Start with an Archangel

Chapter 902 Royal Power

Regarding the issues of road construction and Shuntong Chamber of Commerce contract sales, after Joshua agreed to implement it, other cities did not object.

To be against it is to have trouble with money.

Now all the city lords have benefited, and they are eagerly waiting for Shangjiang City and Jiading City to contribute money and efforts to bring everyone to prosperity. The seven sub-cities had never been so considerate to Shangjiang City, so Daliang struck while the iron was hot and revealed the true purpose of convening the imperial meeting.

“Everyone, you must all know about the Battle of Evernight City that took place in the Kingdom of Death.

Yunzhong City has achieved a comprehensive victory. The sword of the good camp has been slashed at the evil camp. An all-out war will definitely break out in a short time.

As the rulers of Shangjiang City-State, we have the obligation to lead our subjects through this catastrophe.

And in times of war, we need a leader, someone who can unite us. But King Howard, who is most qualified to lead us, cannot stand here.

Therefore, I think it is time for Shangjiang to elect a new king..."

Before Daliang finished speaking, Abigail, who felt betrayed, stood up angrily. She thought that as a member of the human camp, she could get more benefits from this economic support, but in the end, someone wanted to usurp what she already had. The throne in hand.

"Earl of Daliang, please be careful with your words. My child is also Howard's child. He is the legal and only heir to the throne. The king does not need to elect. Anyone who peeks at the throne is an enemy of Shangjiang and must be protected by everyone. Crusade!”

Daliang also stood up, walked to the front, and stood behind the vacant throne: "Mr. Marquis Abigail, the first thing I want to correct is... you and King Howard are not a legal couple, so your child will not be a legal couple." There is legitimacy and there is controversy about his being the heir to the throne."

Abigail said angrily: "My child is of royal blood, and there is no dispute about his inheritance of the throne. Bartlett can confirm this...


Where is Bartlett? Where are the angels loyal to the royal family! "

At this time, the ministers attending the imperial meeting discovered that Bartlett did not come. Not only did Bartlett not come, but one of his subordinate angels also did not come, and the angels standing around the conference room were all angels affiliated with the navy.

Looking at Joyce with a serious face and Stanley with no expression.

The adults finally knew what the navy and Jiading City were gathering their troops for.

The Angel Legion has withdrawn from the fight for the throne. The navy and Jiading City are threatening the city lords through economic bribery and military threats. The next thing Earl Daliang will do is to deny the right of the child in Abigail's belly to inherit the throne. of legality.

And there are real legal issues with the inheritance of Abigail's children.

Even a little disgraceful.

Without seeing Bartlett, Abigail also realized that this royal meeting was a trap for herself from beginning to end.

Daliang said at this time: "Mr. Marquis Abigail, I admit that the child in your belly is King Howard's child, but he is an illegitimate son. He is definitely closer to the throne than us, but he is definitely not the closest one.

Lord Joyce was the crown princess designated by the late king, and completed the engagement ceremony with King William. Although King William has passed away, their engagement is still there. As the fiancée of King William and the quasi-queen of Shangjiang City, Mr. Joyce should be a little closer to the throne than your child.


Daliang took out the crown and placed it on the throne, and then said: "I have been authorized by King Howard to give the crown to the person who can lead Shangjiang through the crisis.

Lady Joyce has the right to inherit the throne, and she has proven through her actions that she is capable of leading the city.

When war is about to break out, are you willing to hand over your fate to Lord Joyce and to an unborn child?

Please make your choice carefully. "

"I object!" Abigail slapped the table and shouted loudly: "Joyce, you bitch, you are not qualified to inherit the throne. Daliang, I married my daughter to you, and I trust you and value you so much. You actually betrayed me. My lords, don’t be deceived by these two adulterous men and women. If you let Joyce inherit the throne, this city will fall into the hands of Liang!"

"That's enough, Abigail!" Joyce stood up: "Don't slander the reputation of the two nobles casually, it will damage your identity. Although Earl Daliang came to increase my interest in the throne as King William's fiancée, competitiveness. But my engagement to William had always been painful.

Therefore, I invite you all to give a testimony here.

I declare that from now on, I will be engaged to King William and I will no longer have any relationship with the royal family.

But as a noble of this city, I have the responsibility and the ability to protect it. Now I need to become the king, so I will become the king.

If peace can change the throne, I hope we can come to an agreement at this meeting.

If war is necessary to change the kingship, then I will declare war to those who oppose me. "

Joyce's response to claim the title of king was full of power.

The venue was quiet, and even Abigail stopped talking.

Everyone looked at Joyce, at Daliang, and at the shining crown on the throne.

At this time, Da Liang secretly kicked Marquis Stanley who was sitting next to the throne.

Marquis Stanley immediately responded: "Jiading City supports Joyce as our new king. My army and my money are ready. Which one you want depends on your choice."


Immediately afterwards, Finance Minister Marquis Wilson said: "I support Joyce to become our new king. I know everything she has done for Shangjiang, and there is no better candidate than her."


Marquis Wilson expressed his stance, and other human ministers also supported Joyce.

+3, +4, +5…

The city lords looked at Joshua. If anyone in this conference room could see through what was hidden inside, it would definitely be Joshua. Joshua's choice is also the most beneficial to each sub-city.

The best thing for Vice City would definitely be supporting Abigail's children. Abigail has a strong desire for power. If her child becomes the king, she will definitely hold all the power in her own hands. However, Abigail has no ability to manage the Shangjiang City State well.

At that time, Shangjiang will definitely return to a state of chaos.

Joshua is an elf, and he has time to wait for the next opportunity to become king.

However, Joyce has become king. Even if he brings many city lords to oppose him, when the war begins, Da Liang only needs to send people to ask questions from city to city...

"Are your roads still being repaired? Are you still selling the goods you have hoarded?"

It is estimated that half of the cities will defect.

The remaining cities do not have the strength to compete with Shangjiang City and Jiading City.


Now that Ya is born, why is Liang born?

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