Start with an Archangel

Chapter 898 Meeting Bartlett

"It's for the obelisk."

Daliang focused on the information he knew about becoming a god and told Holy Bella: "This also explains why there are so many unpredictable actions in Yunzhong City. The contradiction between fallen angels and angels, Deciding who gets the god-level creature first can bring disaster to the other party.

As an angel, do you plan to return to Cloud City or continue to stay here? "

Holy Bella smiled and said: "If you are willing to tell me this, you must know what decision I will make. Don't worry, I left Yunzhong City and got rid of the obsession in my heart. After understanding the law, I will not put shackles on myself. Since I promised you to protect Shangjiang during this special period, I will definitely do it."

Although Daliang could guess Holy Bella's decision, he could only feel relieved when he heard her say it with his own ears. The first step is to successfully step out, and the next step is to invite Holy Bella to join the new alliance.

However, Holy Bella does not seem to have much interest in this new alliance.

"I just promised you to protect Shangjiang, but you asked me to join the Dragon Alliance. This is a bit too much."

Daliang persuaded: "Sooner or later, what you did in Shangjiang City will be known to Yunzhong City, and your refusal to return to Yunzhong City will make many supreme angels think of your decision? You have a very high prestige in Yunzhong City, but Lu Xifa is a lesson learned from the past. Will Cloud City allow a supreme angel who may betray and fall to be alone outside its own jurisdiction?

When you protect Shangjiang, someone also needs to protect you. "

Daliang's words made Holy Bella fall into thinking, and after a while she said: "Although I know that your purpose is to strengthen your alliance, I am still a little touched that you think of me so much.

But if I left Yunzhong City and then joined your alliance, wouldn't it go against my original intention?

I just want to hold my own sword. "

Daliang said: "We formed the alliance just to rely on each other and survive together in the future tide. We will never take the initiative to provoke war. Moreover, among the three major dragon clans, only the Purple Dragon clan is intact. The Crystal Dragon clan has less than half of its clan members, and the Poison Dragon clan Even more so, only the clan leader Amber. Who can be beaten with such power?

The purpose of everyone's alliance is to stay together and seek neutrality in the war. "

"Neutral?" Holy Bella tasted the word, and then said: "You can use neutrality as the label of the alliance, but I ask you to be prepared to intervene in the war at any time and terminate the war. The War of Gods...

I always feel like it's something bad. Cloud City and Hell must also be aware of it, but they can't stop. "

Daliang, who had high hopes, curled his lips: "Stop the war, Lord Bella, you think too highly of me."

Holy Bella said easily: "Let me just say this, you surprised me too much in the Kingdom of Death and the Magic Forest. Although I don't believe you can do it, but what if you really do it.

Just think of it as a reason to convince me to join your alliance. If you are willing, I will be. "

"I am willing..." Why does it feel wrong to say this?

In any case, as Daliang expected, Holy Bella has finally figured it out. All that remains is that as long as Joyce becomes king and unifies the entire Shangjiang area, gathers all the forces together, and then has Daliang to bridge the gap, there will be no reason for the three dragon tribes that urgently need a regular army to decide to form an alliance with Shangjiang.

After coming out of the palace, the night was already very deep.

However, the lights of Shangjiang City in the game were still bright, and an eagle cry was heard from time to time in the night sky, and then a group of griffons flew past quickly. Higher in the sky, the projection of the City in the Clouds glows softly white, surrounded by angels.

Daliang rode the royal griffon to the castle where the Army Department was located in Shangjiang, west of the city.

The current Minister of War in Shangjiang is Archangel Bartlett.

Having experienced the Battle of Songjiang and the Battle of Qingye Island together, Daliang and Bartlett had a pretty good personal relationship. Although he was not able to get through unimpeded at the War Department, he was quickly summoned by Bartlett.

"Earl Daliang came to me so late, there must be something very important."

As Howard's deputy, Bartlett participated in many wars and was infected by Howard. Every move he made showed the magnanimity of a commander.

Without any detours from Bartley, Daliang took out the crown and said, "I once met King Howard. He gave me this crown and asked me to give it to the person who needs it. I originally I planned to take it out after Abigail's child was born. But now Shangjiang needs a king who can truly lead the eight races to gather all our strength and face the future crisis together.

I decided to give this crown to Joyce, and I think King Howard agreed with my decision.

I came here to seek support from the angels. "

After Bartlett heard Daliang's purpose and looked at the crown in his hand, his face was calm and showed no emotion. Then he said in a regretful tone: "I thought Howard trusted me the most, but I didn't expect him to put this The crown is given to you."

Daliang said: "Because King Howard knows that if I hand this crown to you, you will definitely leave it to the royal family and will not care what consequences the new king will bring to the city. But I am different, he knows that I will Choose, give it to people who share my interests, and even wear it myself whenever I get the chance.

But King Howard also knows that my interests and Shangjiang City's interests are inextricably tied together. I once organized an army and invaded the palace. I dared to do things that challenged the royal power, and I would also make the best choice for the city.

And I think the person King Howard trusts the most is still you.

You are in charge of the army and the angel army in Shangjiang City. Whoever I want to make king must get your approval. He believes that when you see this crown, you will respect his wishes instead of sticking to the so-called loyalty. I also believe in your vision and will not let me recommend an incompetent puppet.

You are the last line of insurance placed by King Howard.

He trusts you, so I don't need to talk too much nonsense.

Joyce has agreed to become king, and Marquis Stanley is also ready to fully support Joyce. I think some nobles in Shangjiang City are also willing to support Joyce, including those who serve in the army.

Now it depends on the attitude of the angels. If you also support Joyce becoming king, then we can work with Jiading City to suppress the opposition.

If the angel objects, then tonight will be the beginning of the civil war in Shangjiang City. "

Bartlett said coldly: "Are you threatening me again?"

Daliang put away the crown and said, "No, I'm warning you! The strength we have can really destroy you."

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