Start with an Archangel

Chapter 888 Faction Selection

It seems that the Sad Lord wants to annex Shangjiang City and is aware of this outcome. The employment fees generated by the cooperation between Sigh City and Shangjiang City are a very important financial input for the Sad Monarch. From now on, the City of Sighs has become the center of the confrontation between the two camps in the Kingdom of Death, and the demand for money will only increase.

For the sad monarch.

Rather than being sent back by Shangjiang City, all the death mercenaries were sent back and were protected by Yunzhong City. It would be better to occupy the rich and oil-rich city in one fell swoop while the army is still on the river.

However, this idea of ​​the Sad Lord was stopped by Daliang.

But if Shangjiang City really puts the worries of the sad monarch into action, then Shangjiang City will inevitably have a war.

So Daliang persuaded Joyce: "If we join the good camp in advance, we can certainly get strong support from Yunzhong City, but it will also push us to the forefront of the battle with the evil camp."

Joyce also has her reasons: "Shangjiang City is one of the richest cities in the entire main world. Both the good camp and the evil camp are staring at us. If we don't choose a camp to rely on as soon as possible, the two camps are likely to attack at the same time. We divide everything we have.”

Daliang said: "Sir, the current Shangjiang City is no longer the former Shangjiang City. For some reasons, I can assure you that as long as Shangjiang does not fall to the good camp, no matter who is in power in hell or the kingdom of death, Will attack Shangjiang City. We also have a level 16 supreme angel guarding us. If Yunzhong City attacks us, Holy Bella will definitely stop it.

Other planes will look at the attitude of Hell and Cloud City. "

Holy Bella can prevent Yunzhong City from peeking at Shangjiang, which Joyce can understand. And why is Daliang so sure that the kingdoms of hell and death will not attack Jiangcheng?

Joyce said: "I personally trust you very much, but I can't risk the entire Shangjiang. Now that we have money and resources, we need more angels to protect this city. But Yunzhong City only has 1 week left. Give us the recruitment quota of one archangel and two angels, which is too few. If we choose the good camp, Yunzhong City will not only increase our share, but will even provide us with a small amount of holy angels to reward us It is the main world city that first chose the good camp."

Daliang understands Joyce's difficulty. He cannot let Joyce make a decision that affects the survival of Shangjiang City with just one word or one mouth.

After thinking, Daliang said: "Sir, if I can convince two races that are born as level 15 creatures and each have a level 16 hero to form an alliance with Shangjiang City, will the choice of camp continue to bother you?"

Joyce did not expect that Daliang would release such a major news at this time.

They are born as level 15 creatures. How powerful should this race be?

How could Daliang be familiar with such a powerful creature?

Purple dragons and crystal dragons live in very secretive ways. Only a few powerful people know that there are still 15th-level creatures in this world. Of course Joyce didn't know, and even couldn't believe it after knowing it. She asked: "What race are they? How many are they? Are they willing to ally with us?"

Daliang said: "They are the Purple Dragon Clan and the Crystal Dragon Clan. The Purple Dragon is good at magic, and the Crystal Dragon's melee combat ability can be regarded as the best in the known world. The number of Purple Dragons has reached a thousand, and the number of Crystal Dragons has been two to three hundred. All They are both level 15 creatures, and their respective clan leaders are level 16. Now the two dragon clans have formed an alliance and announced that they will remain neutral in future wars with the purple and pink flag as a symbol.

Because I have some favors to the Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon, and promoted their alliance. If you are willing to keep Shangjiang neutral in future wars, I can try to communicate with the Purple Pink Alliance and persuade them to agree to Shangjiang's joining. "

Being able to remain neutral in a war is of course the best choice, but if you want to be neutral, you must also have neutral strength.

Neither the good camp nor the evil camp dare to provoke the 15th-level dragon clan with more than a thousand heads. If they are willing to form an alliance with Shangjiang, then Shangjiang will have the strength to remain neutral on the future battlefield.

But are they willing to form an alliance with the weak Shangjiang? The total number of 14th-level archangels and 14th-level heroes in Shangjiang City is only two thousand.

There are only less than twenty level 15 heroes.

"How sure are you of convincing the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon to allow us to join their alliance."

Daliang said: "I will try my best. In fact, the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon also have their own crises. Their alliance with us can form a very good complementary advantage. I think they will definitely agree to have a 16th-level hero in a city that is also very powerful." Rich cities joined them.

But I have a request..."

Joyce knew that since Daliang said this, it meant that he was very confident. She asked, "What do you want?"

Daliang said: "Shangjiang City must regard you as its king."


Be king!

Joyce had never thought that she was loyal to the Shangjiang royal family and was willing to sacrifice everything for the royal family, but she had never thought of replacing him.

"Why? Does my title of king have anything to do with this?"

Daliang said: "Of course it does matter... When we signed the alliance with the Purple Dragon Clan and the Crystal Dragon Clan, who would represent Shangjiang City? The child in Abigail's belly?

This was definitely an insult to the two patriarchs.


Lord Joyce, I also hope you can become my king. "

"No, no, no." After hearing what Daliang said, Joyce was in a state of confusion: "I can't betray the dead king, and I can't betray the missing King Howard. If King Howard comes back, how do you want me to face what I once said to him? A royal oath?


I cannot be king. "

Daliang said: "Sir, I can guarantee that as long as Shangjiang declares to join the good camp, the army of death in Sighing City will flood the city. In fact, the Sad Lord already has this idea.

Although I stopped him, his limit must be to go up to Jiang Zhongli and continue to cooperate with Sighing City.

Joyce, you must believe me. This war is definitely the most brutal war in history. The earlier you join, the worse your death will be. "

"But..." Joyce hesitated, completely unable to see the calmness of a commander: "I have sworn an oath, and my family has sworn an oath. We have been loyal to the royal family for 543 years. This is the glory of the family. …”

At this time, Joyce was still stubborn, and Da Liang had no choice but to take out the crown.

Made of pure gold and studded with brilliant gems.

This crown symbolizes the royal power of Shangjiang, and only the King of Donghai is qualified to wear it.

For it...Joshua launched a rebellion; his brother wanted to poison his younger brother, and the son killed his father; two generations of kings died, and the new king disappeared. If it weren't for Joyce's loyalty and Daliang's dealings, I don't know how many people would be kings and queens.

Joyce never expected that the crown that disappeared with King Howard would be taken out by Daliang and placed right in front of his eyes.

"I need an explanation..."

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