Start with an Archangel

Chapter 896 Support from Marquis Stanley

Regarding Joshua's borrowing money, Marquis Stanley's feeling was in one word - refreshing, but the speaker didn't mean it, but it sounded intentional.

Daliang asked Marquis Stanley: "Did you lend it to him?"

"No..." Marquis Stanley answered very simply and confidently: "Why should I lend him my money?"

Daliang smiled and said: "Yes, yes, the Marquis' money must not be lent to others."

Seeing that his good brother recognized his point of view, Marquis Stanley was very happy: "But Brother Daliang is not counted among others. If you want to borrow money, you just ask."

"Then I would like to thank the generous Marquis first." Daliang praised Marquis Stanley, and then said: "I am going to hold a royal meeting. This time I came to Jiading City, I wanted to explain some things to the Marquis first. Listen to your opinion."

Marquis Stanley said cheerfully: "I will listen to you, I will listen to you in everything."

"I want to elect Joyce as the master of Shangjiang City, the new King of East China Sea..."

Marquis Stanley wanted to agree casually, but when he heard what Daliang said clearly, he immediately shut up, then looked at Daliang, and said in a rare serious tone: "Are you kidding? You have to figure this out. Qiao Yisi has no royal legitimacy and does not have the reputation of Joshua. Not all humans will support her, let alone other cities. If she is promoted as the King of the East China Sea, it is likely to cause turmoil and even division in Shangjiang."

"I think very clearly." Daliang slowly said to Marquis Stanley: "The all-out war is getting closer and closer. Shangjiang's geographical location and wealth are just a piece of unprotected fat in the eyes of the top powerhouses. .If we continue to maintain superficial unity, we will have no power to deal with future invasions.

The best candidate now qualified to stand up and lead Shangjiang is definitely Joshua, but he is not from our team. I also don’t want Joshua to take away all of our current achievements. "

Marquis Stanley nodded with great approval. If Joshua became king, he would definitely deal with his Jiading City first. If he had to pay for this, it would delay his progress in decorating the castle.

"You are right, Joshua must not be allowed to become king."

"This situation cannot be left to an unborn child. Abigail has even made a mess of her own Songjiang City, and we cannot expect her to lead these eight cities as queen. I feel qualified to be king and unify The only ones going up the river are Joyce and... you, the Marquis."

Marquis Stanley quickly shook his head: "No, no, no, I can't. I don't even want to be the Prime Minister. I just like to live in my castle."

Daliang spread his hands: "Then only Joyce is left. Moreover, the chaos in Shangjiang now is better than the chaos after the war started. If the Marquis is willing to fully support Joyce in becoming king, even if some cities are dissatisfied and want independence, we still have the financial resources. and the army to achieve reunification through force. Joshua has started to borrow money, why should they fight us.

And this time I have a strong ally. Perhaps the unification of Shangjiang does not require a war. "

Marquis Stanley asked: "Allies? Is it Sigh City? I feel that the army of Sigh City is not suitable to participate in the internal affairs of Shangjiang City. Our disputes need to be resolved by ourselves."

Daliang knew that Marquis Stanley was not confused about major matters, and he had never thought of using foreign troops to resolve internal disputes. Only by being strong could he convince these city lords, and using foreign troops to attack his own people would only make people look down on him.

Daliang replied: "It's not Sighing City. In fact, the Sad Lord's attitude toward Shangjiang City is to directly annex Shangjiang City. The allies I found this time are to allow us to maintain a relatively neutral position in future wars.

They are very powerful, with strength that makes both Yunzhong City and Hell fearful. However, it is still unknown whether they are willing to form an alliance with Shangjiang, so we still have to be prepared to solve it by force. "

When Joyce becomes king, Abigail will definitely be the first to be reluctant. The child in her belly is a legitimate member of the royal family. If Joyce becomes king, she will most likely declare Songjiang City independent, and then rely on the unique environment of the underground city to seal the road to the surface and establish her own royal court. Joshua is not willing either. Joyce's qualifications are too junior. If she becomes king, Joshua will definitely feel unbalanced. Now that Chongming City has troops but no money, there is no guarantee that Joshua will not take risks and rebel for independence with the purpose of consuming troops.

Songjiang City and Chongming City are independent, and other cities may follow suit.

Joyce will face a unification battle if he comes to power.

Da Liang needs Marquis Stanley to really send troops, money, and efforts, instead of what he has always liked to do - wait and see.

It is related to the future of Jiading City, and with Daliang's relationship, Marquis Stanley does not dare to express his position easily. He did not ask about the allies Daliang found because he was not sure that the allies were not allies. He asked: "Will Shangjiang be destroyed if it is not unified?"

"Yes!" Daliang answered without any hesitation.

After hearing Daliang's answer, Marquis Stanley said: "You can rest assured, I support Joyce becoming king. The army in Jiading City will immediately begin to mobilize. If the imperial meeting does not go well and has to fight, you and Joe Is has settled the opposition voices within the human race. During this period... I will fight any city that dares to rebel."

Marquis Stanley's domineering statement made Daliang breathe a sigh of relief.

We already have plans to deal with the worst-case scenario, so all that's left is to work for peaceful reunification.

After convincing Marquis Stanley, Daliang immediately returned to Shangjiang City, and then went to the Admiral's Mansion at Pudong Military Port to meet Joyce.

It was already night, and Joyce was standing on the top platform of the Admiral's Palace, looking at the sea in the east. Angels guarding the navy floated in mid-air, and the holy light from their bodies illuminated the ships in the harbor below. The masts in the military port stand like a forest. Farther away, a patrol fleet is leaving the port and slowly disappearing into the darkness.

When Da Liang, who was riding a royal griffon, fell from the sky, he discovered that Joyce was not wearing a navy uniform, but was wearing aristocratic household clothes, with her hair spread in a bun and hanging naturally on her shoulders.

Seeing Daliang appear beside him, Joyce seemed to say to Daliang and to himself: "Everything happened so fast that I was not prepared at all. When you left, I kept thinking Thinking here, thinking about the beautiful memories this city left for me during my childhood.

At that time, my parents were both there, they were just ordinary nobles, and they often took me out sailing; the late king was also there, he led the city to its peak, and everyone respected him; William was also there, he, like me, was A child who was doted on by his parents; and King Howard, who was a Duke at that time. My favorite thing was cheering for him on the roadside when he came back from the war. He never lost a battle. He was mine. Idol, the idol of every child in this city.

I really didn’t expect that this city would reach this point one day…

I never thought... I would have to shoulder the responsibilities that should belong to them.

I'm scared……"

As she spoke, tears streamed down Joyce's cheeks, and she burst into tears.

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