Start with an Archangel

Chapter 894 Poison Dragon Amber

The most important thing in dragon honor is magic immunity. Among all members of the dragon clan, only the 14th-level black dragon and the advanced dragon of the black dragon have the ability to be immune to all magic attacks. Although other dragons have relatively high magic resistance, they can still be affected by magic. Now shrouded in the honor of the Dragon Clan, Zilong can freely use large-scale and powerful advanced attack magic without having to worry about accidentally injuring himself and his Dragon Clan allies.

However, another regret for Daliang is that in order to combine the Dragon Clan Honor, the Son of Fuxing and the Daughter of Fuxing must be in the same area. The son of rejuvenation is the crystal dragon Qianli, and the daughter of rejuvenation is inside the stalagmite dragon egg.

It was obvious that the one inside was a female mutated poisonous dragon. Unfortunately, she did not belong to Da Liang, and he could not let him combine the twin twins at will.

Fortunately, he had already earned a level 15 mutated crystal dragon. Although Da Liang felt a little regretful about not buying one and getting one free, he could not take advantage of the poisonous dragon clan. After all, this person is the only member of the Poison Dragon Clan and has a greater responsibility than Crystal Dragon Qianli. Poison Spring will definitely not give the daughter of the Renaissance to him.

No... seems to have overlooked something?

Da Liang turned up the attribute table of Crystal Dragon Qianli, and then saw two inconspicuous words at the bottom of the racial characteristics.


This girl can fly!

As if feeling Da Liang's suspicious gaze, Crystal Dragon Qianli stood upright on the stalagmite dragon egg. He stretched his neck upwards and let out a long roar. His scarlet eyes opened, showing off his strong figure. Then a pair of dragon wings suddenly unfolded from his back, and then flapped up and down.

Just like that, Qianli swayed away from the stalagmite dragon egg, and then flew into the open crystal mine.

After circling for a week, Qianli landed next to Hong Baker. He first lowered his head to salute his clan leader, and then stretched his head towards Daliang.

Da Liang stood in Hong Baker's claws. He put his hand on the tip of Crystal Dragon Qianli's nose. The magic runes first expanded and then entered Da Liang's hand.

The contract is formally established.

Crystal Dragon Senri completed his first birth, and then his twin sister.

The poisonous spring that could only appear in a void state was filled with sulfur mist. He floated in front of the stalagmite dragon egg, and then pressed his dragon claw on it.

The vision reappears.

A slight crack appeared on the surface of the huge stalagmite dragon egg where the poison spring was pressed, and then the crack expanded and spread throughout the outer layer of the dragon egg. With a clicking sound, the stone eggshells fell piece by piece, revealing bit by bit the giant dragon shrunk into a ball inside.

Her color is the same light yellow as Qianli's. The texture of the dragon scales is as clear as crystal, but it does not have the sharp edges and corners of crystal, and the connection is soft and natural.

When the last piece of eggshell fell, the new poisonous dragon also appeared. She hangs upside down under the base, her limbs wrapped inside the dragon's wings. As wisps of pink mist emerged from the gaps on the edge of her dragon wings, the dragon head protruded from the bottom of the dragon wings.

Then the dragon roar sounded, the broad dragon wings spread out instantly, and the pink mist became even thicker.

The Poison Dragon Clan welcomed their first clan member. She has a slender figure, and her inheritance from the Crystal Dragon makes her shine with brilliance. Released the dragon claw hanging on the base, the poisonous dragon fell downwards, then turned over and glided nimbly, landing in front of the poisonous spring.

"Poison Dragon Amber meets the clan leader."

Poison Spring's figure was a little excited, and he had obviously noticed the potential possessed by Poison Dragon Amber.

According to Daliang's judgment, the even worse Poison Dragon Clan decided that the first Poison Dragon Amber of this generation should have higher attributes and potential than the Crystal Dragon Qianli. As compensation for the system, although Amber is not yet a level 16 hero, she will definitely be there. He was promoted in a short period of time and shouldered the heavy responsibility of leading the Poison Dragon Clan.

As Daliang expected, Duquan immediately invited Zishan, Hongbeike and Daliang to serve as witnesses and handed over the position and power of the leader of the Poison Dragon clan to Amber.

"What I can do is to create a temporary home for our Poison Dragon Clan. From now on, you are the leader of the Poison Dragon Clan, shouldering the heavy responsibility of reviving the Poison Dragon Clan.

The Purple Dragon Clan is our sect master, you must continue to fulfill our oath and fight for the Purple Dragon.

Patriarch Yew is a generous elder, Patriarch Red Baker is a fearless warrior, and Mr. Daliang has great influence and a smart mind in this world. If the poisonous dragon returns home, it cannot do without their help.

And your twin brother, you two are destined to become legends.


Poisonous Spring seemed to be explaining the aftermath, telling Amber everything he could think of in detail. In fact, the sulfur mist that made up his body was slowly dissipating, and his body gradually faded, and finally returned to nothingness.

The Poison Spring disappeared, and a generation of Poison Dragon Clan also perished.

[Dragon Honor Trigger: The attributes of your own dragons within a five-kilometer range are enhanced by 20%, immune to all magic attribute damage, and enemy dragons below level 15 are designated to withdraw from the battle. The scope of action is related to the hero level of the Twins. 】

Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon, and Poison Dragon, three 15th-level dragon clans, are bathing in the honor of the dragon clan in the crystal mine. The birth of the twin stars seems to indicate that the three dragon clans have really risen.

Amber, who took over the position of leader of the Poison Dragon Clan, greeted Yishu, Red Baker, and Daliang respectively, and also touched foreheads with his brother Qianli in greeting.

At this time, Chief Yew said: "Before the Poison Dragon Clan has enough power to defend the Sulfur Cave, there are crystal dragons and purple dragons here to defend together. You can stay here to welcome the new Poison Dragon, or you can go to the Fairy Garden to learn magic and understand the world. .

The territories of Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Poison Dragon and Mr. Daliang will form an alliance. In the next few days, we will send a mission to Shangjiang City in the main world to inspect the city. As the only member of the Poison Dragon Clan, you have to go to Shangjiang on behalf of the Poison Dragon Clan.

My daughter Zi Ling will give you some etiquette of the main world. I think you will become very good friends. "

Amber showed the magnanimity that a leader of a clan should have: "Thank you, Chief Yew, for everything you have done for the Poison Dragon Clan. I am willing to go to the Fairy Garden to study.

I believe that the Poison Dragon Clan, like the Crystal Dragon Clan, will eventually take back our own homeland. "

Amber's last words were to Daliang. When she was in the stalagmite dragon's egg, she knew everything that happened here. She knew that the crystal dragon's return to the crystal veins was the human race's single-handed plan.

Now that the Sulfur Cave is in the hands of Hell, even if the Poison Dragon develops it for hundreds of years, he may not be able to get the sulfur vein back from Hell. The Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon will not easily start a war with Hell for the Poison Dragon, so the best way to do this is Outwit.

Daliang is now the think tank of the Purple-Pink Alliance and the Future Alliance. Amber values ​​his brother's master very much.

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