Start with an Archangel

Chapter 897 Meeting Holy Bella

Why are you crying?

The image of Joyce in Daliang's heart is that she is very strong, and all the advantages of aristocrats can be seen in her. Even when she was surrounded by demons inside the Oath, she still fought without any flinching.

And now she was crying like a little girl.

She was under too much pressure, but she had to work hard to show her confidence and let her subordinates feel that there was a bright future ahead. Now she is forced to become king, and from now on, Shangjiang's rise and fall will become her entire life.

She was really scared.

Faced with Joyce, who showed the weak side of a woman, Daliang didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only stand quietly and wait for her to vent.

Should I lend her a shoulder?

Daliang just thought about it but didn't do it.

When Joyce's mood gradually calmed down, Daliang said: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that doing this would cause you so much trouble."

Joyce wiped the tears on her cheeks, took a deep breath, and regained her usual elegance: "Yes, you are indeed sorry for me. My dream is to drive a boat and travel to all parts of the world, But I have to be trapped in that throne in the future. But for Shangjiang, what you made was the best choice. When the crisis comes, this city really only needs one voice.

I'm ready. Regardless of whether we can become allies with the 15th-level dragon clan, we must first complete the unification of Shangjiang. "

Daliang saluted Joyce and said: "This time I returned to the Magic Forest and met the leader of the Yew Tree and the Red Baker clan. They are both very interested in forming an alliance on the upper river. Our wealth and huge army can make up for the two. The shortcomings of the Dragon Clan.

In addition, the third level 15 dragon clan Poison Dragon has also joined the alliance. Although the Poison Dragon clan currently has only one poison dragon, they have a sulfur cave in the Magic Forest that can breed poison dragons. The number of poison dragons will gradually increase in the future.

In the next few days, a mission composed of Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon, and Poison Dragon will arrive in Shangjiang to visit and inspect and decide whether to form an alliance with us. Therefore, I believe that holding an imperial meeting when the Dragon Clan mission arrives in Shangjiang will give Shangjiang a chance to achieve peaceful reunification.

After leaving the Magic Forest, I first went to Jiading City.

Marquis Stanley expressed his full support for the Lord to become king. The troops in Jiading City have begun to gather. Before we resolve the opposition within the human race, he will help us suppress all rebellious cities. "

Now that Joyce has made a decision, she no longer hesitates. She said: "The attitude within the human race mainly depends on Archangel Bartlett. He controls the angel army in Shangjiang and is loyal to the royal family. If he objects to me becoming king, , this internal strife will greatly weaken the strength of the Shangjiang people."

Daliang said: "I'm going to see Bartlett. Before that, I'm going to see Holy Bella first."

She must meet Holy Bella, because Purple Dragon and Crystal Dragon agreed to inspect Shangjiang. The main reason is that Shangjiang is guarded by a 16th-level supreme angel. If Holy Bella is willing to form an alliance, the future alliance will have three level 16 heroes, including Amber, who is very likely to break through in a short time. So with four level 16 heroes and three level 15 dragon groups, the alliance has the power to compete with any base camp plane.

However, this also requires that Holy Bella can no longer hide, and she must openly join the alliance as the Supreme Angel.

Will she come forward?

Da Liang didn't know, so he could only try his best.

The tight time did not allow Daliang to stay by Joyce's side for long. He rode the royal griffon and flew towards the Shangjiang Palace.

Joyce watched Da Liang's figure slowly disappearing, and did not turn around until he disappeared for a long time.

"Order the Pudong fleet to assemble and prepare for war!"

Daliang, who was far away from the Admiral's Mansion of the Fleet in Pudong, looked back at Joyce who was looking at him from a distance. He could feel that Joyce's affection for him was beyond the favor of his superiors, subordinates and friends. Perhaps as soon as he takes a step closer, he can experience a heart-stirring virtual love and hold the entire Shangjiang City in his hands.

But Daliang stuck to his bottom line at the last moment. He didn't know what loyalty meant. He just wanted to be open-minded when facing Shu Xiao.

Oops...I almost cheated mentally.

Daliang flew to Shangjiang Palace and successfully met Holy Bella.

During the period when Holy Bella was on the river, she not only maintained the appearance of the human race, but also maintained the habits of the human race. Reading books during the day, going to bed early at night, and enjoying this ordinary life were things she could not experience when she was in Yunzhong City before.

Therefore, when Daliang saw Holy Bella, she was wearing silk pajamas with sleepy eyes and was slightly dissatisfied with Daliang coming to see her so late.

Daliang was afraid that Holy Bella would lose her temper, so he told her straight to the point: He wanted to elect Joyce to be king, and he also wanted to form an alliance with three 15th-level dragon clans in Shangjiang.

Holy Bella was dumbfounded after hearing the whole story, thinking that she was still dreaming. It wasn't until a while that she said: "Wait a minute, let me clarify something. You said you went to the Magic Forest and met the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon fighting. He made a truce between them and helped the Crystal Dragon escape from the clouds. Cheng took back the crystal veins?

Are you trying to make fun of me in the middle of the night? "

Daliang said helplessly: "I still expect you to help me defend Shangjiang City. How dare I lie to you with such a thing? Everything I said is true. Now the Purple Dragon, the Crystal Dragon, and the Poison Dragon are really preparing to form an alliance. I It is recommended that they recruit Jiang to join the team, so that everyone can complement each other's strengths and survive the future war together."

Holy Bella said: "Let's not mention the alliance for now...I wonder how you kid can cause trouble wherever you go. I introduced you to the Wizards Guild in the Kingdom of Death, and within a few days you became the elder of the Wizards Guild. City of Sighs The Pope of the Mist Zone..."

Daliang corrected him: "He is the bishop now."


"Concurrently serves as the deputy speaker of the Immaculate Holy See Council in the City of Sighs."

Holy Bella was speechless. She was so stimulated that she stopped talking about the Kingdom of Death and turned to talk about the Magic Forest: "I asked you to go to the Magic Forest, but you ended up creating a 15th-level dragon alliance. How can you be so tormented."

Da Liang was helpless: "I can't help it. I'm a magic mage. I can't just watch the purple dragon and the crystal dragon fight. In the end, the magic forest will fall into the hands of Yunzhong City. I can only help find a way.

Aren't I the one who can do more work? "

"Okay, okay, I guess you have the ability." Holy Bella could only say: "But you didn't explain clearly to me, why does Yunzhong City want to mine the crystal veins and the magic forest? If you are an enemy of two 15th-level dragons, you must have equal What’s more, Zilong belongs to the good camp and is a natural ally of Yunzhong City. He once fought alongside us, and Princess Ziling and I are also familiar with each other.”

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