Start with an Archangel

Chapter 905 Making Big Money

Dragons are generally lazy. Unless there is a life threat, they will spend most of their lives sleeping. This time, the three dragon clans are facing the pressure of survival, and each dragon is wary of future invasions and wars.

But the battle cannot go on forever, and there are long truces in between. Especially the three 15th-level dragon clan alliances. If they don't take the initiative to attack others, others will not easily provoke these three dragon clans. Therefore, the Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon and Poison Dragon were basically doing nothing when they were wary of war.

It is impossible for a noble dragon to go underground to collect minerals, nor to pull a cart to transport supplies. In order not to let these giant dragons idle and earn some money, Daliang created a job tailor-made for them.

Daliang handed Zi Ling a plan to make a lot of money.

After the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce relied on the death mercenaries from the City of Sighs to complete the construction of trade routes in the Yangtze River Basin, Daliang once again targeted offshore trade and ocean trade.

The scope of offshore trade is the coastal cities in East Asia and Southeast Asia. After controlling the trade routes in the Yangtze River Basin, the free death mercenaries have begun to cooperate with the Pudong Fleet to open up offshore trade routes.

Strong ships, cannons and bone dragons filled the sky, knocking on cities one after another, establishing exclusive ports for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, with trade priority and tax preferential rights...

When Joyce's pioneering fleet returned to the Pudong fleet, the force escorting the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce expanded again, which could fully support the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's control of the offshore trade zone.

The expansion of offshore trade routes is progressing very smoothly.

However, ocean trade is not as simple as offshore trade and river trade.

Ocean trade is very vast. When Sigh City no longer adds death mercenaries, Shangjiang City and Jiading City do not have so many troops and warships to open up trade routes for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Even because of the well-known misdeeds of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the products of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce lack competitiveness in ocean trade.

Without force to open up the market, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has not been successful in the development of ocean trade. It has a bad reputation and everyone rejects it. In many cases, it has to take the initiative to lower prices to get rid of unsaleable goods.

This situation even affected merchant ships registered in Shangjiang.

However, the plight of ocean trade was overshadowed by the huge profits in the areas controlled by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Those merchants from Shangjiang who followed the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in doing business also focused on offshore trade.

But Daliang knew that the money earned by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was really nothing compared to the wealth contained in ocean trade.

This cooperation with three 15th-level dragon clans allowed Daliang to see an opportunity to expand ocean trade. But throughout the development process, Daliang was not prepared to copy the Yangtze River trade and offshore trade routes.

Because the number of the three dragon clans is too small, including the power to garrison the magic forest and crystal mineral veins, there are really not many dragons that can really be used to cooperate with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Facing the coastal cities in the main world, these dragons can definitely force them to sign various unequal treaties, but the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce still has no people or ships to protect the rights and interests it has obtained. Because as long as these cities do something secretly, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce ships that lack sufficient protection will mysteriously disappear at sea.

Therefore, Daliang was ready to change his policy on ocean trade.

Since we have no way to reduce our own costs in the commodity transaction process, we will increase everyone's ocean-going commercial costs. In this case, Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's products will have an advantage in price. Although the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has a bad reputation, no one has trouble with money.

After Daliang and Princess Ziling read the cooperation plan, they said: "There are too many shortcomings in the development of the Magic Forest and Crystal Mine. If we want to make up for it in a short time, we need money and resources to build it up.

Shangjiang City can only help you complete the most basic construction. If you want to make the magical forest and crystal veins into an unconquerable plane, the money required is unimaginable.

Therefore, I will help you think of a way to quickly accumulate wealth.

Among all methods of acquiring wealth, only robbery is the most effective and fastest. As long as there is enough force, nothing is impossible to grab. On the sea of ​​the main world, those sailing ships are like floating mountains of gold.

The current situation of the three dragon clans is that you do not have enough clansmen to establish a huge commercial network. But you have enough force to snatch other people's wealth into your hands. At least in the main world, you can rob whoever you want.

The plan was a cooperative robbery plan. "

Dragons are not opposed to robbery, and even dragons are born with ideas. Their sense of superiority over lower-level races makes their values ​​​​“Although what’s yours is yours, as long as I like it, it’s yours.” mine."

Only the strong have the right to talk to them on an equal footing.

But most dragons are too lazy to grab it, so if you have that time, you might as well sleep more.

Daliang's robbery plan opened a door to the peak of wealth for Princess Zi Ling. It turns out that wealth can be accumulated in this way.

However, Princess Zi Ling is still a little dissatisfied with this plan, which is too conservative. She said to Daliang: "Why is your plan just to rob ships? And after the ships pay this thing called 'protection fee', you will not rob them. Is this a lot less money?"

And wouldn't it be better to just rob the city? Open their vaults and empty them of everything...

We can definitely rob one city after another, not only coastal cities but also inland cities. "

Daliang did not expect that Princess Zi Ling would have such a violent side.

In his imagination, hundreds of level 15 dragons visited a city. The purple dragon released magic that covered the sky and the sun, instantly destroying all the defenses of a city.

Fire spread across the city, low clouds rained down lightning, and poisonous smog spread along the streets.

The tall crystal dragon easily broke through the city wall. All the troops were like pieces of paper in front of them. They charged in a straight line and bulldozed all the blocking buildings.

The dragons rushed into the castle, captured the city lord, and then threatened him to open the treasury.

The scene freezes at this moment.

Princess Zi Ling, who is in the dragon state, rolls happily on the gold mountain piled with gold coins. When she throws gold coins into the sky, she also lets out a wanton laugh that can only be made by movie villains.

No, no, it's too far from the image of the purple dragon in my mind.

And how could such a cute purple dragon turn into such an evil dragon?

Princess Zi Ling's thinking must be corrected.

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