Start with an Archangel

Chapter 889 The troubles of the two clan leaders

"Yes, I met King Howard after he disappeared."

Daliang considered his words for a moment, and then continued: "Because of King Howard's request, I cannot tell anyone the entire process of my meeting with him.

But I can assure you that this crown was given to me by his own hands. He said that if his child had a chance to become a king, then he would leave the crown to him. And if Shangjiang City encounters a crisis and needs a king to take charge of the overall situation and unite all the cities in Shangjiang, the crown will be given to the person who needs it.

I think Shangjiang needs a real king to rule it now, and I hope this king is you. I will support you, Marquis Stanley will support you, the Shangjiang human race will support you, and I think the angels will support you too. you.

There is no one more fit to sit on the throne than you. "

Joyce looked at the crown, feeling extremely excited. The impact of all kinds of thoughts made her wonder how to choose: "Why did King Howard do this?"

Daliang said: "King Howard made self-sacrifice for the sake of Shangjiang City. He gave up his throne and all honors so that the Hell Lord King would not use Shangjiang as a battlefield.

At this time, responsibility is more important than honor.

Joyce, do what you gotta do. Wear this crown to truly unify Shangjiang, gather all our strength, and survive this catastrophe together..."

"I will think about it."

Daliang put the crown away again: "No, what you are thinking about now is how to exercise your royal power. I immediately went to the Magic Forest and invited Zilong and Crystal Dragon to discuss Shangjiang City's joining the alliance.

When the Purple Pink Alliance negotiating team came to Shangjiang, we held a royal meeting to determine the identity of your heir to the throne.

If everything goes well, during your coronation ceremony, the Purple Dragon Clan Chief Zishan and the Crystal Dragon Clan Chief will come to congratulate you and sign an alliance agreement.

I will put this crown on your head with my own hands. "

There was no intention of discussion in Daliang's tone. He settled the matter of Joyce becoming king in just a few words without giving Joyce any chance to refute. He knew that it was really difficult to truly persuade Joyce based on her foolish loyalty, so he might as well act arbitrarily and let Joyce wear the yellow robe.

After saying that, Da Liang left Joyce's office, leaving Joyce, who was full of thoughts and unprepared, sitting there blankly.

After leaving the Pudong Military Port, Daliang briefly dealt with the development of the Judgment Territory and the Black Fire Territory, and then entered the Magic Forest without stopping.

The dispute between the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon was resolved peacefully, and the Magical Forest returned to what it should be. The purple dragons fly leisurely over the forest, using magic to create colorful scenery, or pulling out a rainbow in the sky, or raising a sea of ​​flowers, leisurely and contented.

Da Liang is now the most popular guest in the Magic Forest. When he appears in the Magic Forest and flies to the Fairy Garden, the purple dragons he encounters along the way automatically gather to protect him.

Soon Daliang flew into the Fairy Garden Castle accompanied by more than a dozen purple dragons.

Coincidentally, Red Baker, the leader of the Crystal Dragon Clan, was also here. He discussed with the leader of the Yew Tree Clan to form a standing army composed of Crystal Dragon Warriors and Purple Dragon Mage.

Since the Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon are both level 15 creatures, their powerful strength means that they have never felt any threat from outside. However, the experiences of the Crystal Dragon and the Poison Dragon told them that their power was just that for the racial base camp plane.

Therefore, the newly established purple-pink double-color flag alliance urgently needs to form a standing army, which can make the most correct response to various emergencies in the fastest time.

But the difficulty is that both the Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon are in a free-range state and rely on instinct to fight. The Crystal Dragon relied on instinct to fight and was completely defeated in front of the Angel Legion.

Another headache for the two clan leaders is...

The Crystal Dragon, which is good at melee combat, and the Purple Dragon, which is good at magic and long-range bombing, have complementary advantages. This is originally a good thing, but once they work together, many problems arise.

Crystal Dragon didn't know what the effect of teammate Zilong's magic was, and what its purpose was. The purple dragon is not used to the cooperation of the crystal dragon. It is very exciting to cast magic in the sky, completely ignoring the life and death of the crystal dragon who cannot fly. As a result, although the two dragon clans united, once the fighting started, each would quickly fight on its own. Crystal dragons collided in groups on the ground, and purple dragons spread large nets in the air to cleanse the ground with various magics.

Looking at the chaotic scene of the drill, I was really worried.

When Daliang came, he happened to see the drill of the regular troops of Crystal Dragon and Purple Dragon. Standing on the top of the castle, watching the crystal dragons rushing out of the sea of ​​fire and icebergs in groups, he couldn't help feeling that the magic resistance of the crystal dragons was high.

None of this is dead.

After paying homage to Princess Zishan, Hongbei and Ziling, Daliang said: "Two clan leaders, I think there is a problem with the cooperation between Zilong and Crystal Dragon."

Yeah, there's a big problem.

The Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon formed an alliance, and the two 15th-level dragon clans united, making both the good camp and the evil camp very afraid of them, and they also temporarily gave up their plot against their obelisk tower. But if the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon cannot complement each other's strengths and form a 1+1\u0026gt;2 combat effectiveness, the war will soon fall on them.

After hearing Daliang's words, Yishu, Hongbei and Ziling all looked sad.

There is a big difference between ideal and reality.

But what can be done? In the past, Purple Spirit and Crystal Dragon did not have full-time troops, and they did not use tactical coordination.

Da Liang saw the opportunity and said: "Once the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon fight together, the Purple Dragon cannot fly so high. As a spellcasting profession, it must be as close as possible to its own melee profession. When the Purple Dragon is protected by the Crystal Dragon, You also need to protect the crystal dragon. Add beneficial status to the crystal dragon in time to weaken the enemy and wait for opportunities to use magic attacks.

In joint operations, the Crystal Dragon should give defense as its first priority, giving priority to protecting friendly forces that cast spells. When necessary, you also need to use your bodies to block damage to the Purple Dragon.

Of course, these are not fixed tactics.

Purple Dragon sometimes needs to control the battlefield at high altitude, and Crystal Dragon sometimes needs to abandon the protected Purple Dragon for battlefield breakthrough.

The situation in battle is ever-changing, and tactics must be adapted accordingly. "

After listening to what Daliang said, both Yishuan and Hongbei understood clearly that Zilong and Crystal Dragon must find someone who understands to cooperate in this matter.

Therefore, the leader of the Yishu tribe said to Daliang: "We would like to hire Mr. Daliang to be the tactical instructor of our Zilong and Crystal Dragon coalition forces. I wonder if you are willing?"

Red Baker also said: "Purple Dragon is a little better. It has participated in plane wars before. We Crystal Dragon have always remained neutral and have not participated in many large-scale wars. We only rush when encountering enemies. This time we were taught a lesson by the angels." . I also hope that Mr. Daliang can train our army so that they can protect our homeland as soon as possible."

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