by the cyan coalition forces and the Angel Legion. Lord Aiyin only escaped from the siege with a small number of his subordinates, and the power of Yongye City was almost wiped out. The other Death Lords who supported Yongye City also suffered heavy losses.

The Death Lords were unable to fight against the cyan coalition forces after their great victory. In order to prevent them from being defeated one by one, they could only withdraw the peripheral Death Army that was marching towards Eternal Night City.

The cyan coalition army also had a lot of troubles after the war. There were still remaining defenders in Yongye City who were stubbornly resisting. Undead armies without high-level heroes would rarely surrender, especially low-level armies. Generally, only one side would defeat the other side. The war ends when it is eliminated.

In addition, the cyan coalition forces must replenish their losses as soon as possible to attack the territories in the Yongye area that are still loyal to the Holy See. They need to set up heavy troops on the border to guard against the invasion of the Death Monarch.

We also have to deal with the elves from the dreamland that are already invading.

Therefore, after the battle of Yongye City, neither the Cyan Alliance nor the Death Lord wanted to have another war, and both sides would focus on accumulating strength for the future.

City of Sighs.

The Sorrowful Lord brought the remnants of the Unsullied Holy See to the city that was willing to accept him. Looking at his team of less than a hundred people, the Sorrowful Lord, who was heartbroken, refused the Sorrowful Lord's reception and locked himself up in the City of Sighs. There were no visitors in the room arranged for him by the church.

After the Sorrowful Lord ordered the priests to settle the Sorrowful Lord and his party, he summoned Daliang and Speaker Yalgu in his room.

At this time, the Sad Lord still didn’t know why the two of them brought the Sad Lord to the City of Sighs, but now that the Sad Lord was here, he showed his due enthusiasm, and then summoned two envoys to Yongye City to listen. their explanation.

Daliang truthfully told his thoughts to the Sorrowful Lord, and then said: "I think this is our opportunity. We can use the influence of the Sorrowful Lord to improve our strength, and according to the current situation in the Kingdom of Death, we The banner of the Mourning Lord is also needed to unite the Lords of Death.”

The Sad Lord nodded and approved Daliang's explanation. Now the only thing left for the Sad Lord is his fame. In Yongye City, the Death Monarchs had just been defeated. Facing the aggressive Yunzhong City and the cyan coalition forces, the Death Monarchs who were already working on their own affairs were really not suitable for any internal strife.

At this time, no death monarch has an absolute advantage to accept the title of first monarch, and the sad monarch is further away from this title. Therefore, Monarch Aiyin still has to be worshipped, and in the entire Kingdom of Death, only Sighing City dares to support Monarch Aiyin.

As Speaker Yargu expected, the Sad Lord recognized Daliang's decision: "You handled this matter very well. It not only eased the relationship between me and the other dead monarchs, but also made two people die. The Monarch's City of Sighs has become the center of the Kingdom of Death. Just leave it to me how to deal with the Monarch of Sighs, and I will begin to take over the war against Cloud City and the Blue Alliance Army.

Argu, the change in the situation requires us to have more troops. I don’t want what happened in the City of Eternal Night to happen in the City of Sighs. The Death Lords cannot lose another main city. Will is about to lead the army into the Evernight region to fight, and you are also responsible for logistics and the occupation of new lands.

Eviscerate, the Death God Research Institute must increase its investment, and we must prepare for a possible god war. In addition, I want to have deeper cooperation with Shangjiang City. The best situation is that Shangjiang City can stand in my camp. "

The sad monarch wants to annex Shangjiang.

Of course this cannot be allowed.

Daliang was not afraid of the power of the sad monarch and said: "Your Majesty, which camp Shangjiang City will stand in the future has its own rights. As an earl of Shangjiang City, I know that this city has the strength to make a choice. Therefore, I hope that your Majesty Maintain your original intention of cooperating with Shangjiang City, excessive demands will only make your friends feel grudge."

The Sad Lord's tone was much harsher: "You think my request is too much."

Daliang replied: "Yes, your request is too much."

The Sad Lord looked at the bishop he had promoted, and suddenly realized that this was no longer the pope of the Mist Zone who had the power of life and death under his control.

As the proposer and disseminator of the ultimate faith, Evisceration holds a very special status in the New Church. The "Master of Death" is not something that the Sad Lord can canonize casually. This represents his true status in the beliefs of Protestant believers. In the City of Sighs, Evisceration may still be ranked third or fourth, but in the future, as Protestantism spreads to the entire Kingdom of Death and becomes the only Holy See, he will definitely become the second most Holy See after the Melancholy Monarch. Distinguished person.

In addition, the strategic vision Eviscerate has always shown is also relied on by the Melancholy Monarch. The army of the undead needs a shrewd head.

Therefore, the Sad Lord quickly said: "Yes, Sigh City and Shangjiang City are friends. I also hope that the friendship between us can last for a long time."

The Sad Lord's ambitious ambitions were finally suppressed. Daliang breathed a sigh of relief, but he also realized that since Shangjiang City had fallen into the Sad Lord's eyes, there was no guarantee that he would not directly annex Shangjiang City on a whim one day.

It's time to talk to Joyce.

I haven't seen her for a while. I wonder if she and her fleet are back?

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