Start with an Archangel

Chapter 908 Hidden Will

The battle of Evernight City ended, and the Kingdom of Death entered the quiet period between wars.

The Death Monarchs are still actively preparing for war, while the cyan coalition is focusing its strategy for the coming period on occupying and digesting the land of Evernight.

At this time, Daliang returned to Yongye City again as the elder of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild.

The smoke of war had just dissipated, and the attackers and defenders had reduced a huge undead main city to ruins. The undead's persistence on the battlefield made it almost impossible to see a complete building here. The Eternal Night Cathedral in the sky was taken to nowhere by the angels, and the Super Cross Fortress in Yunzhong City also disappeared, along with the angels.

This city has been completely owned by the cyan coalition.

Boswell was leading most of the army at this time to attack the death lords who were unwilling to surrender and join the cyan coalition. However, the Sighing City army, under the banner of the Mourning Monarch, entered the Evernight area, making the occupation of the Cyan Alliance not smooth. The Unsullied Holy See and the Monarch of Lament still have great influence on Eternal Night City, and many Death Monarchs have turned to the City of Lament.

The war started in the Evernight City area, and Boswell felt more and more that his own strength was insufficient. The consumption of the blue coalition forces in Evernight City was really too great.

Fortunately, the angel's support is on call, and the cyan coalition still maintains the initiative on the Evernight Battlefield, slowly expanding its area of ​​​​occupancy.

However, rebellions in the occupied area also continued one after another, and the newly added troops were filled in. The expansion of the cyan coalition gradually reached a bottleneck. The tight military strength made it difficult for Boswell to capture more places.

Boswell has been looking for the main force of the City of Sighs army for a decisive battle, but he has no idea where the enemy's main force is. There are only low-level armies that are constantly harassing and attacking. Some low-level armies don't even have heroes in charge. It's just that The disgusting cyan coalition forces also consume the reserves of underground undead soldiers.

No matter how many undead souls are buried underground in the Kingdom of Death, they cannot withstand such consumption.

Boswell was helping out on the battlefield, and Lucas, who was sitting in the Evernight City, was also overwhelmed by a bunch of things.

Eternal Night City has been conquered, but it can't always be like this. Although the undead don't have high requirements for the living environment, their reputation definitely needs to be maintained.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to build. Boswell at the front kept asking for money to expand the army, and Lucas was also thinking about getting some money from somewhere to slightly repair Eternal Night City.

At this time, Da Liang came.

In the temporary wizard guild headquarters, in a claustrophobic underground tomb, Da Liang saw Lucas and said directly: "President, I now know Will's whereabouts. As long as I catch Will, I can disrupt the sadness." The monarch’s deployment in Yongye allows the cyan coalition forces to complete the occupation of Yongye as soon as possible.”

Capturing Will is the agreement reached by Lucas and Daliang last time, and capturing Will can also solve the situation where the cyan coalition is unable to advance or retreat at this time.

Therefore, when Daliang said that he knew Will's whereabouts, Lucas immediately left the Evernight City with a trustworthy senior wizard and followed Daliang. He didn't tell more people about it, and Will was more valuable alive than dead.

Now in the Yongye City area. The teleportation arrays between most cities are closed. Da Liang, Lucas and the other wizards can only reach Will's hiding place from the air by flying.

With his identity in the City of Sighs, it was not difficult for Daliang to find where Will was hiding. An army definitely needs logistical support to fight a war. Even an undead army that relies less on logistics cannot do without various supplies provided by the rear.

By studying the flow of these materials, Daliang concluded that Will was hiding in an underground cemetery called the Soul-Eating Tomb. Before going to Yongye City, Daliang took the shadow dragon demon Yeshe to conduct a reconnaissance of the Soul-Eating Tomb.

Will is indeed here, and there is a guard of 500 senior Holy See knights beside him. If any situation arises, this guard is enough to cover Will's escape from here through space teleportation.

Therefore, the process of capturing Will must be sudden and rapid, without giving Will a chance to escape.

Under the leadership of Da Liang, the wizards easily lurked near the Soul-Eating Tomb.

Ahead is a cemetery surrounded by broken fences. It is also a very common spawning place for undead creatures in the Kingdom of Death. Some ghosts and zombies are slowly wandering in the cemetery. In the center of the cemetery is a stone tomb. The tomb is about 4 meters high. Part of the wall has collapsed, revealing a dark hole extending downward.

It's not much different from an ordinary cemetery.

According to past experience, the monsters outside the cemetery are all low-level guys who give away experience. After entering the cemetery from the entrance, you will find that its underground area is very large and extends downward layer by layer. There are as few as three levels, and as many as countless, and every time you go down to one level, the strength of the undead monsters you encounter will increase in quality, and it is not impossible to encounter monsters similar to level 15.

During the early investigation, Da Liang was able to determine that Will was hiding on the third floor of the underground cemetery. His guards were among the undead monsters on each floor. It would be difficult to identify them without prior knowledge. This also explains why The cyan coalition forces have never been able to find him. He was hidden too deep.

Lucas personally cast a number of anti-detection magics, and the 16th-level heroic spells made the wizards disappear from the sight of the cemetery guards' sentries.

The wizards slowly used their magic perception to detect the various detection and defense spells arranged in the underground cemetery. On the other side, Daliang took out the topographic map of the underground cemetery he made, and then said to Lucas: "My people are monitoring Will from a close distance. He is now in the tomb in the northeast corner of the third floor. In There are two lichs beside him, and a portal is in operation. I don't know where this portal leads to yet.

So we have to rush in and catch Will before he escapes through the portal.

In the exit corridor of this tomb, there are ten senior Holy See knights guarding it. One of them once cooperated with Will to kill Holy Brand. He is a hero whose strength is second only to Will, and his name is Goethe.

The other Holy See knights were guarding the first, second, and third floors respectively, and the guards on the third floor accounted for half of them.

This is the information I currently have. The specific actions need to be arranged by the president. "

Through Daliang's introduction, Lucas knew that Will was very cautious and would run away if the situation went bad. Breaking through into the tomb where Will was hiding was not a difficult task for the 16th-level hero Lucas. The difficulty was that Will was too close to the portal, and a slight oversight allowed him to escape.

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