Start with an Archangel

Chapter 910 A circuitous breakthrough

When Da Liang reached the tomb hall on the first floor along the stairs, the battle was over.

All the Holy See Knights and the undead here were killed.

The wizards are using the undead summoning spell to summon new undead to replenish the number here, including the killed Holy See knights. Under the effect of a certain wizard's master disguise method, as long as these disguised Holy See knights are not directly attacked, the difference between them is almost indistinguishable from their appearance.

All traces of the battle were eliminated. The wizard who blocked the tomb passage to prevent the leakage of magic energy retreated, and then slowly flew towards the entrance to the second floor together.

There are no Holy See Knights to defend the tomb passage, but a large number of magic traps and detection magic are placed. Especially on the right path, there is simply a trap every five steps and a magic guard every ten steps.

In order not to be noticed by the nearby Holy See knights, the wizards acted very cautiously.

Little by little, they carefully searched for traps in front of each step, and then they had to be extremely careful to avoid many magic guards such as the Eye of Truth.

When approaching the next tomb, the team would repeat the first raid.

Now Lucas controls the field, and then the wizard follows up to block the magic leakage in the battle, and finally clears the field to find the Holy See Knights, and kills these Holy See Knights under the cover of Lucas.

The entire process was completed in less than ten seconds, without any sound leaking out, and without any magic energy fluctuations flowing out.

In this way, the wizard sneaked into the team step by step, cautious when walking, and struck quickly when fighting.

Breaking through the tombs one by one, and then reaching the entrance to the second floor.

The overall structural layout of the second floor does not change much from the first floor. Only the direction and location of the expansion of the tomb chamber are not copied from the first floor, and the entire second floor cemetery is much larger than the first floor.

Of course, the monsters also became stronger.

But for the wizard team led by Lucas, these changes did not have much impact, and their strength was still crushing.

After a high-speed raid, the wizards took a stand in the tomb hall on the second floor, and then slowly sneaked towards the tomb above Will's head.

However, at this moment, the magic sentry posted by the wizards outside showed that an undead convoy was approaching.

Daliang said to Lucas: "It should be the supplies shipped from the City of Sighs and the newly recruited heroes. They will accept Will's instructions here and go to organize armies to occupy the land in various parts of Evernight City.

If they enter the underground cemetery, they should quickly discover the disguises we set up along the way. "

Lucas sensed the position and speed of the convoy through the magic guard. The team did not speed up or panic, which meant that they found nothing now. Now that they are still some time away from entering the underground cemetery, the wizards need to speed up if they want to catch Will before they find anomalies and sound the alarm.

Lucas asked Da Liang to take out the map again, pointed to the path above and said: "The tomb chamber we are going to now is not in the direction of the entrance on the third floor. The tomb passage we just walked through has very few magic traps and magic guards inside. , so we can speed through these tomb passages.

In addition, we don’t need to go directly to that tomb. If we go to this tomb first, and then open up the soil layer between the two tombs, we can save a lot of distance and save as much time as possible. "

Da Liang followed Lucas's direction and found the tomb he was talking about. There was a layer of soil about five meters between this tomb and the tomb above Will. If he could go directly through it, it would really save a lot of time on the road. .

Of course, the risk will also increase, because when the tomb is opened, the speed of the raid will inevitably be slowed down, giving the Immaculate Holy See knights in the tomb time to react. However, if he followed the safe path, he would definitely not be able to launch a surprise attack on Will before the alarm was set off.

There is no better way, so I can only take this risky move and try my luck.

Daliang said: "This is the only way to go. I'll get my people ready. We will launch a surprise attack on Will as soon as we arrive at the location."

The alarm that could be triggered at any time made the wizards who were originally steady and steady change their strategies and directions. They accelerated their progress and broke through to the newly selected tomb chamber.

In line with Lucas's judgment, since this is no longer the road to the third floor, the security force here has been reduced a lot. Therefore, even if the wizards accelerated their march, it did not cause any disturbance. The team moved forward quietly, and then after a surprise attack, they took control of the tomb chamber used to pass through the wall.

Lucas placed his hands on the tomb wall. According to Daliang's map, there was another tomb chamber after five meters of soil.

There should be a Holy See knight stationed inside.

How to prevent the Holy See Knights from raising an alarm when the tomb wall is opened is the difficulty of this raid. Diagonally below that position is where Will is, and any movement may be noticed by Will.

So Lucas is going to take matters into his own hands this time.

Lucas slowly poured magic into the tomb wall, trying his best to weaken the fluctuations of magic so as not to alert the opposite Holy See knights.

Lucas, a veteran level 16 hero who has mastered law-level earth magic, is extremely skilled in controlling the earth element. During the entire process of magic preparation, not a single trace of magic escaped. It was all wrapped up in the path he was preparing to open. Even in the dark tomb, the light that should be seen when the earth elements gather is not visible.

The spell is ready...


The originally hard soil and stone walls instantly turned into soft sand, and an oblique passage with a diameter of half a meter connected the two tomb chambers. Before the fine sand rolled down, Lucas's body suddenly accelerated and got into the fine sand.

In the tomb on the other side, a Holy See knight and a group of mummies stood in the darkness.

Eerie and quiet.

But at this moment, a large amount of sand poured in from a wall without any warning.

Someone is unleashing magic!

The sudden abnormal situation made the Holy See Knight prepare to sound the alarm. As a result, a black shadow emerged from the fine sand. Then the Holy See Knight's eyes flashed and he found that he was standing in a half-collapsed tomb. This was definitely not where he should be. That tomb.

This is where? What happened?

The expulsion skill mastered by Lucas can already expel hero units across planes. Heroes below level 14 will be expelled to designated planes; heroes at level 14 will be randomly expelled to other planes; heroes at level 15 will be expelled to other planes at random. Will be expelled to a random location on this plane; heroes above level 15 will have a knockback effect.

When Lucas saw the Holy See Knight through the fine sand, he immediately recognized that he was definitely not a hero above level 15. Therefore, in order to save time and unnecessary trouble, he did not kill the Holy See knight, but randomly expelled him to an unknown place.

Fine sand flowed in along the inclined channel, and the wizard and Da Liang also emerged from the channel one by one.

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