Start with an Archangel

Chapter 901 Economic Control

The road from Shangjiang City to Jiading City has always been the envy of other cities. It is paved with smooth bluestones, and the gaps are filled with fine sand, and then baked with fire magic. The entire road is ten meters wide at its narrowest point and is extremely strong and durable. The carriage pulling goods ran on it, and almost no big bumps were felt.

If you run fast and transport more, goods will circulate quickly and money will naturally come.

But except for the road from Shangjiang City to Jiading City, the roads connecting other cities are in a state of disrepair. After the last war, the roads have become even more dilapidated and the transportation condition is very bad.

For example, Howard developed mineral resources when he was in Fengxian City of the Orcs, but Fengxian City is not close to the sea. They need to pass through Nanhui City of the Swamp Clan to transport the mines out by sea. The ore business is highly competitive and the profits are not high. The swampy terrain of Nanhui makes the transportation costs of the Orcs very high and the speed is very slow.

Other cities also have road problems.

Everyone wants to build roads, but they have no money.

This time Shangjiang City is willing to pay to help everyone build roads, which is definitely a good thing.

In addition, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is willing to sell goods on a consignment basis, which is also a very good thing for some cities.

The Orcs' ore business is not only affected by roads. How to sell the ore in their hands at a good price is also a headache for them. The purchase price of ore varies from place to place, and the orcs cannot enjoy the local low-tax policy of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, after the ore is sold, after paying taxes and shipping fees and other expenses, there is really not much money left.

If the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is willing to take charge of the ore sales, the orcs in Fengxian City can make much more money just by giving the ore to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce than by selling it themselves. In this case, Fengxian City does not have to worry about whether the ore can be sold after being mined. It can spend all its energy on the development and mining of the mine, and even process the minerals into semi-finished products to make more money.

In short, the support policies mentioned by Daliang, combined with the market owned by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, can not only ensure that cities can maintain their harvests despite droughts and floods, but also allow city owners to see a prosperous future.

Finally, I can drink soup behind Shangjiang City and Jiading City.

However, compared to the simple-minded beast tribe and swamp tribe, Duke Joshua could see Daliang's intention.

When roads are built, they can be used not only to transport goods, but also to transport troops. His Chongming City has always been in a semi-independent state because it is isolated on the sea. If you want to rebel, you can enter the land via Baoshan City. If you want to defend, you can move the fleet to the mouth of the Yangtze River and cooperate with the shore defenses. If you don't have several times the force, don't even think about landing ashore.

But after this cross-sea bridge was built, when Shangjiang City wanted to attack Chongming City, it only needed to let the Pudong Fleet control the bridge, and the human army could continuously invade Chongming Island.

Other cities will also expose themselves to the soldiers of the human race and the undead after the road construction is completed.

In addition, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce took over the goods sales link in each city, which was even more draining.

When cities hand over their sales links, they hand over their economic lifeline to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. After losing their independent economic system, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can squeeze you however it wants, while the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and Shangjiang City The interests are highly consistent and inseparable.

Therefore, Shangjiang City uses this method to unify economically first. Even if someone goes against it, they will find themselves restricted in terms of funds and the cost of rebellion will increase significantly.

Of course, if there is no backlash, these two policies are very good things for each city.


Joshua no longer had this intention. He suffered a comprehensive defeat in the military and palace struggles. He held the title of Grand Duke but guarded an increasingly depleted Chongming City. The financial pressure had made him anxious and mentally older than before. A lot.

Looking at the city lords with bright eyes, Joshua knew that nothing he said could change the outcome. In this struggle for power, the human race won the final victory, and Shangjiang City would have a level of control over other cities that had never been achieved before. Unless the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's business empire collapses, the seven sub-cities will have no choice but to rely on Shangjiang City.

And will Shuntong Chamber of Commerce collapse?

Thinking about the Dragon Clan mission that arrived in Shangjiang, Daliang had already planned everything.

"Good, good, good." Joshua couldn't help but applaud Daliang and said: "Earl Daliang is a nightmare for me, but it is a blessing for Shangjiang. I agree to build Shangjiang City to Chongming City The cross-sea bridge will hand over all sales of farm products on Chongming Island to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

If Shangjiang City is willing to accept part of the elven army, I am also willing to sell half of Chongming City's army to you, including 100,000 soldiers including three golden dragons and six green dragons. "

Daliang said to Joyce: "Can I buy this elf army with private funds?"

Joshua's willingness to take the initiative to disarm showed that he had decided to completely submit to Shangjiang City. This was definitely a major breakthrough for Joyce. The previous king did not do it, and neither did King Howard, but she did it.

Although Joyce, who doesn't know much about economics, hasn't seen through why Joshua surrendered so easily, it must be related to what Daliang just said. In fact, when Daliang suddenly emerged, the powerful Joshua has been on the decline, and Daliang has suppressed several rebounds.

Joyce was very happy, and the army in Shangjiang City was mainly composed of humans. To rashly join a large number of elven armies would require major changes to the command and logistics system.

Since Daliang was willing to accept this elf army, Joyce agreed directly.

A huge elven army is an added bonus. The development momentum of Da Liang's Judgment Leader is very rapid, but the size of the army needs to be slowly accumulated. Shu Xiao has spread his business in the world of heroes, and various tasks are going hand in hand. The number of troops is really stretched, and he has complained to Daliang many times that there are not enough troops.

But Daliang has no good solution. His position in the Kingdom of Death is bigger, and the army of the undead is not suitable for appearing on a large scale in the order of the Judgment Territory. Now Daliang can only ask Shu Xiao to spend a lot of money to buy soldiers from players, but the market for mid-level and high-level soldiers is very hungry, and even if you have money, you can't buy them.

The acquisition of 100,000 elven troops has solved the major problem of the lack of soldiers in the Judgment Leader.

Xu Man's Yunxiao territory is the territory of the elves, and the logistics support of this elven army is not a problem at all. Moreover, Joshua even sold the golden dragon and green dragon with a clear price tag. For players, what is the difference between this and picking up the ultimate creature for free? Moreover, this is the active army of Chongming City, and the mix of arms is very reasonable, including Pegasus knights, tree spirits and unicorns, and a large number of middle and high-level soldiers.

But in this way, Daliang must ensure that this imperial meeting can smoothly promote Joyce as king, if Joshua disagrees and rebels.

Then...the ones who died were all brother's soldiers.

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