Start with an Archangel

Chapter 893 Crystal Dragon Thousand Miles

Just as Daliang said, the leader of the Yew family is a generous elder. After listening to Daliang's suggestion, he said to Poisonous Spring: "I agree with the solution proposed by Mr. Daliang. The Magic Forest can accept the Poisonous Dragon Clan to settle here, but only if you make us feel at ease. I also know that a contract cannot It is possible that the noble Poison Dragon Clan will become a vassal of the Purple Dragon Clan forever. When you find a new place to live, the Purple Dragon Clan will return your honor to you.

At the same time, I also allow the Poison Dragon Clan to join our alliance as an independent entity. The three major dragon clans will work together to survive in this tide. "

For this reason, the leader of the Yew Clan has already made a big concession. If Poison Spring continues to hold on to its little remaining dignity, then there will be no need for the Poison Dragon Clan to continue.

After Poisonous Spring thought for a while, he lowered his head to the leader of the Zishan tribe: "From this moment on, the Poisonous Dragon Clan voluntarily offers our loyalty to the Purple Dragon Clan. After the contract is reached, the Poisonous Dragon Clan regards the Purple Dragon Clan as its sect master, and every head The poisonous dragons are willing to spread their wings to protect the purple dragons from wind and rain. The enemies of the purple dragons are the enemies of the poisonous dragons, and the friends of the purple dragons are friends of the poisonous dragons.

Even after the Poison Dragon Clan finds its homeland and becomes independent, the Poison Dragon Clan will regard the Purple Dragon as its respected brother and will never be an enemy of the Purple Dragon Clan.


When he proclaimed his oath in Poison Spring, a contract with the power of law appeared between him and the leader of the Yew Clan.

The leader of the Yew Clan also read out his oath: The Purple Dragon Clan accepts the allegiance of the Poison Dragon Clan and is willing to provide shelter and shelter for the Poison Dragon Clan until the Poison Dragon Clan leaves the Magic Forest and becomes independent. And declared that he would never be the enemy of the Poison Dragon Clan.

The Poison Dragon and the Purple Dragon signed a contract with the most respect for each other. The barrier between the two dragon clans was eliminated. The Poison Dragon clan gained a place where the race could continue. The Purple Dragon also gained a powerful subordinate. Although the current Poison Dragon clan still has There is only one Stalagmite egg that has not hatched.

And it is also mutated by the influence of the crystal dragon fetus.

At this moment, the three dragon clan chiefs and Daliang were all very interested in what kind of dragon could be born from the transformed crystal dragon fetus and stalagmite dragon egg.

Due to the mutation, the crystal dragon fetus and the stalagmite dragon egg float together in the air. The Red Baker tribe leaned down and spread their front paws in front of Daliang: "Let us witness together that new members of the Crystal Dragon and Poison Dragon are born."

Da Liang walked into Hong Baker's dragon claws and was lifted close to the crystal dragon fetus.

The long-awaited moment finally came, and Da Liang put his hand on the mutated crystal dragon fetus with full anticipation. The magic runes of the contract spread out from his palm, and the shining magic symbols flowed like water on the crystal dragon fetus.

Then a dragon roar came from the crystal dragon fetus.

Then the crystal cluster began to change, and with a roar, a dragon head stretched out from the crystal cluster. He closed his eyes and felt the world like a bird that had just broken out of its shell, announcing his arrival to the world.

Next, the limbs supported his body, and he stepped on the stalagmite dragon egg below and shook his body, and the thick dragon tail was thrown out.

He roared wantonly, and the pressure of the high-level dragon clan surged outward.

Da Liang admired his new subordinate in Red Baker's paw. Different from the pink body of the crystal dragon, the color of the new crystal dragon is light yellow. The body inherits the tyranny of the crystal dragon, and the body made of crystal gives people an indestructible feeling at first glance. The sharp teeth and claws, and the tail like a battering ram, all show that he has strong hand-to-hand combat capabilities.

This is exactly what Da Liang needs right now. It is also a 15th-level creature. In head-on confrontation, Shadow Dragon Demon Yeshe is at a disadvantage. The entry of the 15th-level Crystal Dragon just makes up for Yeshe's shortcomings. When a sudden top-level battle occurs, with Crystal Dragon on the front line, Ye Shi's abilities can be fully utilized. If he cooperates with his Flame Commander state to connect in the middle, he may be able to fight against Will alone.

Thinking of this, Daliang couldn't wait to open the Crystal Dragon's attribute panel.

Thousands of miles

Crystal Dragon (Poison Dragon Mutation) (Level 15 Dragon)

Attack: 50

Defense: 50

Kill: 700-700

HP: 9000

Racial characteristics: Generate one unit of crystal every day,

Enhanced magic resistance,

Increased physical damage resistance,


Charge: For every meter/second the speed increases, the damage increases by 5%, and the upper limit increases by 60%.

Corrosion damage: Each attack reduces the opponent's defense by 3 points, which can be superimposed. The actual effect is related to the attack and defense ratio of both parties.


Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 20

Defense: 20

Intelligence: 13

Knowledge: 13

Hero Specialties: Son of Renaissance: Born at a time when the Crystal Dragon was on the verge of extinction, shouldering the important task of reviving the Crystal Dragon Clan. The attributes are enhanced by 20%, the damage to angels is increased by 50%, the dragons below level 15 are suppressed, and all attributes are reduced by 20%. The favorability of the dragons is not less than 1, and can be upgraded to level 16 crystal dragons.

Twin Twin Stars: When the Son of Renaissance and the Daughter of Renaissance are in the same area, the law-level field (Dragon Honor) is triggered: the own dragon attributes in the field are enhanced by 20%, immune to all magic attribute damage, and the designated enemy is below level 15. The dragons withdraw from the battle.

Hero Special Skills: Master Leadership Skills, Master Attack Skills...

Branch special skills: Master Leadership Technique - Fighting Will: Enemy Morale -2, Master Offensive Technique - Pentium: Leading troops increases speed by 10%

Skills: Bite attack, trample, tail strike...

The effect of hand washing is still very obvious. The originally powerful Crystal Dragon has actually undergone alienation. Not only has it inherited the powerful body of the Crystal Dragon, but it has also acquired some of the special skills from the Poison Dragon. The corrosive attack is obviously not the skill of the Crystal Dragon.

It has high attack, high defense, high blood volume and high resistance. Compared with Da Liang's flame command state, Crystal Dragon is stronger in terms of physical attack and defense. However, in terms of spell capabilities, the Crystal Dragon is much weaker, but its flaws are not concealed. The advantages of the Crystal Dragon will become very prominent when it is coordinated by spell-casting creatures.

The specialty of the hero is the son of rejuvenation, which was expected by Daliang. He shoulders the heavy responsibility of racial rejuvenation, so of course he must be well compensated in terms of attributes. In addition, the angel's increased damage, coercion effect and favorability towards the dragons are all so that he can have a high probability of recruiting a dragon army for the revival of the crystal dragons when there are no new crystal dragons.

It can be upgraded to a level 16 crystal dragon. This attribute... can only be said to be good-looking and promising. The growth of any level 16 creature is a long process. Da Liang is not sure if he will have a chance after his game journey is over. Seeing Qianli grow into a level 16 hero.

In addition, the Twin Stars can be regarded as a direct benefit brought by the mutation of the Crystal Dragon Fetus and Stalagmite Dragon Egg. When the Son of Renaissance and the Daughter of Renaissance are in the same area, the strength of the subordinate dragons surges, which can prevent enemy dragon troops from entering the battlefield.

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