Start with an Archangel

Chapter 904 Alliance Negotiations

The closed Songjiang City made it impossible for Daliang to know what Abigail had done. Players in the dungeon could not enter the circle of black elves and obtain more information.

Da Liang had no choice but to temporarily put aside the out-of-control Songjiang City and concentrate on promoting an alliance between Shangjiang and the Three Dragons.

Joyce is now the crown prince of Shangjiang City, and will hold a coronation ceremony in the near future to officially become the master of this city. Therefore, Joyce is qualified to represent Shangjiang City-State to discuss alliances with three 15th-level dragon clans.

Princess Zi Ling is the official envoy of this dragon clan mission, and the purple dragon clan is the main force of this dragon clan alliance. Her opinion will determine whether Shangjiang can come together with them.

As a quasi-ally of the Three Dragons, Daliang is also a trusted minister of Crown Prince Joyce. During this inspection period, he accompanied the Dragon Clan mission throughout the entire Shangjiang area.

Visit Pudong Commercial Port and watch the merchant ships lined with paved surfaces. Then, following the loading and unloading of goods, we visited the Jiading City Market, and paid homage to Marquis Stanley’s Jewel Castle and the cargo ships plying the Yangtze River.

Daliang took them to Jiangcheng's workshops to watch the production of war equipment and artillery; the Pudong fleet and the warships built in the shipyard.

Then there is the Elf Plantation, the academic alchemy factory...

The entire city-state used various methods to show the dragon envoys the prosperity of Shangjiang and its strong economic and military strength.

Finally, the dragon envoy, Daliang, and Joyce gathered at Shangjiang Palace for final discussions.

Princess Zi Ling, dressed in a blue and white magical robe, is elegant and noble. At the same time, she has a natural sense of superiority in front of the lower races in the main world.

Representatives from all parties sat around a round table, and Princess Zi Ling first said: "Thank you Earl Daliang for accompanying us to visit Shangjiang City these days.

As you described, Shangjiang City can be regarded as one of the most prosperous and powerful main cities in the main world. The noisy streets are impossible to see in the Magic Forest. We have also seen the wealth and military power possessed by Shangjiang City. What you have can indeed make up for our shortcomings in many aspects and enhance the strength of the alliance.

Here I want to confirm how much money and troops you can provide us if we agree to Shangjiang City joining the alliance. "

Joyce felt Zi Ling's contempt for Shangjiang City. She believes that Shangjiang City is the protected party in the alliance, and as the leading party in the alliance, Zilong should charge protection fees for Shangjiang City.

This status was certainly not something Joyce wanted to achieve.

But before Joyce could speak, Daliang said from the side: "Princess Zilong, this is inspecting allies, not vassals. If we only look at the size of the land, the actual control area of ​​​​Shangjiang is larger than the Magic Forest, Crystal Mine and The sulfur caves are bigger all together.

Neither resources nor funds can be compared by adding up the assets of the three dragon clans.

What is truly valuable is the human resources Shangjiang has. Everyone must have seen that all the cities in Shangjiang are undergoing major road construction. We can summon a road construction army composed of hundreds of thousands of workers in a very short time, and we will be able to transform the Magic Forest and Crystal Mine in the shortest time. A defense system was built.

Shangjiang's individual combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the Three Dragons, but in other aspects it really surpasses them by far.

We need dragons to protect our cities, and you need us to protect your homes.

This is a matter of mutual benefit, so I hope that in this negotiation, Princess Zi Ling can regard Shangjiang as an equal force to the Zilong clan. This is also the basis for our comprehensive cooperation in the future. "

Daliang was benevolent to Princess Zi Ling and saved the clan of Crystal Dragon. He was also the master of the twin brothers of the Poison Dragon clan leader. Therefore, his words are really very important in the Three Dragons Alliance, not to mention that what others say is still reasonable.

The three dragon clans really have nothing but powerful individual strength. The territory is small, and although there are resources, there is not enough labor to exploit them, and the economy is basically zero.

Really, we need money but no one, we need people but no one, and we need resources all buried in the ground.

I have so much pride, but I can't eat it.

Besides, Shangjiang is not weak, at least one of the supreme angels lives in the palace. Other cities in the main world may be richer and more powerful than Shangjiang City, but without the protection of level 16 heroes, the wealth will belong to others when the war begins.

Therefore, just one Holy Bella is enough to attract the attention of the three dragon clans to Shangjiang, coupled with the advantages that Shangjiang City has.

There is basically no suspense about forming an alliance.

Since everyone will be in the same camp in the future, the relationship must not be too tense.

After Daliang smoothed things over, Princess Ziling also realized that her attitude was a bit too high, and her sense of superiority that could not bring any benefits had to give in to survival. She turned to say: "I'm really sorry, Your Highness Joyce, I am indeed a bit too self-centered. Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon and Poison Dragon all intend to invite Shangjiang to join our alliance, but because of the challenges facing the Magic Forest and Crystal Mine, This is a lot of pressure, so we urgently hope that Shangjiang City can give priority to helping us build a defense system.

I know this requires a lot of funds and materials, but we can't come up with these things, so I want to know if Shangjiang City can't support our construction in advance. We can also respond to Shangjiang's request and give what we can in return. "

This is the atmosphere that alliance negotiations should have.

Joyce had already learned from Daliang what the three dragon clans needed urgently, and had made adequate preparations for this meeting. She took out a construction plan and handed it to Princess Zi Ling, and then said: "Shangjiang City has prepared to spend 100 million gold coins as the first construction fund for the magic forest and crystal veins. It will mainly be used to build basic resource collection points. , first of all, be self-sufficient in wood and stone, and build a 14-level main defensive fortress each.

Shangjiang City is also responsible for a series of defensive buildings including castles, protective walls, towers, turrets, magic towers, and supporting war equipment and alchemy equipment.

Then we will expand this main defensive fortress and build a defense system that radiates outward. We will use the fortress to control the surface and the stronghold to control the line to create an overall defense network.

For the entire project, we estimate that we will invest one billion gold coins in the early stage to initially complete the construction of this defense network, and we will add more later based on the actual situation.

In order for this defense system to be quickly built and put into effect, Shangjiang will dispatch 100,000 workers and 200,000 troops to the Magic Forest.

We will advance the military expenses of this army in the early stage, but in the future, the magic forest and crystal veins will be needed to bear the cost of maintaining your respective garrison. "

Princess Zi Ling was puzzled: "But we don't have money to support the army."

Daliang smiled on the side and said: "There is no money to be made. In addition, the Purple Dragon Clan's research on becoming a god also requires a lot of money and materials, and Shangjiang cannot afford long-term financial expenditures with no return.

It’s time for the Purple Dragons to learn to make money. I have a business cooperation plan here. Let’s take a look at it. "

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