Start with an Archangel

Chapter 903 Crazy Abigail

Objection, no change to the ending.

Joshua also knew that his influence was not what it used to be. Now the city lords still listen to his opinions out of respect. And when they realize that their choices will make their lives miserable, he will also consume the last of his reputation.

Now, Bartlett is not present, and after the angels have made their stance known, the human ministers have all sided with Joyce. Together with Marquis Stanley's Jiading City, Joyce already had the support of the two most powerful cities.

Abigail sat down angrily, she would definitely not approve of Joyce becoming king.

What remained were the five cities headed by Joshua.

Joshua said: "Earl Daliang's arrangements this time are really thorough. I found that I have no power to oppose at all. However...Joyce can be king, which is within my acceptance range. The former king has always treated her as a queen and cultivated her. She has the courage and ability of a leader. I believe that under the leadership of Joyce and the governance of Earl Daliang, Shangjiang can regain our former glory.

I, Joshua, the Lord and Duke of Chongming City, support Joyce in becoming king. "

Joshua showed his own attitude, and other cities announced their support for Joyce one after another.

Everything fell into place, and finally Abigail was left alone.

In fact, when Daliang announced that Joyce would be the king, Abigail knew that she had failed. She knew Daliang's ability, and the outcome was already decided when she came to Shangjiang for the meeting.

She was just angry that she trusted Daliang so much that she even appointed him as the governor of Songjiang City, but in the end, he pushed her off the throne without hesitation.

All futures have become illusory.

Abigail became calm and asked Joyce: "If I objected to your being king, would you kill me here?"

Joyce replied simply: "No! And I want to declare that from now on, whenever a royal meeting is held in the future, the royal family will never kill any minister who comes to attend the meeting, nor will the minister's property be endangered.

Any conflicts can be discussed at the imperial meeting boldly. "

"Hahaha..." Abigail laughed nervously and said: "I finally know why Earl Daliang chose to support you. You are indeed more like a king than anyone else. Well, Songjiang City supports Joyce Become king, and...

In order to put your mind at ease, I will help you get rid of your future troubles... "

After that, Abigail took out a dagger and inserted it into her abdomen before anyone could react.

She killed her and Howard's child, and the last drop of blood in the royal family was gone.

No one can use the name of this child to threaten Joyce's royal power, and Joyce will not secretly eradicate Matsue and Abigail because he is afraid of the existence of this child.

Of course... these are all speculations by Abigail. The matrons of black elves are always in a sense of crisis. In order to maintain their rights and rule, they can sacrifice anyone, including their own children.

Monica had been abandoned by Abigail, and now there was another victim.

But is the future trouble really solved like this?

Daliang knows Abigail very well. After occupying Songjiang, she has been trying to integrate into mainstream society, enfeoffing nobles and even re-employing male black elves, and actively participating in Shangjiang political affairs. Although she didn't do very well, she really changed herself bit by bit. Including her using Howard's child to compete for the throne, she is also abiding by the rules of mainstream society.

If Abigail gave birth to this child and used the child to do small tricks, she would keep her eye on the throne. Under the rules of mainstream society, she would not have achieved much.

But Abigail killed her and Howard's child in full view of the public.

This also shows that although Abigail verbally supports Joyce's becoming king, she has actually seen through the essence. Under the rules of mainstream society, she couldn't play anyone in this room. Therefore, she revealed her true nature as a mistress, broke with the rules of mainstream society, and returned to the rules of the black elves.

Killing Abigail at this time and then taking the opportunity to drive away the black elves from Songjiang City is undoubtedly the most correct choice.

But Joyce has promised not to kill anyone at the Royal Council. This is her new policy as the new king. It will not only help stabilize the hearts of the current city lords, but also help these city lords dare to come to Shangjiang City and negotiate through any conflicts they encounter in the future. solve conflicts.

Therefore, Abigail cannot be killed.

But if you let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be trouble later.

However, the most important thing now is to support Joyce as the king, so Daliang no longer considers other things, maybe he is just being overly preoccupied.

Now, no matter how many city lords are willing to support Joyce, Joyce has been recognized by the ruling class, all the conditions for becoming king are met, and it is a peaceful solution.

The next meeting was to discuss the date and ceremonial arrangements for Joyce's official enthronement, and to inform all the nobles and civilians in the eight cities of Shangjiang that "Joyce has been established as the crown prince" and announce it to the world.

Shangjiang is about to usher in a new King of East China Sea.

Initiatives were formulated one after another at the meeting. After the meeting, Shangjiang City Finance immediately raised funds for the renovation of roads between the eight cities; the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce also sent personnel to each city to investigate the production scale of their goods, and directly paid for all the inventory in each city. All merchandise was removed.

After seeing the actual money, the city lords were very happy, and their interests gradually tied Shangjiang City and its subordinate deputy cities together.

The only exception is Matsue Castle.

After Abigail returned to Songjiang City, she immediately closed most of the underground roads leading to the surface, cutting off communication with the surface city. Reject the entry of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and refuse to build roads.

Almost completely sealing Songjiang City underground.

At the same time, Abigail also canceled all of Daliang's positions and privileges in Songjiang City, and even the city teleportation was closed to him. Daliang became the most unwelcome person in Songjiang City.

After sealing Songjiang City, Abigail abolished the nobility class, and then attacked all the black elf tribes who moved to Songjiang City. She killed the matrons of these black elf tribes and gathered their armies.

Then she ordered these armies to march deep underground to rob and enslave all underground creatures they encountered.

Killing and plundering, the dark elves who are full of violence enjoy the dividends brought by their strength. They broke free from the rules of the mainstream world and showed off their barbaric nature in their own way.

Continuous victories and a growing army made Abigail's position unassailable.

I should have done this a long time ago!

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