Start with an Archangel

Chapter 907 Five Colors

In addition, this behavior of collecting protection fees on ocean current routes also helped the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce expand ocean trade.

Ocean current routes can greatly shorten the distance traveled by ocean cargo transportation. As long as the White Fang Pirates control several important ocean current routes in the sea areas that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce needs to develop, they can increase the transportation costs of merchant ships.

A 10% cost increase may not seem like much, but the rule of business behavior is that if you are one silver coin more expensive than others, your products may not be sold. A 10% cost difference is enough for Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to squeeze out its competitors.

The White Fang pirates are making a lot of money at sea, and the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce squeezes the market through price differences. When they jointly control the commercial transactions in one sea area, they can move to the next sea area to repeat operations.

And Daliang can get money from both sides.

The robbery plan that Daliang gave to Princess Ziling made her very satisfied. If you carry out orderly robbery according to the above, it is like cutting leeks. Harvesting one crop after another will yield far more than uprooting it.

"That's it." Princess Zi Ling trusted Daliang very much. She finally made the decision: "Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon, and Poison Dragon will jointly form a sea robbery team with one hundred giant dragons. This team will be led by Amber." Count Daliang's White Fang Pirates. Amber... During the entire robbery, this dragon robbery force was all at the mercy of Count Daliang."

Amber replied: "Yes, Your Highness."

Joyce didn't expect these dragons to be so upright in doing things, and she would do the robbery herself in the name of "pioneering." It would be better for these dragons to leave the robbery in the Shangjiang Palace and talk about it openly.

It seems that robbery is not something to be ashamed of.

Fortunately, Daliang enlisted the Dragon Clan to join in the robbery, which not only brought Shangjiang closer to the Dragon Clan, but was also extremely beneficial to Shangjiang's business expansion. In order to join this alliance, Shangjiang really spent a lot of money to support the construction of the Dragon Clan. If ocean trade can be developed this time, Shangjiang will not only make money from this external blood transfusion, but also make a lot of money in the future.

As expected, this boy Daliang...

No loss inside or outside.

After Daliang and Zi Ling finalized the joint robbery, Joyce asked Princess Zi Ling: "I think everyone has no objection to Shang Jiang joining the alliance. When can the Dragon Clan and Shang Jiang join the alliance? A formal alliance?”

Princess Zi Ling gave the robbery plan to Amber, and her expression returned to the dignity of a princess from a pirate leader: "I have no objection to Shangjiang joining the alliance. According to my father's vision, this alliance will be based on the Purple Dragon Clan and the Crystal Dragon Clan. , Poison Dragon Clan, Earl Daliang and Shangjiang City formed the Five-Color Flag Alliance and formed the Five-Color Flag Council.

If new allies join in the future, two of our five main allies must agree to join the alliance. If one of the main allies expresses strong opposition, no additional allies will be allowed. If an ally wants to join the main alliance, all five main allies must pass before they can add seats to the main alliance and add flag colors. Otherwise, they can only become secondary allies and accept our leadership.

The Purple Dragon Clan, the Crystal Dragon Clan and the Poison Dragon Clan all agree with my father's proposal. I now formally seek the opinions of Earl Daliang and His Highness Joyce. "

In order for Shangjiang to join the Dragon Clan Alliance, Daliang once talked to the leader of the Yishu Clan about how to add allies. After all, there is strength in numbers, and only by working together can we weather the crisis.

Wu Color Qi just made an idea to deceive the leader of the Yishu Clan, and then talked about some miscellaneous theories, saying that the old dragon was confused and couldn't find Bei.

But Daliang didn't expect that the leader of the Yishuan clan would actually understand all the nonsense he was talking about.

If this is done, will the United Nations come to collect its copyright fees?

Forget it, I haven’t done plagiarism once or twice. Who dares to say that our Five Color Flag Alliance plagiarized? Let them go to Lao Long for the theory.

However, there is no problem for Daliang to join the Five Color Flag Alliance, but his many identities cannot be exposed because of this.

Daliang said: "I have no objections to joining the Five-Color Flag Alliance, but because there are still many entanglements between my identity and the good camp and the evil camp, I hope that the alliance will not disclose my identity."

Princess Ziling knows that Daliang is still the lord of a human territory, and the development of the territory depends on Yunzhong City. At the same time, once he is involved in the battle to recapture the crystal veins, his interests in the Kingdom of Death will definitely be severely damaged, and Yunzhong City will not be able to spare him.

Moreover, the Five-Color Flag Alliance cannot rest on its laurels and immerse itself in development. It needs someone to keep track of the trends of the good camp and the evil camp at all times. Therefore, Daliang's participation in the alliance in a confidential capacity has many benefits for the Five-Color Flag Alliance.

Therefore, Princess Ziling agreed with Daliang's approach of concealing her identity.

On the other side, Joyce also recognized the alliance system proposed by the Yew Patriarch. In this way, although Zilong, Crystal Dragon and Poison Dragon have absolute say in the alliance, the combination of Shangjiang and Daliang can also give their voices enough weight.

The alliance negotiations ended successfully, and the five main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance reached a consensus on their interests.

The formal alliance will be held in Shangjiang when Joyce officially ascends the throne and becomes king.

Because only in Shangjiang did we have enough manpower and financial resources to complete such a grand alliance ceremony. At the same time, it also shows the city-states in the main world that in addition to the good camp and the evil camp, they already have a third choice.

The Five Color Flag Alliance will officially enter the stage of this plane war as a camp.

Although they are still very weak.

The Dragon Clan mission that completed its inspection of Shangjiang returned to the Magic Forest. The first batch of materials and laborers to assist Shangjiang are already being prepared urgently. As long as the Magic Forest and the crystal veins open the portal to Shangjiang, the materials and personnel will be available immediately. Ship it over.

At the same time, in Shangjiang's mission system, some super missions suddenly appeared, and two maps with very high restrictions were added. These two maps were specially marked: extremely dangerous.

The Magic Forest and the Crystal Mine, these two hidden maps used by level 15 dragons, were quietly opened in Shangjiang City. A large number of high-level crystal monsters and Warcraft began to appear in the hidden maps. This place will eventually become a hell and a paradise for advanced players.

However, the only player who is eligible to enter the magic forest and crystal veins is Da Liang.

After dealing with Shangjiang's affairs, Daliang returned to the Kingdom of Death before Joyce ascended the throne.

Will has now led his army across the border under the banner of the Moaning Lord and has officially begun to invade the land of Evernight. Faced with the huge cost of gold coins brought by the war, Daliang wondered whether the Sad Lord would mention the annexation of Shangjiang again. In order to prevent himself and the Sad Lord from

A crisis of trust arose, and Daliang decided to take action against Will as soon as possible.

Get the Prophet Sword first.

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